Petyr Baelish X Baratheon!Reader - What I Did For Love

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'What I Did For Love' by David Guetta and Emile Sandé. Warning: This one contains emotional manipulation and very clear signs of a very toxic relationship. 

When you had first met Petyr, you had been naive, practically still a child and prone to falling for the charm he had thrown your way. He had given you the attention you had always craved, the attention that had been chased away when you were growing up with three older brothers. 

It was easier to push the mistakes out of your mind when you told yourself that you were so young. So stupid and trusting and kind. It was easier to understand how you had let yourself be lured into his traps when you were reminded of how quick Robert had always been to chase away suitors who weren't 'worthy' of your hand. But once he was King, his attention had drifted. He had been so focused on his work, and his new wife, and the lifestyle that was being handed to him on a silver platter, that he had allowed you a modicum on freedom. And with that freedom, you had made a decision that would end up destroying the life you had grown so accustomed to. 

Petyr had charmed you, and wooed you, and eventually he had confessed his love for you, and you had been more than willing to accept it. With Petyr, you didn't have to be alone anymore. You didn't have to beg to be noticed. You didn't have to suffer through another of Robert's feasts, lonesome and lost and pretending that everything would be fine. Until Petyr had come along, you had almost given up hope of ever being married. Had almost given up on any young lord having the courage to approach your brothers in the hopes of being blessed with your hand. 

When Petyr had asked to marry you, he had aimed the question at you. No Robert. No politics. Just a simple question asked with love. Will you marry me? And of course, your answer had been yes. 

You had gone to Robert later that day, asking for his blessing, and he had reluctantly given it. As much as he had never enjoyed the company of Littlefinger, you had looked so hopeful, so joyous, that he couldn't bring himself to tell you no. And so your engagement had been confirmed, and Robert had unconsciously signed his own death warrant.

Even now, you would go to your grave saying that you had never known what your husband was planning. How could you? From the moment he had met you he had been acting. He had pretended to listen to your wittering commentaries at tourneys. He had pretended to care when you told him of your childhood. He had pretended to love you when you were desperate for love. And then, he had pretended to mourn alongside you as you said goodbye to your brother. 

How were you to know that he had a hand in it all? How were you to know that whilst he was bedding you and whispering sweet nothings, he was plotting to use you to take the throne for himself? That he had planned your brother's death from the beginning and made you his unwitting accomplice? 

It wasn't until a few months after Robert's death that you had finally noticed that something was going on behind the scenes. You'd been headed to Petyr's office in the hopes that he would take some time away from work, that maybe he would spend the afternoon with you instead. And then, as you had reached his door you had hesitated. 

There were two voices in his office. The first was your husband. The second was your brother. Renly hadn't been to the capital in months, and now here he was, sitting in a meeting with Petyr, and neither of them had even told you he was coming.

"Even if we get rid of every Lannister left alive, the throne will still fall to Stannis first," Petyr had started. "And I doubt the stubborn old mule will give it up too easily."

Your entire body tensed at the comment. Sure, Petyr had never loved Stannis, but he had always been respectful, at least in front of you. 

"Old men die of small ailments all the time. Who's to say Stannis will survive his travels?" You lifted a hand, resting it on the door handle as you continued to listen. "I still think we should speak to Y/N. Stannis has always adored her; he trusts her-"

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