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Life is always tricky. Things you don't expect are things that happen to you. And what you want might end to be non khair for you. After all, Allah Subhanahu wata'Alah knows best. And for ones in his life, he felt the need to do something for himself other than what his family expect of him.

Excluding his career, all he could think of that took place in his life had always been his grandparent's suggestions, or his parent's, which is the one big problem of being from a sovereign family. From your birth, they have your life planned as if they could actually change what Allah had already willed a billion more years before their own existence. And to his dilemma, he can't do a thing when the time comes. Except to gladly accept and move in.

His Father was the oldest son of the present Head of their hometown, which makes his father the next inheritor of the throne. But he had died when Muhammad was just 12 and Zarah 1, along with his  youngest sister Maryam from the same mother, in an accident.

Ammi being Muhammad's mother and Mama Zarah's, making Late Ibrahim Yamma, a husband of two. Ammi decided to stay back in Yamma with her mother Aunty Talatu, since she's related to Ibrahim even before the wedding. While Mama took a dismantled Muhammad and her daughter strapped behind her back to their house in the large city. And took care of the children, leaving them to occasionally go to Yamma for a stay, especially during holidays.

He took the file Nurse Maria had passed over to him, while walking out the waiting lounge to his office. His black bag he always take along with him half way zipped, showing how fast he had to arrange so he could make it for his few meetings and rush back home. Or maybe even get dressed for his first ever date. He wouldn't call it a date tho, the duo doesn't even know about it, so it's much complicated.

He smiled his way to his office, placing the bag on the sofa by the right side of the squared room. And just like always, the filled forms of the numerous new and returning patients laid on his desk. After making himself a hot coffee, he sat himself down to check through them, and as if jinxed, Ruwaida's name popped up on the front brown folder he held. He rushed over to place the cup down, woth half the coffee spilling all over his table.

He huffed before staring again at the file. "Is she sick again," he thought, rushing to the door with the file still intact.

"Dr. M. Ibrahim," he turned hastily to face her, not hesitating to show her how much in a rush he's. "Could you please save a minute, the woman in Room 16 is still yet to talk, she's being rocking herself for hours, I'm not sure if it's possible to ask how she feels if this continues for another day...,"

"Well, Where are the doctors from the mental department? I'm not sure I'll be able to follow you right now, could you wait for me in my office? just 10 minutes," he replied adjusting his eye glasses.

"Oh-sure," he turned and made his way to the stairs, not sure if he'll be able to stand by the elevator and watch the red lights go on without a stop. Forgetting to do it earlier, he raised the file to his view to check the room number.

Room 66, just two more rooms. He held on the doorknob but then, wondered what he was even doing. What he'll say if he walks in; he's the doctor of course! He doesn't need much to explain.

He walked in with a Taslim, making all present to raise their heads up and stare at him. He grinned at Zarah, perplexed of how she even made it before him. Ruwaida must have informed her' his subconscious answered and he immediately yawed his gaze to face her.

"Talk about the devil! We were just talking about you," Zarah claimed, not heeding to Ruwaida's pleading eyes. She should have known Zarah to not keep mum in such a situation.

Muhammad hummed under his breath, making himself comfortable on the rubber chair beside were Zarah sat. "I see," he trailed, looking up at Ruwaida who immediately turned away from him. "So what have you two talked about,"

Zarah gave him a suspicious look. "I'm not sure you want to know, oh, and I wanted to call you earlier to here if  you could check her tests since the lab attendant came back and informed us of Dr Zainab not being around," replied Zarah.

"Yes, I just saw her file on my desk...

"And you came rushing," Zarah cut in mockingly with a stifled laugh.

Muhammad ignored her, even tho, what she said was nothing but the plain truth. "What happened? Did you faint again," he asked, checking through the files intently.

Not sure if she's supposed to answer, she fiddled with her fingers before she replied. "Erm no...I just felt a little dizzy, so I took paracetamol, it didn't work and Mama advised we come to the hospital,"

"You shouldn't have tried self medication you know," Muhammad queried, taking a pose from checking her reports. She only squirmed with her eyes a bit dilated while she turned to face zarah. And the girl had busied herself admiring the duo talk. She just found the nervous looking Ruwaida and the workaholic brother of hers with much chemistry.

"Where's Mama, there are some tests here that haven't been conducted let me call Hajjo...

"Er, Mama went to get me the rest of the drugs...we'll come in a few weeks for the other three tests," Ruwaida replied, scratching her neck beneath her blue hijaab.

"And why will you delay the tests? It's necessary, and from the others I'm sure these are needed urgently,"

"Assalamu-Alaikum," They all chorused a reply at ones, Muhammad quickly standing up, so Mama could replace him on the chair.

"Thank you dakta," Barira smiled, stretching out her hand to give Ruwaida the drugs. "Toh! Are we leaving now,"

"Ahh Mama, I think we'll take the tests before you leave, it's necessary, and I'm sure since the dizziness and loss of weight is quite persistent, there's a 100% need for it,"

Barira looked sad for a moment, before she beamed with a cheerful glint to her face. "Her Father has travelled and I'm not sure I'll be able to pay for all of it at ones," she replied with all honesty. She also had started to get badly worried about her daughter's health condition. As she isn't getting any better.

Muhammad too had panicked seeing the test that were supposed to be conducted, but with much assurance, he hopes his surmise aren't true, or anything close to it. "There's actually no problem, I'll call Hajjo right away, the tests should be conducted please, you can pay later,"

Barira sighed with happiness, turning to look at her daughter who's head had been ducked down all the while. "Alhamdulillah, Thank you dakta (Doctor), May Allah reward you abundantly,"

Muhammad nodded with satisfaction feeling his heart to its brim. "I'll wait for the results in my office. Zarah you can stay with her before Hajjo arrives,"

Zarah nodded, watching as he made his way out. She loves how things are moving. Just maybe, this her Over shy friend is the one.

Silentwriter ☕️

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