Jaime Lannister X Reader - Better Together: Requested

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A/N - This chapter was requested by user: mmrose16. I ended up using the song 'Better Together' by Jack Johnson for inspiration. It's a little short, but I hope you all enjoy it.

Ever since you were introduced to Jaime, he had been the main thing that occupied your thoughts. No matter where you were, or what you were doing, he was always lingering in the back of your mind. You often caught yourself zoning out of conversations as you wondered what he would be doing with his own day. Seven Hells, you were one of the soppiest, most lovelorn women alive, and you adored it. 

Even when you were sleeping, you found yourself dreaming of your husband. Before you had met, your dreams had been wild and untameable, but now they were softer, sweeter. You went from a dragon-inhabited hellscape to beautiful gardens, walking hand in hand with the man you loved. 

When you would wake in the morning, it would be with a smile on your lips, safe in the knowledge that your husband was still snoring lightly beside you. Gods, even his snoring was lovable, soft little sounds that fell from his lips like a kitten's purr. 

Eventually, he would wake too, his arms tightening around your and pulling you into him. He was a slow waker, someone who enjoyed just laying quietly for a while, tangled together under the sheets until he was fully ready to face the world. 

"Good morning, My Angel." His morning voice was something that you wished to commit to memory. Gravelly and full of sleep, it was wonderful. You could listen to his morning greetings and nothing else on repeat for the rest of your life and be completely content. 

Your lifted a hand, dragging your fingers ever so lightly over the scruff on his chin. When you'd first met, Jaime had been in a routine of shaving regularly. He was in the King's Guard and it was a more professional look to remain clean shaven. But now, he had allowed the stubble to grow in a little, and you had begun to become rather attached to the new look. 

"Morning," you uttered, smiling sweetly up at him as his eyes finally drifted open, meeting yours immediately.  He had once told you, when you had first been married, that he was happy that you were the first thing his eyes to see each morning. He had claimed that no man was worthy of seeing such beauty upon first waking, but that he was the lucky one who had been allowed such an honour. "How did you sleep?"

Jaime released a soft sigh as he stretched out his muscles, shifting forward to bury his face against the skin of your neck. "Wonderfully," he started, voice muffled against you. "You smell incredible," he added softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the skin.

A small chuckle managed to find its way out of you as you lifted your hands to his hair, pushing it back slightly. "You are always so clingy in the morning," you teased, holding him in place as he went to move. 

"You make me clingy," he uttered, voice still muffled slightly.

"It isn't a bad thing, Sweetness. I love it." You felt another kiss land against your collarbone as Jaime shifted, pulling away to press a proper kiss to your lips.

"And I love you," he murmured, his lips still brushing against yours.

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