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          With every hardship comes ease

Ruwaida sat tranquilly on one of the waiting chairs in private casualty room, playing occasionally with the green loop of her phone as she awaited Turaad's return from checking out her profile. She woke up today with sore limbs, and she at first didn't want him to learn about it, so she did great in walking slowly around the kitchen whilst making breakfast so her limping will rarely be noticed, but how did she fail!

She answered him plainly that she was fine, but he refused to believe her. His short stay with Ruwaida had compelled him to understand her more. And one of her bad habits is being so closed up. She hardly says what's on her mind. So all the time, he tries to make her talk, converse more and point out her opinion. Well, it happened ones tho. They were watching a movie the night before when she suddenly mentioned something about a specific character, being too overdramatic. And since then, he made sure that they don't miss on that programme. She precisely had interest in it.

And that was how he forced her to get dressed and come to the hospital with him. He's much worried about her health, especially now that he noticed so many other symptoms slowly becoming transparent.

Ruwaida briefly raised her head to the door as the sound of its knob being clicked receded. She saw the nurse that came in before swiftly walk in, leaving the door slightly ajar. One could tell she's such a clean freak, with her white uniform so white, and her hair well kept with no attachments, holding a tray of sharp tools that made Ruwaida cringe.

"I hope you're not too tired with waiting," Nurse Meghan smiled widely, now turning squarely to face Ruwaida. "The laboratory power went out plus the generator has been misbehaving for quite a while now, so it will take an hour or two to adjust everything before you are called in, I'm so sorry Mrs Turaad,"

Ruwaida had only nodded, a sentimental expression clouding her face at the name the nurse had referred to her. "It's okay," she finally found her voice and watched as Meghan walked to the windows and raised up the white curtains. She immediately wanted to ask about Muhammad, but her vocals had betrayed her, up until Meghan had left the ward.

Out of boredom, she pressed slowly, the home button of her phone and went online, checking the few new fresh boards on the Pinterest Muhammad had downloaded for her. She smiled as she came across the acrylic painting account she loves most and went on to save the images.

There were several many other apps he had downloaded for her, but she still doesn't find them loving as much as she did Pinterest, well except the phone of course! She could call home and talk to her mother for hours without getting tired. Caught up in her phone, she didn't here when Turaad walked in, and he stood by the door in surprise, watching her give her phone all the attention it does not deserve.

"I see that the phone had been a great company," Muhammad smiled as he sat on the chair beside hers. "Fair enough, I kept you waiting," Ruwaida closed the phone, raising up her head to glance at him.

"Sorry, I didn't here you come in," she replied him, totally ignoring his teasings.

He smiled again in gesture, tapping on the file he held to gain her attention. "Let's go, you'll be meeting the best doctor In town in 15 minutes, would you like to eat something before he arrives," she stood up too, and shook her head. She'd already eating not long ago, more food wouldn't do her good. She's sure of it.

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