Epilogue: The Power of Love

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3 summers later

It took us two years. Two years of talking, explaining ... and again talking. We visited the deepest corners of Desa. The Lord of Desa descended with a big bang. He implemented his last will with sugar...and a whip. 

Of course, those in power didn't want to give up their privileges. Why should they? Life was so much easier, if you held the power in your hands. If you exploited the sweat of others, if you held them down, so YOU could profit.

But these times were definitely gone. Every community, every city in Desa had to obey the common "law of equality". Nobody stood above the others, everybody had to obey this law. 

And everybody had to contribute something to the community, according to their own abilities. If someone had accumulated goods and wealth, he or she had to share.

Every community - wether big or small - installed a board with people and creatures who were elected, because people trusted their abilities to lead in the name of all. Nobody held the power in his hands alone. Power was shared and controlled. After a certain period, an election had to be held again. 

After initial difficulties everything worked as we hoped it would. Our circle of friends went separate ways but kept in contact with the technological help of the Bertaèyn. Mobile phones were common technology now for all. Nuclear cold fusion provided the energy for an easier and more pleasant life.

Ainmire chose to live with the Bertaèyn, loving the life there. He soon adapted to their lifestyle, learning to become an engineer.

Conor...well, let just say...that fate worked its magic. While we were at the Bertaèyn, he and Ceallach got to know each other and well...fell in love. They stayed together in Nefaria and had a little daughter. Lilly is a ray of sunshine, a human child and incredible smart. 

Conor was elected as a member into the board and Ceallach became a huntress, accompanied by her wolf, providing the town with meat. 

Yrina and Kane, Ronan and Ai live in Gordan. I am happy that they are near each other. Ronan and Kane work as security guards of Gordan. They watch out, that everbody obeys the laws. If there are problems between people, they sort it out.

Yrina learned from the Cuan to become a fisherwoman. She loves it, the open sea, the freedom on a ship, to work with her hands.  

Ai became a famous healer in Gordan. Finally her skills were being used in a good way, helping humans and creatures, regardless the status. She was five months pregnant und sad, that I would miss the birth of her first child. I was sad too, but I knew, Ronan and her were the happiest couple you could think of. 

My beloved grandfather Ascan lives with Ailis and Senan in Gordan. Ailis became a second granddaughter to him in the last couple of years, like Gaisgeil became his grandson. Ailis and Senan admitted their love to each other and married. Both being smart and very emphatic, were elected into the board of Gordan.

My grandfather was sad that I wanted to leave...again. But I promised him to come back within a year. He understood, why I had to go. I loved him even more for his comprehension. 

I was happy, I got to know my other side of the family - my grandparents, aunts and uncles, my cousins. A deep hole in my heart closed slowly, the longing for the love,  trust and support of a big family was satisfied. My newfound relatives were unhappy with my desicion to leave too, but they knew, I would keep my promise to return.

Gaisgeil's son lives with his mother Blaithin. After our return, we sorted everything out. While we were gone, she fell in love with another man. When we returned after being away for seven months, she was pregnant with her second child. To our utter surprise, she fell for a human man.

I have to admit, I was relieved. Gaisgeil loved his son, but he understood, that Blaithin had her own little family and that his son Ascan would grow up with two fathers. 

Desa became too small for my destined and me after what we heard that day from Fabian Meyer. His urgent plea to treat the world and our fellow beings with respect reached my soul. I wanted to see more of this planet, that we humans treated so bad. So bad, that nature turned against us, nearly destroying this world...and us. 

Gaisgeil and I decided to leave for a longer journey.  What we saw, opened my eyes. Different people of different colour with different gods, traditions and believes. Outside of Desa we didn't find any creatures, only humans. This was an eye opener.

To them, Gaisgeil was only an extraordinary big and strong man, nothing more. Nobody would believe, that different beings populated this world. They wouldn't understand ...

But we understood one thing: Desa was a few steps ahead in becoming a place, were you WANTED to live. This was a comforting realization.

Gaisgeil and I stood on the snowy peaks of one of the highest mountains, we had even seen. We felt a deep connection to this earth and its inhabitants.

My destined pulled me into his arms, resting his chin on my head. 

"I love you so much, Callida. You are the light in my life."

His deep and soothing voice began to sing:

I'll protect you from fangs and claws
Keep the evil from your door
When the chips are down I'll be around
With my undying death defying love for you...

I closed my eyes, simply relishing his love.

This is the end. I hope you enjoyed my fantasy story. If so, please press one last time the little star button and leave a comment. I love reading your views - either good or bad... 

I wish you all the best! Keep in mind: We are all the same, no matter where we live, no matter the gods we believe in. 

I dedicate this story to my father Dimitrios who died in October 2021. It broke my heart. He was a loving dad who raised strong daughters. Μπαμπά, Θα σε σκέφτομαι για πάντα!!! Κάποια μέρα θα ξαναβρεθούμε.

With love

Patti Dimitriou

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