"No Beheading Today"

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He thrusted deep into my core, his hips moving back and forth in a fast rhythm. How I loved to feel him buried deep inside of me. I was craving his body, loving his touch. But I also loved touching him. My fingers ran over his powerful arms, kissing his shoulder, his collarbone. To suppress a rising moan my lips pressed against his skin. He smelled so good, it was intoxicating, fueling my lust even more. Suddenly the pace of his thrusts quickend and I welcomed each one of them with my hips. Involuntarily a yelp escaped my lips.

"Shhh....hush, mo ghaoil, Ronan has bat ears. Do you want him to know what we are doing?", Gaisgeil whispered in my ear. I stilled instinctively.

"Yes, mo ghaoil, do you want me to know, that you are doing the dirty deed?", a deep voice mocked from outside the door.

Gaisgeil stopped his movements abruptly above me. With a groan he put his face into my neck,  annoyed. I giggled because the situation was simply ....hilarious.

Gaisgeil heaved a sigh, than rolled off my body, his face flushed with embarrassment.

I snickered with my hand over my mouth. Gaisgeil watched me irritated but as soon as our eyes met, he grinned, engulfing me in his arms. "So, you find it funny, huh?", tickling my sides.

"HAHAHAHAHA....noooooo, stop....", I begged. My destined gave me a sloppy kiss, resting his forehead on my shoulder.

"Theos, I only wanted a little quality time with my woman. Is that to much to ask?", he whined.

"Quality my aaaaaass", the same deep voice sing-songed tauntingly again.

"Argh...I am going to KILL YOU", Gaisgeil thundered, his voice rising at the end.

With a last peck on my lips he rose from our bed, walking to the bathroom. I watched his back with a very possessive feeling. This gorgeous man was mine! Gaisgeil must have felt my burning stare, because he turned around smirking my way.

"Do you like what you see, mo ghaoil?", he winked, before disappearing behind the bathroom door.

I smiled. That little prick! He knew, how he made me feel and enjoyed it. I stood up and followed him ...


Our little group had been staying here at the Immaniters' for nearly a week, waiting for Ronan's full recovery. Gaisgeil didn't want to risk loosing his first commander and friend.

Meanwhile the new bailiff of the Immaniter was elected by the people. You heard right, elected. Actually it was Gaisgeil's idea to let the Immaniter vote for a new baillif themselves.

I was amazed by his decision! Was he changing his attitude? Why?

Freshly showered we both left the room, hand in hand.

Ronan and Ai were lounging on very comfortable seats. Ai had warmed up to us. She told us everything about her life, her strive to survive, to protect her sisters. And we took her in in our little friend group along with her sisters who were still sleeping. They were such sweet girls. It's incredible how well they turned out although their surroundings were evil and toxic.

"Atropa" was the name Ai gave herself. "Atropa" was the killer. Aiko, nicknamed Ai, wanted to distance the one persona who killed from the other one – Ai, the loving sister and healer.

"Aww, look at them? Aren't they cute together...", Ronan rubbed his chin in mischief, watching us enter the living room of a guest house we were staying at.

He leaned back, his legs spread. "Sorry, have to correct. Callida looks cute but Gaisgeil like a man who didn't get any...", Ronan snickered.

Ai's and my eyes met. We couldn't resist...we laughed like hyenas. Poor Gaisgeil, being mocked like a normal mortal by his friend and us.

Gaisgeil gritted his jaw, his aura changing in an instant. Ronan immediately froze in allert.

"You are getting a little too bold for my taste", Gaisgeil growled, his face darkening.

Ai and I watched each other with wide eyes. She indicated with her gaze at her bandaged wrist. I understood: she had a plan B hidden in her leather bracelet. Her little poisoned darts would paralyze Gaisgeil if needed. I nodded slowly. 

My destined's eyes turned to slits. "Maybe it's time to bring you back to earth?", his angry voice mock-guessed.

I began to feel very uncomfortable. His orbs began to dilate, his Creachadair peeking behind his eyes, ready to come out, his fangs on display.

Ronan carefully observed Gaisgeil's features. Stiff like a statue he gulped his nervousness down, waiting. As a precaution he didn't rise to avoid provoking Gaisgeil's Creachadair.

"Ai? Callida? Stay still, don't move", Ronan pled in a calm voice, avoiding any confrontation by lowering his head in submission.

Suddenly my destined's face morphed. His fangs retreated, his features relaxed. And he...he was laughing ...he was laughing at us like he had heard the best joke of his life. He laughed loud and heartily.

"BOO!", he mocked. "Look at the big Dhaoine...GOT YA!", he shouted satisfied with himself and his prank. Ronan simply gawked Gaisgeil's behaviour, unbelief and shock written on his face.

"Theos, who would have thought the Lord of Desa has...humour?", he said slowly with a raised eyebrow, still unsure what to make out of his Lord's little act.

Gaisgeil threw himself down on the divan trembling with laughter, happy his scheme worked on poor Ronan.

The rest of us exchanged stolen glances, unsure, if the Lord of Desa lost his mind or not.

"WHAT THE GEHENA IS GOING ON HERE", a loud voice boomed.

Our heads turned to the entrance. There stood Conor crossed armed and wide-legged.

"Ah..little brother, come here, let us have some bonding time", Gaisgeil demanded still smiling.

Conor snorted. "You are having the time of your life here. Are you drunk or something?"

Gaisgeil looked around opening his arms in a theatrical gesture. "Why? Is the Lord not allowed to joke around, make fun, be normal? Am I only normal when I torture, kill and behead?"

He rose from his seat, snapping his fingers. "That can be arranged..."

I shook my head like a mother scolding her child. "No, no beheading today."

My destined had the audacity....to pout!?

Conor groaned, rubbing his head. "You know, what I think?", he emphasized slowly watching us all, one by one. "You have first symptoms of cabin fever."

The door banged open. "Exactly my thoughts", Yrina vented in a very irritated way.

"Enough is enough." She indicated to Ronan. "Look at that oaf. He is healed, alive and kicking. The Immaniter have a new Bailiff...one, that's not crazy, an impaler or cannibal. Our job here is done. We have somewhere to be", she pressed, forcing our attention.

We watched her a little cluesless. Yrina rolled her eyes, muttering a string of curses under her breath.

Ai was the first to ask. "Um, where?"

Yrina facepalmed. "NE-FA-RIA", she said with a pointed look.

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GusGus is an Icelandic electronic music band from Reykjavík. As you know by now, I always listen with my headphones to music when writing...I like them very much.

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