"I Delayed The Inevitable"

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„That was...", Gaisgeil shook his head in astonishment. His loving eyes trailed my tired face as I washed Conor's blood from my hands.

Ai handed me a towel. „You have all the right to be proud of Callida. She is an incredible surgeon. I couldn't have made it without her."

I smiled at her. We did it, I was so happy, we saved Conor. Now he can live a normal life, even without a spleen.

Suddenly two strong arms embraced me from behind. Gaisgeil was peppering kisses on my neck. „How could I be so lucky to have such an incredible destined?", he said in wonder. I blushed hard, hearing his praise.

I turned around to face him. 

"You saved my brother's life - you and Ai. What you both did is unbelievable to watch."He scanned my face in awe. 

"You put your hands inside his body, took something out...and he still breaths and lives...!!??!"

Chuckling, I embraced him. "So I won't be burned, Mylord?", I teased him in a husky voice. His eyes darkened, lust clouding his gaze.

"Hellooooo!? Go get a room, I am still here!!!", Ai scolded us in a friendly tone.

I snickered in Gaisgeil's chest and he groaned. "We won't see much of our bedroom, not until Conor is out of danger and Nefaria' future secured." 

"Than I am happy to help you out, eradicate one of your worries", a pain distorted voice joined in.

Our heads whipped to Conor, who was lying peacefully on his bed with closed eyes. Gaisgeil was the first to reach the bed, hovering over his brother.

"Hey, little brother, how are you? Are you in pain?"

Conor snorted, smiling and coughing at the same time. "What do you think? Your destined cut my guts open and played with my insides."

Gaisgeil exhaled, the worryline between his eybrows vanished. You could really feel, that he was releaved that his brother survived and was joking around.

Conor smiled softly, seeing his big brother cared truely about him. But suddenly his smile faded away, being replaced by anguish. 

Why the sudden mood swing? Something was bothering him. Perhaps something, that he wanted so desperately to tell us before the surgery?

"Hey Con, what's torturing you?", Gaisgeil asked in a careful and calm way. For the first time he used a nickname for his brother.

My face must have betrayed my inner feelings, that I was deeply touched. Ai's arm went around my shoulders in reassurance. Together we watched the heart-warming scene in front of us. 

I still couldn't fully comprehend, how the cruel Lord of Desa transformed into this sensitive and loving man. It was a miracle! Was I really the cause of all his reformation, like he said?

Conor tilted his head in shame. He wanted to avoid his brother's gaze. Why? Was he hiding such a terrible secret? In anticipation, Ai and I listened without making a single sound.

"Brother, I...I am ashamed to confess." Conor wiped a tear from his face. "How will you forgive me?!"

"But...it has to be done, your lives depend on the truth." 

Gaisgeil immediately stiffened but remained composed. "No harm was done, Con, you can tell me, I won't judge you."

Conor trailed Gaisgeil's face showing regret. "I was all an act", he whispered.

Ai watched me with a big question mark plastered on her face. We told her and the others the story of Amarin and Consilius, how Gaisgeil killed his half-brother without knowing. 

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