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The hens around the neighborhood crowed early that morning, and in the residence of Mal Moolah, the sound of water flushed against the cemented area as a tap was turned on, just like that, it broke the sleeping spell that had almost made Mahmoud miss his Fajr prayer, making him to abruptly get up to sit on his bed. His Nokia phone alarm is supposed to wake him, but then, he couldn't tell why it hadn't made even a message beep.

He took it up, pressed the middle button, and just then did he know of his low battery. He sat quietly on the bed occasionally wiping his face as he stared blankly at the floor, his hands gripping on the phone more than necessary. It would have been a little better if he didn't wake up with such a heavy heart, his phone battery wouldn't have disturbed him.

But to be frank with hisself, he knew more than anything that his inability to arrange the money is his biggest worry. He had tried everything possible, but not one of them had worked for him. Not even when he dropped his self esteem behind and visited his rich friend, who promised to call him the very next day, but now counting the days that slowly went by, it's being 6 days straight, and not even a missed call from him. He regretted ever visiting Sani, because he dreaded such a situation where he will be rejected. He only had did because Barira blackmailed him with her endless tears.

He sighed again, now hearing the calls to prayer getting a bit louder. Just at that, Barira steered in her sleep and slightly looked up from where she laid on the bed, but a figure sat blocking her view of the little light peering into the room from out the corridor.

"Ahh you're awake? Good morning," she greeted, now sitting upright while she adjusted her scarf. He gave her a quick nod and stood up, aiming nowhere but the door. "Won't you even answer Mahmoud?," her voice sounded worried,she, slowly getting down from the bed to stare at his face. "What's wrong,"

"Hmm it's about the hospital bills, I don't think Alhaji Sani will be able to send us anything, I'll just sell the land,"

Barira hastily shook her head in disapproval, taking her head up to look at him, surprised at the expression on his face. "You don't have to Mahmoud, I know how much that land means to you, you don't have to do this, let's just be a little patient don't you think," She said and smiled gratefully at him, which did quite much in making him feel a tad bit better. And she's right, the land is the only asset he had left of his parent, but then, it's also true that when he lets his daughter's condition get any worst, then he'll live the rest of his life blaming hisself for it.

Mahmoud sketched a smile at her and placed the mobile in her right hand, while he said nothing. Just nodded and then walked out of the door. She followed right behind him, taking the water kettle by the tap and filling it with water. "I'll also pray before you get back, we will talk then,"

He ones again nodded, murmured a silent  azkar and then tentatively walked out of the house, the iron doors making sounds as they closed behind him. It became daylight the moment Barira had concluded her prayers and the sounds of clattering of dishes hushed around the neighborhood that now beamed with life. She tided her room and rushed into the kitchen to make a quick breakfast for Ruwaida, while strapping Barra on her back.

Lucky enough for her, she finished early without much nuisance from Barra. She cheerfully took it to Ruwaida's room. And when she put her head round the door, she found Ruwaida still on the sallaya, quite of a surprise to her because Ruwaida rarely misses Fajr prayer. Nevertheless, she walked into the room and placed the tray on the empty space while she sat beside it.

"Good morning Mama," Ruwaida greeted, taking up the mat and gently folding it. She'd just concluded when Mama walked in. Barira answered her with the same energy, watching as her daughter slowly joined her, placing the prayer mat atop her bed whilst wearing her favorite blue hijaab.

Looking at the tray, Ruwaida did not waste time in pulling the plate closer to her, and she ate everything. All the scorched eggs, the slices of bread, and emptied the whole cup of tea. And as she tried putting in the rest of the tea from the red colored flask, Mama slowly reached for her hand, stopping her midway while giving her a bewildered yet, horrified look.

"Are you okay," she looked up and caught Mama's watchful eyes on her, which made her to slowly take her head back down. And at the silence, she wished Mama will not ask her anything more. She rather take her drugs, weep to her heart's whim, then doze off fitfully to a place where all that transpired the day before would be a dream. "Waidatu look at me," Mama reached for her chin and made her look upwards, while Ruwaida instantaneously tried to close her eyes. "Open your eyes Ruwaida, have you been crying? What's wrong please? Talk to me," Barira's cheerfulness which she had woken up with suddenly disappeared, and all she felt then was fear, for even when they told Ruwaida about her condition, she didn't cry.

It scared her why Ruwaida didn't give a reaction as she presumed, but rather, Ruwaida had listened carefully to Dr Abdullah about all she needed to do and stayed rigid, with a smile all through her interview, check up and some few free tests that were conducted that very day. At some point, Barira felt worthless for crying like she'd lost Ruwaida, not remembering that Allah will always be there to help her when she calls out to him.

"Ruwaida I'm talking to you, stop staring at your hands like that, you're making me scared please, is something bothering you," Barira reached for Ruwaida's hands which she had found now much interesting as she endlessly stared at them.

Ruwaida had a chance to simmer down the rush of tears that clouded her eyes when Mama had drawn her body to hers in a hug. And she let the hug tug her out of her worries, with its serene feeling and warmth that enveloped her whole. "Don't worry kinji, nothing will happen to you, you'll surely get better by Allah," Mama hushed in her ear with a cracking voice, patting her back rather too lovingly, which had only made her finally break down.

She wished it is only that which's bothering her. And now thinking of it, she can't help the feeling of him getting married to someone else seemed like a rejection to her. But he had never mentioned liking her or anything of such, the chocolates, the cards and everything must have had a reasonable explanation, so  she let her thoughts to stay in the lane of being helpless.

"Shhh, don't cry anymore, you'll be fine okay? Babu abun da zai sameki, remember what the doctor said? He said you shouldn't worry yourself much(nothing will happen to you)," Mama said swiftly placing a hand on Ruwaida's head. With a shrilling sound from her mobile, She raised her head up sharply and glanced at it. She immediately took it up and placed it to her ear, with Ruwaida still clung to her.

"Hello Mahmoud," there was silence as she listened to something he'd said. "Wait! Really?! Oh okay...Then I'll go right now...yes, she's here with me, she's good...okay then...Adawo lafiya,"

Ruwaida slowly sat up, wiping her face with her hands. "Was it Abbi," she asked and coughed, not sure if that husky voice just came out of her.

Barira gave a nod and stood up, taking the tray along with her. "Yes, he said I should arrange some food and if possible assortments too, he'll be expecting should have your drugs and rest, and we will have to talk, I'm serious," she replied with a stern face before dragging the door behind her closed.

Ruwaida ambled atop her bed, took her drugs and closed her eyes to do what she'd intended. Dream of a place where what Zarah had said seemed to be a red herring and nothing else.

Silentwriter ☕️

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