Beric Dondarion X Wife!Reader - Shampoo Bottles

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song 'Shampoo Bottles' by Peach Pit. I recently discovered this band through a friend and have fallen in love with this song. It's a little short, but I hope you all enjoy it.

Your home had been quiet for the last few months. Hell, you were practically rattling around the rooms in the hopes of making any sound at all, just watching as your possessions gathered dust. It felt as though you were living in limbo, waiting to find out whether you were a widow or not. 

You hadn't moved any of Beric's things yet, unsure of whether he would ever be coming home. Well, actually, you had tried to move them. You'd gathered up a few bits of clothing that had yet to be sent to the laundry, but the smell of him on them had stopped you. It was as though he was suddenly with you again, unmoving and unspeaking, but there and alive. After that, you hadn't been able to bring yourself to move anything else. They were portals, taking you to him when you needed him most, and you couldn't risk losing that ability until he was home. If he ever came home. 

Sometimes, you even found yourself talking to him as though he was in the room with you. It's not like you really thought he was there, or that he could hear you, but sometimes just saying what was on your mind, as you would have before he'd left, helped to calm your frayed nerves. If anyone was ever to hear your rambling, they would have thought you'd gone mad. 

One evening, as you were wandering around your home muttering about the mess, there was a knock on the front door, startling you slightly. You never got visitors, especially not after the sun had set for the night. The knock was repeated, shocking you back out of your thoughts as you made your way to the front door. 

You weren't sure who to expect, and as you swung the door open, you almost didn't recognise the man standing behind it. 

"Hello, beautiful," he uttered, and there it was, the voice that you had longed to answer you for months. Tears formed in your eyes as you continued to stare at him, terrified to move for fear of him disappearing again. Hells, speaking to yourself was one thing, but you would have to be properly fucked up to start seeing things that didn't exist.

"What are you doing here?" you answered softly, brow furrowing as you watched him shift on the spot. 

Beric looked a little confused for a moment. "We were sent home," he told you, reaching out to take your hand in his. Your skin was cold to the touch, and your whole body tensed as he touched you, half expecting him to dissolve into thin air. "The Lannister's called everything off. I'm going to be back for a while."

A smile pulled at your lips as you came to the conclusion that he was, in fact, real. You quickly pulled your hands from his, placing your hands on his face to pull him into a rather sudden kiss. "Never leave again," you murmured as you removed your lips from his, still holding him in place. "I can't stand you being gone."

Beric pulled you closer to him, allowing you to bury your face into his shoulder. He lifted a hand, running it up your spine in a soothing gesture. "Okay, Angel," he breathed. In all honesty, he felt quite similarly. Being away from you for so long had been painful, and he never wanted to suffer that way again. "I'll stay."

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