Young!Stannis Baratheon X Tully!Reader - The Tully Sisters

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A/N - This chapter is somewhat inspired by 'The Schuyler Sisters' from Hamilton. Reader is giving me big Angelica vibes, so became the oldest sister. I hope you all enjoy it.

It had taken you weeks to persuade your sisters to join you on a journey into the nearest village to your home. Weeks of putting their minds at ease, that even in the worst case scenario you would return home completely unharmed, and at most, you would receive a slap on the wrist for going unattended. But eventually, their resolve had given in, and they had allowed you to mislead them once again. 

Maybe they wouldn't have given in so easily if they had known what you had. The village would be teaming with soldiers, of all ranks and backgrounds, readying themselves for the next battle and looking for a little bit of relaxation. 

Lysa had been the first to take a disliking to that new bit of information, her face cloudy as she looked around the crowded space. "Father told us we weren't allowed to come to town alone anymore," she started, her brows furrowed in a way that made her look far older than she truly was.

"It's lucky we're all here together then, isn't it?" you uttered, a grin plastered onto your lips as you craned your neck to take in as much of the scene before you as you could. 

She sighed, shaking her head slightly. "It's bad enough that we're even at war in the first place-"

"You can still go home," you interrupted. "Cat and I are more than happy to explore without you."

Lysa was gripping your hand a moment later, linking her fingers with yours to make sure you couldn't wander off without her. "Fine," she muttered, as you smirked down at her. "But I still don't understand why you even wanted to come down here-"

"Look around," you hurried out, shaking your head in sheer disbelief at her nonchalance. "This is the revelation. This is history being made right before our eyes. How does that not excite you?"

"I hate to admit it," Cat started, shaking her head slightly. "But Y/N is right. If the Targaryens fall, Westeros will be changed forever."

You were practically bristling with pride when you turned to smile at your sisters. "We're never going to see Riverrun like this ever again. We should make the most of it whilst it's still here." 

"Excuse me, miss," a voice interrupted, a hand touching your elbow lightly and causing you to spin quite suddenly to face the man behind you. "You dropped this," he added, holding out a handkerchief to you. "You should be more careful, or you'll end up losing it."

You were completely frozen to the spot, only breaking out of your daze to take the handkerchief from his hand. "Thank you," you hummed, finally managing to force a smile onto your lips. "I tend to be a little too clumsy for my own good," you murmured, attempting to hide just how flustered he was making you without him even having to make an effort. 

"Y/N," Lysa bit out, pulling on the hand still linked with hers. "Father'll be so mad if we don't get back soon."

"Y/N?" the man repeated, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as he turned the name over in his head. "Y/N Tully?"

Your eyes widened slightly. "No," you started, your voice sharper than you would have liked, watching as he raised an eyebrow at you, clearly not believing your lie. "Please don't tell. We'll be in so much trouble-"

The man held his hands up in surrender. "I won't tell a soul," he hummed out, watching as you released a soft sigh of relief. "But," he continued. "I am curious about why you're here."

"Riverrun isn't exactly a hive of new ideas," you uttered before you could catch yourself, letting out an awkward laugh. "If the revelation is going to come through my home, I ought to know what it's all about, right?"

His lip twitched slightly, a hint of a smile pulling at his lips. "I completely agree." He paused for a moment. "I would be happy to show you around," he added, and you risked a glance back at Cat for a moment, a little unsure of yourself. 

"I don't even know your name-"

"Stannis Baratheon," he interrupted, holding his hand out in your direction. "It's a pleasure to meet you, My Lady."

Your breath caught in your throat, your mouth opening and closing as you searched for something to say. "Baratheon," you repeated softly. "I wasn't aware that the Baratheon's were going to be staying with us-" your words trailed off slightly. 

"We aren't. It's just me, and I'd thought it would be better to stay in town with my men." You nodded slightly, swallowing around the lump in your throat. 

"I'm going to take Lysa home," Cat finally interjected, her hand resting on your back to catch your attention. "I think this is all a little overwhelming for her," she added softly. "But you should look around some more. I'll tell father you retired early."

Your eyes widened as you turned to look at her. "I'm not sure-"

"Riverrun will never be like this again," she hummed, taking your hand in hers to give it a light squeeze as she repeated your own words back to you. "Make the most of it whilst you still can." 

A smile blossomed on your lips as you nodded, releasing her hand. "I'll see you when I get home." You finally turned back to Stannis, smiling. "Where do you suggest we start?"

*Time Skip*

Stannis had wandered around Riverrun with you for hours, answering each and every question your curious mind could come up with. It had all gone pretty smoothly, the two of you comfortable in each others company. 

Eventually, as the evening had dwindled on, you had ended up in a tavern, tucked away in a corner, away from prying eyes. 

"I have another question," you had murmured, elbow leaning against the table as you watched him carefully. "I understand that the revolution is important, you've made that very clear. But, how is it going to make a single difference to the lives of women?"

"It will make the lives of all lords equal-"

"Lords," you repeated, interrupting him with furrowed brows. "I think I ought to meet this brother of yours and encourage him to include women in his new world order."

He snorted slightly, sitting back in his seat to smile at you. "I'm not sure he would take that demand too well," he told you, letting out a soft chuckle when you tensed slightly.

"I'm sorry," you uttered, shaking your head. "My father always says I'm too intense for my own good. He says other men will think I'm insane, and no man wants an insane wife-"

"Don't apologise," he interrupted, his smile still focused on you. "I make you right, by the way. There is no point in claiming equality in theory if you don't intend to offer it to all in practice." He paused for a moment, leaning forward in his seat. "And, I mean no offence to your father, but I don't think he has a clue what he's talking about. Intensity goes hand in hand with passion, does it not?"

"It does." 

He nodded, sitting back in his seat more comfortably. "Once the war is over, you should visit us in the capital. A mind as inquisitive as yours is wasted in a place like this."

"You're just saying that because you want to see me again," you teased, your smile faltering when he shifted awkwardly in his seat.

"That would be a lovely benefit to your travels, yes." He paused for a moment, giving a small shrug. "I've enjoyed your company today, and I would like to see you again, if that's okay with you."

You nodded. "It's more than okay."

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