"More Answers To Be Found"

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We arrived at a settlement with a few dozens of colourful houses. Most were two-storey made of wood. The roofs were overgrown with moss and grass. Everything looked peaceful and mythical right out of a nordic saga. I read the Icelandic sagas like Njáls saga or Snorra-Edda. They have an interesting language and it's amazing and unique, how their language survived.

Most Daonnachd and creatures of Desa spoke "Koine", a language that evolved a long time ago. I researched this language: it was a mixture of several old languages like Gaelic, French, English, German, Spanish and Portuguese with a few words of old Greek. 

I was amazed, how the Islendigur transformed their traditions to Desa. We others didn't really have "old traditions". I wanted to know more about them. Perhaps they had a deeper knowledge about their former culture...perhaps.

On a slow pace we rode through the streets that were surprisingly paved with cobblestone. The stones were designed with themes of the nordic world like ships, waves or the Midgard serpent.

 The stones were designed with themes of the nordic world like ships, waves or the Midgard serpent

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Intrigued I watched my surroundings. Did Daonnachd live here, outside of the cities? Who built everything? 

It was very uncommon for Daonnachd to live in the wide open lands of Desa. It was too dangerous with all the creatures out there and nobody to control, that common rules were obeyed ... and violations punished, if rules were broken.  

Arnar guided us to a big longhouse that was overgrown with grass. You couldn't see anything of the outer stone walls or the roof - only green. On one side, where it was unprotected  to the wind and the weather, it didn't have windows. As we turned the corner to the entrance, I was surprised that this side was entirely made of thick glass.

 As we turned the corner to the entrance, I was surprised that this side was entirely made of thick glass

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My mouth gaped open. I have never seen anything like that. I wanted to enter through the door but was stopped by Conor.

"Callida, we don't know anything about these people. It could be a trap!", he whispered, holding my arm.

Gaisgeil straightend up next to me. "Do you think, I'll let my destined walk into a trap?", his quizzical eyes taking his brother in. 

They weighed each other. Gaisgeil had the upper hand because he was bigger and more intimidating....and he was my destined. The uneasiness I felt since yesterday about Conor multiplied. Why was he suddenly that possessive over me? Something was deeply off.

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