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Nefaria was a big city, settled on a gigantic platform that wasn't formed by nature. We didn't know, who built the platform or what its function originally was, but somewhere in history humankind decided, that this place was a good one to start a city.

After reading the little bit of information about "the big wave", I got my hands on, I think I know what happened. Our ancestors caused an ecological collapse by their way of living, the way of producing and consumption. This, I understood. But how their ways caused a big flood to drown half of the world was still a mystery to me. Also, how we humans developed in different ways.

I was excited to finally meet Ainmire. Perhaps he could help solve one of the many riddles of Desa. To get to the big gate to enter into the city, we had to pass a longe bridge. The only way to get into the city. Nefaria was only accessable via that bridge. So, if you wanted to conquer the city, you had to get over that bridge.

As we passed through the heavily protected big gate, I was overcome by a chilling feeling. Dread! A hunch, perhaps my survival instinct, kicked in. I felt danger ahead of us. A real life threatening danger. But I trusted Gaisgeil's and Ronan's intuition. They wouldn't lead us straight away to our graves?!

We were led to a big assembly hall and welcomed by the Sapientis of Nefaria. He was the gatekeeper, the link, between the citizens, visitors and official delegations, who had an appointment with baillif Keallach. 

As always, the Sapientis was a Daonnachd. The man was in his 30th sommer and physically well built and handsome. He bowed in front of the Lord of Desa and Ceallach. We others weren't even acknowledged as if we weren't present. Yrina greeted her teeth, hating disrespect. I frowned at his attitude. He must think very high of himself. Obviously we were beneath his dignity.

„Welcome, Mylord to Nefaria, Mylady Ceallach. We are very honoured by your visit, Mylord. Your Sapientis didn't notify us of your visit in advance, so we are a little caught of guard. If we had known, we had prepared a great reception and feast in your honour."

Gaisgeil waved him off. „It's alright, our visit was spontaneously so there wasn't any time for a  message. Don't blame yourself. We only seek for a bed and a bath."

The Sapientis bowed again. „Of course, you'll get our best rooms."

"The Lord will sleep in my quarter, Sapientis", Ceallach required.

My heart thundered hearing her words, my hands fisting. I watched Gaisgeil's reaction closely, but he didn't show any emotions. Neither approval nor refusal.

 "Your wish is my command, Mylady, I think..."

He was interrupted by a young man who skidded into the hall and almost slipped on the marble floor. 

„AI", he cried out happily, opening his arms wide in a welcoming gesture with bright eyes. „AI", our friend called back, a big smile exploding on her face. She ran into his arms, embracing the man. 

So this must be Ainmire. She told me that they became best friends after she saved his life. He was an introvert, but Ai was patient with him. Her calm nature and softness was exactly what he needed to come out of his shell. Ai said, they fit each other like a glove. They were soulmates.

He was simply stunning! Tall, lean, light brown skin, beautiful green eyes, that popped out, long hair, he wore in dozens of curled braids. If you only judged a being by its appearrence, you would have thought, he was a real catch. Certainly not, that he was a loner, hidden in his own world. 

I saw in the corner of my eyes that Ronan observed their encounter with mixed feelings. Jealousy and anger swirled in his eyes, but also understanding. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. As he reopend his eyes, I recognized, that his good nature won, the jealousy gone, replaced by a soft smile on his face. Relaxed he watched the two playing around, happy to have each other. 

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