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Ruwaida managed to fake a smile at Zarah while she tried tossing back the mug of hot steaming coffee. Zarah pushed it back with a playful glare, making sure to not let it spill. She won't let her go without eating anything, not when her brother had given her a task, for the very first time.

Ruwaida on the other hand, glanced down at the good looking coffee she'd dreaded a taste from. She actually didn't like it, but she couldn't fathom the courage to say. Tho, she will not be able to take anything else, well maybe only Awara. "Zarah...please could I have just a cup of water, I'm really having a bad appetite right now," she winced, trying on her best puppy face, which didn't quite do the trick as Zarah shook her head in the affirmative.

"A ah Ruwaida, please have the coffee, I even added some fresh milk into it, you'll really like it, or will you have the pepper soup? I made it myself," She beamed and wiggled her brows as if it is the best thing ever. To cook!

"Er I'm now having doubts about eating everything you brought, you seriously made it," Ruwaida asked in amusement, her lip crocking up into a smile.

Zarah pouted angrily before taking back the mug so she could have it herself before it gets cold. "That's not fair! Instead of you to say you'll eat it all!,"

Ruwaida muffled back her laughter, yawing her gaze to the front door that went ajar as they spoke. Her brows cringed upwards in confusion, seeing the state her mother is. The smile on her face soon faded, watching her whole family enter into the room with gloom faces. Mama and Abdul sat beside her on the bed, while her father stood by the edge, clasped in his arms was Barra.

"Ruwaida, how are you feeling my dear," She held out her mother's hands with a satisfied smile, wondering why she'd exaggerated her situation with tears. As her eyes had already puffed out and her fair skin looked quite too reddish.

"I'm good Alhamdulillah, I'm feeling much better now, Zarah took good care of me when you went out in the morning. Sannu Abbi," She greeted, looking up to meet his eyes. He answered with a nod whilst gently patting Barra on her back.

"Oh! Zarah! You did help me soo much, thank you for staying with her," Zarah smiled at Mama, finally acting like a well mannered lady, and how off did that seem to Ruwaida, because she couldn't stop giving her the bewildered look.

Zarah smiled at her well kept nails. "It was nothing Mama, I hope she recovers soon," she replied her actions nonetheless matching not with her outfit. As usuals denim jeans and a pink t-shirt.

Mama's sudden change of mood didn't go unnoticed by Ruwaida, and she could feel how suddenly her breath had hitched in fright, hoping nothing was amiss. "Ma...Mama, What's wrong,"

Barira smiled feeling her heart sink with Ruwaida's voice resonating through her ears. drawn out of her reverie, she sighed and answered. "It's nothing Waidatu, don't worry, we will settle everything soon InshaAllah,"

Still not convinced, she nodded hesitatingly while turning to stare at Abdul, who out of the ordinary, seemed more calm than he usually is. He never stays quiet, especially when Waida is around. It's like a thong for them to argue on anything. "Abdul, what's up with you, lost the match huh,"

He looked up at her. "Oh please...I didn't even go, have you forgotten you slept a whole day and a half," he replied, his voice frankly untoward.

She didn't reply him, rather, she watched Abbi close his ringing phone and thrashed it back into his kaftan pocket, while he bent down to whisper something to her mother, handed over Barra before he sauntered out. She found their actions very odd, and the worst part of it all was the tiny yet dominating voice in her  that kept wondering where Dr M could be. On a normal occasion, he will have walked in to check on her, with the pretense of being a caring doctor.

She slowly looked away from Mama and bit her lower lip, feeling as if Mama could see right through her.

The double doors that led to the main part of the hospital, swayed and fluttered their rubber fringes and Dr Abdullah came through, with a young dark looking lady, dressed in a casual uniform of blue, probably a surgeon.

"That really went almost out of control, I had seriously panicked seeing how in a trice her heartbeats lapsed," the lady breathed softly, turning her head left to look at Abdullah.

Muhammad saw them and hesitated for a moment, before he managed to make his way towards them. With a smiled, he walked with them both  to the doctors' dining room, listening carefully as they spoke about the last surgery they had accomplished successfully. 

Sitting around the table after their orders, Turaad sighed loudly, wondering what was happening with Dr A's newest patient. "Any further development," he asked Abdullah, who had suddenly paused from sipping his drink.

"What sort of developments do you want? I told you what had happened Dr M Ibrahim, her guardian had asked for sometime to arrange for the treatments, I'm giving them just that," he looked at Muhammad with an expression filled with suspense. He suddenly dropped the can and leaned forward. "Or is there a way to help them? You know how Mr. Ado is, he won't let any sort of medications on free basis around here,"

Muhammad felt his face whiten. "Exactly, so, I'll see what I can do here,"

Abdullah smiled warmly. "I have seen you help others as much, but not so adamant like you're being right now, something's up with you," he replied with a glint of tease in his voice.

Aisha watched them argue with a display of one calm practically she wasn't really feeling. "What do you mean? Now a man can't be generous in peace," he replied back with a smirk, taking up his cup of tea with him. "I'll be in my office. I'll see you tomorrow," he added and walked away, leaving his steaming chips to the duo.

He had come into his office with a look of blind affliction on his whole face, that the old man who sat obvious to Turaad, could see it. He'd stood still in perplexity by the door, surprised by the man leaning his back on one of the office chairs. He suddenly smiled and walked round to sit himself down, greeting the man politely as he did.

"Sannu Doctor, please I brought my daughter for tetanus injection, she had caught herself badly earlier while playing with rods," he explained, pointing at her on the couch fast asleep.

"Okay sir, I'll just get the tetanus shot ready In a few, by then wake her up please," he replied and walked out. He didn't even notice the small girl when he walked in earlier.

It took him only ten minutes to get back, and when the girl had noticed the sharp needle he had when he approached her, she began crying hysterically, that it began to look funny.

It was really hard before they got her stay In one place to take the shot, and her screams only made it worse. She cried and didn't stop till Turaad had bribed her with a pack of sweets. The day sure got quite hectic for his liking. But then, there's more he has to do.

Silentwriter ☕️

RUWAIDA ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora