Stannis Baratheon X Reader - Bye Bye Baby

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song 'Bye Bye Baby' by the Bay City Rollers. It's a little short, but I hope you all enjoy it.

The first time you had met Stannis Baratheon you had fallen head over heels in love. There was something about his stern expression that had drawn you in, revealing the dry humour that was hidden behind it. He had been nice to you, really. Polite and far less intimidating that you had first expected. 

"You know," you had murmured one afternoon, lounging on the grass as he flicked through a book. He had his brow furrowed, scanning the words with an intense stare, before glancing up at you, his expression softening slightly. "I thought you were going to be horrid company," you continued, watching his lip twitch into a half smile for just a moment. 

"And why is that?" he uttered, returning his attention to the page in front of him.

You shrugged slightly. "Renly told me you could be a real bore," you told him softly. "I think he just doesn't know how to be quiet for more than a second at a time." 

A chuckle slipped out of Stannis' lips as he folded the book shut, looking over at you. "I think you could be right." You smiled at his comment, leaning back to rest on your elbows in the grass.

"I'm always right, and you would do well to remember that," you uttered, hearing another small chuckle come out of his lips as you tipped your head back, letting your eyes drift closed. You released a small, contented sigh. "It's so peaceful here," you added, grinning when you felt him move to look down at you. 

"You are so beautiful," he murmured, his fingers tracing along your jawline as you finally opened your eyes, glancing up at him with a wide smile. A moment later, he was shifting away from you, leaving you confused as he put some distance between you. "I'm sorry, that wasn't fair of me." 

You reached out, attempting to take his hand in yours. "I didn't mind," you started, the words falling awkwardly between you as he shifted out of your reach. "Stannis?"

"I shouldn't be doing this," he muttered, his eyes fixed on the grass between you. "It isn't fair to either of us." 

Your brow furrowed at his comment, your hands wringing themselves together as you watched him carefully. "What are you talking about?" 

Stannis swallowed loudly, lifting a hand to rub at the stubble on his chin. "Robert has struck a deal with Lord Florent. I am to marry his daughter next month." 

"I thought-" you paused, blinking away tears. "I thought we-"

"Believe me, if I had a choice it would be you. It has always been you," he paused for a moment. "I would marry you today if I could." 

You nodded slightly, your hands bunched in your skirts. "How long have you known?" you started softly, watching as he glanced at from you, a frown etched onto his lips. "Stannis," you uttered again, drawing his eyes back to you. "When did you find out that you would be marrying her?"

"Two weeks ago." Stannis' voice was flat as he spoke, absolutely emotionless whilst his face betrayed him. "I should have told you sooner, but I didn't want to ruin our time together." 

"So instead, you decided to lie to me?" He looked a little startled by the pain in your voice, as you finally allowed the tears to well up in your eyes. "I think I should leave." You quickly moved to get to your feet, with him following close behind you.

His hand took hold of your arm quickly, pulling you to face him. "Please don't hate me," he started, his hand releasing you quite suddenly when he glanced down at it. "I didn't want this to happen." 

You swallowed around the lump in your throat. "Do you know what's really sick about this? I don't hate you." You paused for a moment. "I should. Seven Hells, there shouldn't another soul alive that I hate more than you. But I am so in love with you that I've skipped right past hatred and into pity. You are going to be married to a woman you will detest, and I am terrified of what that will do to you." You bit into your top lip to stifle a sob, only just managing to hold back the tears. "Somehow I feel guilty for what's happening," you added, your arms wrapped around yourself, as if you were giving yourself a hug. 

Stannis looked a little lost as you shifted uncomfortably on the spot. "I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything," you muttered. "I hope you find some way to be happy with her," you added, turning on your heel and hurrying away from him, headed for your chambers.

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