"Don't Run, Callida, I'll Catch You"

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He ground his teeth, his eyes blazing. I felt sick to my stomach. What if he would lash out on me? I had no chance to defend myself. His eyes became slits. "I smell your fear", he growled lowly. Turning around, he rushed to a window, where his hands clasped the windowsill forcefully. No words left his lips. His vacant eyes only watched into the night. 

I could clearly see his inner turmoil and this knowledge left me dumbfounded. Why was he that agitated? Did I really have the power to raise such an emotional conflict? HE WAS THE PROTOS! A cold hearted killer. I, a young girl, couldn't be the cause of his confusion? All my senses told me to leave, to escape. I was sick and tired sitting in a thin nightgown on this bed, but I couldn't see my clothes anywhere. How should I leave this room undetected? It was impossible. 

„Where is my gradfather? Does he know, I am alive and breathing?", I asked in a meek voice. The Protos turned to me. For a few seconds he didn't say a word. "I know, I don't have the best reputation, but do you really think I would let an old man suffer? The grandfather of my destined, her only family?" 

My eyes widened. Was he for real? This town was full of gossip how he tortured, killed and executed ... I didn't even need gossip, I was a witness myself of his ways. "Last week I saw you behead somebody on the market place", I stated calmly. "It was the most gruesome thing I've ever seen. And I saw many horrible events here in Gordan." 

I watched his reaction carefully. He remained silent and stoic, only listening, waiting for my next move. "You were enjoying what you did ....you smiled", I whispered. He groaned, taking a few slow steps in my direction. "Sorry, that I am not sorry to kill a rapist", he declared with a hard voice. "He was a convicted child molester and I was happy, when I chopped off his head", he huffed out.

My eyes grew big as saucers. The Protos had a ... heart and a sense for justice? I shook my head incredulous. Could it really be that he wasn't giving in to his instincts ...to act cruel...but rather handle things on a more logical basis? It contradicted everything I knew about the Creachadair. They were guided by instinct and emotions, not by ratio and logic. 

Yes, they were some kind of humanoid beings. Once they were fully human, many generations ago, but then something happened that changed their genetics. I don't know what exactly, but somewhere in history it happened. The Creachadair didn't even know that they were our genetic relatives. And we let them believe, that they were a totally different race. Like all the other races of Desa. Truth is, we all had the same ancestry. But that was long, long ago.

The Protos sighed. "Listen, your grandfather was escorted to your home, as you weren't waking up. He was tired from the difficult birth assistance he gave. I told him, I would give him a message when you wake up." He walked to the door, opened it and spoke a few rush words with somebody standing outside. Then he returned. "I send a messenger to your house. Ailis will bring you some clothes. When you are ready, I want to talk to you about our ...", he watched me with a piercing stare, "matter". 

I gulped, peeking at him. He was in a strange way ...a very handsome man: big, strong, proud and self-confident with green mesmerizing eyes. A little smile spread across his face. "You may look, my little destined, I am all yours", he said, mocking me. 

Looking away I blushed like crazy. A soft laughter took me by surprise. I couldn't believe my ears. Was ... was the Protos ... laughing?? Slowly I turned to him ... and was caught by two green orbs, that were roaming my face. First my eyes, then my lips, then they lowered to my neck, collarbones ... breast , wandering further down my body until they reached my waist. The rest was hidden - thank heavens.

All of a sudden I felt a strange feeling evolve. A tingling mixed with heat? I felt excited in a strange way like I've never felt before. This time it was the eyes of the Protos that were widening but in the next instant he lowered his head, his nostrils flaring. A little moan left his mouth, taking me off guard.

Suddenly his eyes opened again, his face contorting into that of a beast: his fangs on display, claws growing he turned abruptly to the door, his back on me. "Don't run, Callida, I'll catch you, as you know, I am not somebody to be fooled with", his hoarse voice threatened. 

„Lord Gaisgeil ...", I tried to ask, when I was allowed to leave, but again he turned his head and looked in my direction. "I am the Lord or Protos to everyone else in Desa, but to you I am Gaisgeil." I was too shocked to realize that the door shut behind him.

Theos, please guide me. I am not able to cope with this creature, I begged in my mind,  letting out a deep breath I was holding in. He wanted me to address him as my destined by his first name without formalities! Gaisgeil! Could I do it? Everyone feared him, lowered their heads in front of him; I was no exception.

I rose from my comfortable prison walking to a window on naked feet. The lights of Gordan lay in front of me. What a beautiful sight. But hidden under that surface was a cruel world full of strife, struggle and death. Behind me I heard movement. "Callida, the Protos told me to bring you a few clothes and shoes. Would you like to try them on?" Ailis looked clearly uncomfortable. 

I couldn't understand why, because the clothes were fine and beautiful. They would fit me perfectly. "Where did you get that clothes so quickly?" I watched Ailis twist and turn back and forth, something was bothering her. " I ...I took the clothes from one of the  Daonnachd women of the harama." My eyes shot from the clothes to her face, my forehead furrowed. 

"The harama? Whose harama?" Her head lowered, she stayed silent. "Ailis?", I pressurred her to answer. Her sad eyes rose. "My brother's, the Protos." The clothes fell from my hands.


Theos= Greek= God

Harama= in several languages= harem

Gaisgeil=Gaelic= heroic

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