Bran Stark X Reader - Marry Me: Requested

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A/N - This chapter was requested by user: Hissriss132. It ended up being inspired by the song 'Marry Me' by Jason Derulo. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had known Bran since you were tiny children, playing out your fantasy lives together. You'd always acted the role of princess, in pretty dresses and full of grace, and Bran has been your knight in shining armour. If someone has asked you when you had fallen in love with him, you were certain it would have been one of those days, running around the grounds of Winterfell on some quest you'd come up with.

Of course, life had gotten a little rocky as you'd gotten older. Bran had fallen from the tower, and your mother had immediately ordered you to return home from Winterfell with concern for your safety. It had broken your heart to leave him alone, knowing that he would wake up and you would be gone. 

Perhaps, if you had grown to share Arya's rebellious streak, you would have put up some resistance; refused to listen to your mother and stay at Bran's side for the rest of your life. OR if you had been more like Sansa, you could have begged for your mother to allow you to stay in Winterfell. Both of the Stark girls had always been good at getting their own ways, but that had never been your forte.  Instead, you had returned home without putting up a fight of any kind.

You had been elated when you'd received word of Bran's recovery. His legs would never work like they once had, but he was alive and awake, and you had never been so relieved to read such simple words on a page. 

You were already planning to return to Winterfell to join Bran again when you'd heard of Theon's treachery, and so your plans would have to change once more. You remained in your home, waiting for word that Robb had marched home and taken Winterfell back from his old friend. But no such letter ever arrived. Instead, your mother had been the one to tell you of Bran's fate. 

The weeks that followed were the worst you had ever experienced. You'd been sick with the news, rarely leaving your chambers, receding into your bed with little care for the worry you were causing. It had become common for you to cry for hours at a time, only stopping when it was physically impossible to do so. And then, when the crying had stopped, you'd simply been numb. 

In hindsight, the numbness had been far worse than the crying. Laying completely still in your bed, staring at the ceiling and remaining absolutely silent. Your mother had attempted to visit with you in your chambers, endeavouring to draw you out of your cocoon of sadness. But nothing had worked. You'd just remained silent, and so had she, sitting beside you as a distant comfort. 

Eventually, the numbness had faded, and your heart had strengthened enough for you to venture out of the safety of your chambers. At first, you'd only made it down to the end of hall before turning back, completely exhausted. But soon enough, you could sit at the dining table with your parents without breaking down. And eventually, when Jon and Sansa had come to your father, asking for his support, you'd been strong enough to return to Winterfell with them.

"I'd heard that you'd been sick," Sansa had told you, her hand coming to rest over yours lightly. You'd both decided that it would be best to travel in a carriage, to give you time to catch up, though you knew your mother had insisted given your weakened state. "I was worried."

You nodded slightly. "When I heard about Bran and Rickon-" you paused for a moment, taking a shaking breath, "-it was like part of me died with them."

Sansa's expression softened slightly, and she gave a short nod. "What did you hear?"

Your breath caught in your throat as you opened your mouth to speak, coming out as a choked sigh. "Theon," you uttered, glancing up at her for just a moment.

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