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Ruwaida smiled timidly at her fragile self that stared back at her from the small wall mirror. She could tell she'd lost weight, not very noticeable due to her being already petite, but it wouldn't be ignored either. And at that moment, there's nothing she needs more than to feel normal again. And she times without number, sits and asks herself; 'am I really dying soon'

A tough reality isn't it? Indeed yes! Nobody would want to bring death in his circulative routine, but then, it wouldn't also wait for your permission. It happens at a decreed time, known alone to The Lord Of Mercy. She reached for the small red water container, fetched some water from the bucket beside it, and washed her face, ones again looking up to see her face in the mirror. She wiped her lower lip that hard a pronounced dark speck by its edge, which made the part of the lip appear more prominent.

"Ruwaida! Are you changing your skin in there, hurry up please," she muffled back a laugh as she wrapped the zani around her and hurried out of the toilet. She slowly wiped her face and reached for the end of the Atampa to drain her wet hair, sending an apologetic look towards her fuming aunt. "Here, wear these clothes, mutumin will be here soon, you're going out with him," Aunty Hadiza's angry face soon portrayed into a mischievous one as Ruwaida gave her a blank stare, whilst she, endlessly wiggling her brows.

This better not be what she's thinking!

"Aunty Hadiza, this is my best dress I can't wear it today, and besides it's not a Friday or I'll have!," Ruwaida tried to act nonchalant and totally out of ideas of what is happening, but her aunt knew more than anyone that Ruwaida had clearly understood her words. She's just being paranoid. And if there's one thing she noticed about her niece, then it must be her fear for any type of relationship, especially with her present condition.

"Look, Waidatu get ready for the sake of Allah, I'm sure he must be here already, I can't imagine how you'll look today," Aunty Hadiza held up the nicely sown gown to Ruwaida's view, her beautiful smile still intact.

"Who would be here," looking up slightly from arranging her washed clothes, she raised her brows questioningly.

"Who else? Your husband to be of course!," Hadiza released a loud hoot, dropping the gown back, before sitting beside Ruwaida. "Or have you forgotten that you're supposed to meet before the engagement,"

Ruwaida posed from getting into the dress and stared blank at the wall, then mumbled incoherently. "How can I forget,"

Hadiza slightly pushed her face forward. "Did you say something," with a smile smirk, she watched Ruwaida squirm uncomfortably before hastily zipping up the gown.

"No...I just asked if you've seen my Hijaab," Ruwaida turned peaceably and scanned around the small room, hoping she'll see the blue Hijab Mama had placed on her bag last night. It would fit perfectly with the blue imprinted wrapper. But unfortunately, the Hijab was magically gone.

"Hear, wear this veil, look, it's pretty large, you don't have to blabber about it being small, I know and those your hijabs," Hadiza passed her the veil and then without waiting for Ruwaida to oppose her, walked out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Ruwaida turned and faced the wall mirror, looked at the veil and then up again. She thrust the veil around her nevertheless, and then watched breathlessly. She looked...she couldn't even pinpoint her words. And she angrily, took it off and made her way towards the door so she could argue just to get rid of her anxiety, but only to stand paralyzed, hearing a voice she knew too well, from the living room.

Unconsciously, she placed her index finger on her lips and slowly bit her nails. She couldn't hide her nervousness for much longer. She felt like she couldn't face him after he pulled such a stunt. When did their friendly relationship turn into something gigantic as that? She couldn't answer that as well, but she hoped he'll be able to give her the right answers. Because by Allah if he isn't able to, then she'll live her life regretting that moment that Hadiza took advantage of, and made her wholeheartedly say 'Yes I do'

Her lips comatosely moved upwards Into a radiant smile, hearing Hadiza's contagious laughter. She wondered what Dr M had said to make her aunt laugh that bloomingly. Feeling someone try to push the door open, she hastily moved backwards, keeping her up eyes to look at the intruder.

"I see," Hadiza dragged looking at her niece suspiciously, a tint of mischief spelled around her mocking smile. "Already prying to listen to his voice,"

"No! Why would I do that Aunty Hadizaa," Ruwaida looked up at her aunt horror striken, feeling her cheeks go pink from sheer embarrassment. It clearly looked like she was indeed prying.

"And why are you still standing here, come on," Hadiza forced her into the veil and literally forced her out of the room. Irritably and hoping that her mother wouldn't be in sight to give her that weird smile she's being wearing these few days, she wore her flat Indian slippers and sauntered out.

She stood by the boot of the car, blinking a little from the blaze of the sun rays, while her hands, tucked on each other to dim down her skittishness. She felt awkward, seeing that he didn't come down from the car, nor did he ask her to walk in, and she swore she wouldn't do the later without him asking her too. How can she just drag her tiny legs and then sit herself in his car as if they've been together for long?!

"Hey," She detached her eyes slowly from staring at the ground to meet his eyes on her. "Quite surprised?You weren't expecting to see me, were you," His serene exquisite grin made it hard for Ruwaida not to nod her head like a lost agama; if that could even be possible.

"Yes...I mean of course, how are you," she hated herself for sounding absurdly nervous. She's sure he'd noticed.

"I think I'm good now," He replied and then watched her silently for a moment. She made up short sentences in her mind on how to strike a meaningful conversation with him, but all her attempts to speak proved fruitless. "Shall we,"

She raised questioning brows at him. "Huh,"

Muhammad turned and then looked as serious as he could. "Our date?," when she looked even more confused, he released a dramatic sigh "Didn't anyone tell you we're going on a date,"

Shaking her head to confirm she isn't hearing things, she narrowed her eyes at him. "No, Dr Muhammad, we aren't going on a date,"

He stared down at her. "Of course we are, now, let's not argue on our first date should we? Let's go," Muhammad hastily reached past her and went to open the passenger sit for her, watching her with his contagious smile.

Looking at him briefly, she tentatively made her way and sat in the car, peering at her nails while he roared the car to life. The drive to the small eatery was a silent one. All Muhammad did was take a moment to glance at her as he drove, while she, found her hands of most interest. She felt his gaze on her every move and that made her feel all kinds of awkward.

Getting into the small confinement, they sat in silence before finally getting their orders. Muhammad understood her quietness and he could tell she's just waiting for the right time to ask him her bugging questions, which he hopes he'll be able to account for.

"So," He began, and Ruwaida snapped upwards to look at him. "Should we talk...about,"

"Yes we should. Why do you want to marry me Ya Turaad," As if she's indeed waiting for him to start talking, tears filled her eyes and soon, they glossed. "You know I'm suffering from know my shoddy background, I can't help but wonder...why?," she looked pleasingly at him, her one hand resting on the table.

"Because, I love you for the sake of Allah, and I wish you mine, for the rest of the days I've Ruwaida," Time stood still for her. That isn't what he's supposed to say, no! He's not supposed to love her. He can't love her. She stared blankly at him, hoping he'll see the pleadings in her eyes, and finally tell her the truth, but indeed, just maybe, that is the only truth!

SilentWriter 🦋

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