Sansa Stark X Fem! Reader - Cloud of Stink

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A/N - This chapter is based loosely on the lyrics to 'Cloud of Stink' by Biffy Clyro. It's a little bit short, but I hope you all enjoy it.

When you had first met Sansa she had been one of the most timid creatures you had ever set eyes on. Polite, and pretty, and well-mannered. She was the perfect little lady, but she lacked a backbone, and the world was bound to chew her up and spit her out as soon as it got the chance. 

"You know," you had murmured, sinking into the empty chair across from her. You had been watching the way she frequented the gardens for a few days now, waiting for the perfect moment to introduce yourself. "I think you're far smarter than you let on."

Sansa glanced up at you, confusion written on her flawless features. She attempted a smile, but it was hindered by her furrowed brow. "I'm sorry?"

You chuckled, holding out your hand for her to take. "I'm Y/N." 


"I know who you are. I wouldn't be talking to you if I didn't." You paused for a moment, watching as the wrinkle above her nose deepened, attempting to make sense of your interruption. "This city is full of egotistical men and women who think they know everything. And then there's you," you uttered, lifting a finger to tap at your lip ever so lightly. "You're an enigma. You don't go spouting every last thought that comes into your head. It's refreshing, but it's not exactly the done thing." 

Sansa's brow softened as she watched you, her mouth opening as though there was something she wanted to say but couldn't quite get out. "Thank you?" she finally murmured, before a small soft laugh fell from her lips. 

"You're welcome." You released a short sigh, your lips pursed as you lowered your hand back to the table. "I'm going to teach you everything you need to know to survive King's Landing," you added as you got to your feet.

*Time Skip*

Winterfell was just as incredible as Sansa had always made it out to be. You had always assumed that she had seen the place with a child eyes, had played it up until it became this perfect little haven. But it as everything she had always told you and more. The snow was stunning, and though the cold of it was enough to chill you to the bone, you could stand looking at it forever. 

It had turned out, that Sansa truly wasn't made for the capital, but she thrived here. Winterfell was where she belonged, and now that you had seen her in her element, you had realised that all of your lessons had been for nothing. You hadn't needed to teach her a single thing. 

"You're incredible, did you know that?" you hummed out one evening, sitting comfortably in her office as she worked. She came here most evenings, now that the North had become a free Kingdom, and you couldn't help but follow along, just happy to bask in her silent presence. 

Sansa glanced up at you, her brow furrowed. "Thank you," she started softly, placing the quill down on her desk to look at you properly. "Is everything alright?"

You nodded, a small smile finding its way onto your lips as you watched her. "Everything is perfect," you murmured, giving her a small shrug. "I'm just happy you persuaded me to come here."

"I'm happy you let me persuade you. Usually you're such a pig-headed pain in the ass."

A faux gasp slipped out of you, your mouth hanging agape. "That is no way for a Queen to talk," you yelped, before falling into a peel of laughter. 

"I happen to remember you telling me that a Queen can do as she likes," you corrected, a smirk on her lips. 

You narrowed your eyes slightly, your head tilting to the side. "Fine," you hummed. "But I'm sure I like this mean new you," you teased.

Sansa chuckled. "Sweetheart, the meanness was always there, I just kept it hidden. And, if I remember correctly, it was you that told me I needed to speak my mind more."

"Seven Hells, I hate that you're always right," you murmured, releasing a soft sigh. "I need to stop distracting you, don't I?" Sansa nodded. "Fine, but you need to come to bed at a reasonable time tonight. No creeping in whilst I'm sleeping and pretending you've been there all night."

"I promise," she started softly, holding out her hand to you as you got to your feet, and beckoning you closer. She gave you a sweet kiss, and all of your attempts of lecturing slipped from your mind. 

"Don't be late," you repeated, shaking your head to regain your composure. "I'll be waiting." 

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