" No, Don't"

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Appaled about his cold behaviour after killing Amarin, I analyzed Gaisgeil's careless exterior. I observed, how he cleaned his gory dagger thoroughly with a white tablecloth. He must have felt my stare, because his eyes rose to mine, not halting his actions. Without a care in this world he continued to remove the blood from his precious knife. 

Disapproving his ruthless manner, I turned over my heels, grabbing a blanket from one of the seats and heading with it in hands to Amarin. I couldn't leave his bleeding body on open display. If Gaisgeil had no reverence, I had.

My stomach revolted, when I covered the dead body. Only minutes ago he was alive, ready to rescue the world of ...my destined. One last time I watched his lifeless, once so blue eyes. Now they were of a dull grey colour. As life faded out of his colder getting body, the colour and vibrance left too. A tear rolled down my cheek. What a waste, to die in such a cruel way...butchered like a lamb.

"My Lord...", Adhoan burst with a bunch of his men through he door, practically smashing it to shreds. His eyes scanned the place for a possible danger. They stopped at the body on the floor, widening. "Callida, are you allright", he asked with raised eyebrows and a concerned expression. Gaisgeil huffed. "You charm every man ...", he muttered lowly, only for me to hear.

"Yes, everything's alright, Adhoan", I replied with a fake smile to reassure him. Adhoan's already  risen eyebrows turned furrowed. He went to the blanket, raising it above the head. "It's the young Daonnachd council member", he expressed incredulous. "What's his name...", he snipped his fingers, searching for words. "Amand...Annid ..."

"Amarin", I voiced calmly, "his name was Amarin." Aodhan's head snapped in my direction, recognition on his face.

A shudder ran down my spine, as I saw the bloodied cloth still in Gaisgeil's hands. You wouldn't have guessed that it was white under the blood and gore. My stomach tightened, ready to throw up. Gaisgeil saw my repulsion and threw the cloth away. Aodhan watched our exchange thoughtfully. 

My destined's eyes never left mine. "You may go, Aodhan", he commanded in a strict voice, leaving no room for questions. When he realized Aodhan's hesitance to follow, he thundered "NOW", leaving no doubt: He wanted to be alone with me. 

Aodhan send me a regretful look but followed his Lord's command, leaving the room with the men, one by one. My emotions went haywire. I simply couldn't ...

A presence beside me interrupted my thoughts. I froze. "Why are you making such a big deal of his death, Callida? Why do you cry over him?", Gaisgeil pressured. "You said, you didn't know him well?" His cynical question threw me off the edge. Gritting my teeth I shot him an angry glare.

"You just killed a young man who didn't really deserved to die", I accused. "A living breathing being, that wanted to live, to live a self-determined life with no boundaries, no humiliation, in peace and freedom. You destoyed it."

My statement earned me a mocking snort that fueled my anger even more. I fully turned his way with my hands on my hips. Gaisgeil's slightly frown changed to annoyance and irritation. He even had the audacity to roll his eyes, like my attitude was unintelligible. I've had enough. His callousness was unbearable. 

"Are you even a feeling creature?", I murmured disappointed. My eyes searched his cold ones. "Is your heart able to feel anything other than disdain, hate... and oh...let's not forget ...lust?", I deliberately provoked him. My last comment made his body stiffen. "Is it that easy for you to extinguish a life?" I shook my head unhappy and disheartened. Did I really want to spent my life with a cold-blooded killer?

Gaisgeil gritted his teeth, throwing a short glance at the covered body of Amarin. "What do you expect me to say, Callida?" He watched me with narrowed calculating eyes.

 "You want me to show remorse? Regret? To mourn his death?" He shook his head in clear dislike. 

"That won't happen, Callida. You Daonnachd think too much about your actions. You think and overthink. But sometimes life is simple and easy. The choices we have to make are simple too." He hardened his face. "Nothing breaks as easy as a human heart...that's why you are weak."

He stood straight and proud in front of me, while I disintegrated by his cruel words. He was a showpeace of the perfect warrior, who acted in total unison between his body and mind. And I? Was he right? Was I only a weak human? 

"Don't you see, Callida? It was HIM or ME! It's as simple as that, there was no other option." He neared me with his long legs, engaging me with his massive build. I rose my eyes to meet his.

"He", he nodded to the body on the ground, "would have killed me without a blink of an eye, if I let him. Don't doubt it for a minute. If I had made the mistake to think for a moment, that there was another option, HE would now stand in front you, and I layed on the ground."

Silently he assessed my reaction to his words. Face to face we breathed heavily. 

Suddenly his lips capured mine in an act of seizure. He sucked my lower lip, biting it slowly. Overwhelmed my eyes remained closed by his passionate attack. Gaisgeil's tongue traced my lower lip with gentle strokes, his tongue asking for entrance. In my state of shock I automatically gasped in need of air - he immediately took the chance and slipped in, not forcefully, but with confidence. The confidence of a man who was experienced, who knew what he did. I felt his fangs brushed my tongue ... and it turned me on. I felt alive and confused at the same time.

Gaisgeil imitated with his tongue, the movements of sexual penetration, a low rumble evidence of his own pleasure. That sound tore me out of the passionate fog.

There, on the ground lay a dead body. I was disgusted of myself, of him. I pushed him away...or tried to. He didn't move an inch, but he let go of me. With his right hand he wanted to touch my face. "No, don't", I stopped him.

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