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Behind the large hospital building situated the Doctors block, Abdullah stirred uncomfortable in the small bed of Room 66 and then buried his head into the white sheeted pillow as the sounds from his phone shrilled louder than he could take. He only got out of surgery by 4 AM and went to sleep, tho, it seemed much unworthy for him to do that. He grunted noisily and reached out for it, but the moment he noticed the caller, he hissed and tried to properly lay back down.

How dare she call him after what she did? He thought, tugging his right hand under the pillow. And when he noticed the lights from the curtains by the window, he sluggishly sat up. He lazily slid out of bed and pushed his feet into his black corporate shoes, while he was still in a white shirt and a tuxedo pants.

Nurse Maria put her head round the door after her knockings have being ignored. "Dr Abdullah, you're still here," she walked in and placed down the file she held on the round center table.

He took up his neck tie from the floor while giving her a brief nod. "Do I have any files on my desk,"

"Yes and No, well, most importantly Dr Muhammad had asked for you and I mentioned seeing you walk to this block, he said he'll like to see I came,"

Being in a very angry mood, he wouldn't have much to say to anyone, until he finally have his breakfast and a full belly could certainly cool him down. He again nodded and walked pass her out of the room and directly to the hospital cafeteria. He bought himself two hand burgers and a steaming cup of coffee.

He's always angry about the fact that, they work day and night in the hospital and never get free food. He didn't say that because he's a foodie, but mostly because it's true. He gently placed them on the table and looked up at the figure that has being endlessly staring at him. "Why are you looking at me like that,"

Muhammad today reported for duty in a gleeful mood, but he wondered why his friend had the total opposite look on his face. "Morning to you too, why do you look like a mess itself," Muhammad gave him a teasing look over, from his two top buttons which where unfastened, to his tie that's half way in the air. And not to mention his hair that looked like a bush.

Abdul stopped drinking his coffee to look up at his friend. "You can't even imagine, I slept In the doctor's block yesterday," he answered rather grumpily.

"Why? I thought you're off duty today," Muhammad asked sympathetically.

"Well! To cut it short, I don't think I'll like to go home after a hectic day and have my wife shouting my head off," Muhammad slowly looked down at his plate of rice, and then slowly wrenched the spoon on the small napkin. One good habit of Muhammad's his utter cleanliness. One could think him being a woman.

"Oh! What happened now," Muhammad asked. He couldn't deny the fact that since day one, he never liked Abdullahi's wife. Even before they got married, Muhammad first noticed her unspeakable way of dressing. But as blind as Abdullah was, he said she'll probably change after marriage. And sadly...she never did. It only got worst when he found out that she's not even much acquainted to the five daily prayers.

"Maryam happened! Can you imagine she wants me to pay for her bills to go to London for some friend's wedding? For two freaking weeks!," Abdullah whisper yelled, hitting the table unknowingly.

Muhammad shook his head without looking up from the plate in front of him. "You have to be patient with her Dr A, you know how she'd being brought up, just take heart, sit her down and try to talk to her calmly," Muhammad advised, reaching forward to give Abdullah a manly pat on his shoulder.

"Don't you think I've tried? I did! I even took her to Hajiya so she could give her motherly advice, and guess what happened?," Muhammad gave him a blank stare, urging him to speak. "She indirectly talked back to her! My own mother for Allah's sake,"

"Please Abdullah, calm down," Muhammad made his voice sound sharp, though every bit of him wanted to scream 'I warned you not to marry her' but he knew it would be a bad idea seeing how miserable Dr A is.

He looked at Muhammad for a moment and then straightened up, adjusting how he sat. "She's being disturbing me with calls that all her other friends had left already and she's the only one hanging... I really don't know what to do about her, she's trying to be in control, if I'll have listened to Hajiya, then I don't know, she'll have been out of my life by now,"

"Subhanallah," Muhammad gasped. "No! Please don't talk about an annulment! It's very wrong, you can always remind her of her duties you know, I can see all these problems are dragging you down, but please have patience Dr A, you never know what will happen," 

"So, should I let her go to London,"

Muhammad's lips on their own accord moved up into a smile. Abdullah will always want to please his wife, and now look! He's contemplating whether to ignore her or follow her demands, as he always does. " can ask for a leave and go with her, you know, have a blissful two weeks without being called into the theatre,"

Abdullah suddenly looked irritated. "You know I'll not go to any stupid wedding with her, in fact, I'm not paying, if she has the money, then she can go for all I care! Dama she never listens to me anyways," He shrugged and went back to his coffee, which suddenly tastes different due to his mood.

"Ya Turaad," they both looked up at Zarah as she hastily walked into the cafeteria. She had sworn to leave and go back home if he's not in there. She's been going around the hospital looking for Muhammad. And bad enough, his phone wasn't going through. "Finally!! So you're here,"

"Yes, I came for breakfast, what are you doing here," He asked watching as she dragged the chair beside him and sat down.

"Uncle Bashari has been trying to reach you since yesterday, where have you kept your phone," Muhammad suddenly felt scared, as his heart banged disorderly under its ribcage. He knew his uncles went to see Ruwaida's father the day before and he didn't think it necessary to keep his phone fully charged. Well, maybe it was because he was scared to hear bad news from them, which is why he left the phone on his bed, at home.

"What did he say"

"I don't know, he just asked me to come here directly after my lectures to see if you're fine, and plus he'll like to see you urgently," She replied and that is when she noticed someone watching them. Her heart did a thunder flip in realization, and with fingers crossed she silently prayed it isn't Dr Abdullah.

"Oh Allah! Let me be going then, I'll be checking Hajiya Lailah's daughter by 2:00 pm, so I'll make sure I'm back before then," Muhammad said and stood up. He can't even imagine what Waida will think of him after hearing from his uncles, he's very sure she'll reject him! Ya Allah...he hopes for no such to happen.

"Good morning," Zarah greeted Dr A as she also awkwardly stood up, grasping the chain of her pink Dior bag.

"Morning, Zarah right?," he answered with a smile.

She gave a quick nod and then let her eyes slide away from him, feeling her face redden foolishly. She can't be crushing on her brother's partner who has a wife can she? Well yes! As long as Muhammad doesn't find out, she's still in the safe zone.

"Let's go Zarah, I'll drop you home and head directly to them," he put out a hand and shook that of Abdullah's. "We'll talk later, stay calm for my sake please," Abdullah briefly smiled at him, watching as they walked away.

God! Now he'll go home and listen to his wife banter! What a free day it is!

Silentwriter 🦋

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