Talking To Nev And Kamie

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The Next Day

Gianna Brinley

"You really wrote into the show? Wow, I didn't know you had it in you G. I thought I would've had to do it for you." Heather said as we're facetiming.

"I wasn't going to at first. After talking to Matt last night and the conversation we had, I realized that its a never ending cycle and we're going nowhere at this point and I don't wanna keep going if there's no reciprocation or compromise between us. I was gonna just ghost him, but at the same time I do wanna know who I'm talking to and if he's not gonna make the effort in meeting me then I gotta do things my way." I explained to her.

"I'm proud of you, you're finally standing up for yourself and catering to your needs." She told me and I smiled.

She's right.

As we continue talking, someone is trying to skype with me.

"Heather, I'm gonna have to call you back. Someones trying to skype me." I told her and she nodded understanding and hung up. I accepted the call and two people popped up on my screen, a guy and a girl.

Oh my god, no way.

"Hey Gianna, its Nev and Kamie."

Nev Schulman

"I'm gonna text Kamie and see if she's ready for work." I said into the camera and text Kamie on my iMac. She replied back and we started a video call on Skype.

"What is up!" Kamie said as she appeared on my screen.

"We got an email today." I told her.

"Let's do this." She said. I opened up the email and started reading it to her.

"Subject is: Did I just waste three years of my life?"

"Ooh, we're in for this one."

"Dear Nev and Kamie, my name is Gianna Brinley. I am 32 years old, from Santa Barbara, California and I need your help." I recited.

"She has a nice name." Kamie said, as I continued reading.

"I've been talking to this guy named Matt for 3 years and lately I've been feeling like I'm wasting my time on him. We met on two beats, and in the beginning it felt like puppy love.-"

"Aww puppy love, that's cute." Kamie commented.

"We didn't put an label on us, so we're both technically single, but we don't talk to or date anyone else.. or so he says.-"

"That's probably a lie, I bet he did the opposite." Kamie said.

"I'm not a confident person that puts herself out there and meets new people, I really don't have the time to do so because my main focus is work. I have two jobs that runs my life and barely have time to myself. The only reason why I was on two beats and met Matt was because my friend practically forced me into make a profile on there."

"Some friend she has." Kamie said.

"Anyways, back to Matt. He says he's a model.-"

"Automatic red flag." Kamie commented and I nodded my head.

"I didn't question much about him because I didn't think we would talk for this long. But he had the same passion for literature as I did and that's how we bonded. We've never sent photos to each other nor have we video chatted, we only talk on the phone."

"Wait, hold up. Did I hear you correctly?" Kamie asked.

"Yes you did. No pics, no video chat. Just phone calls. Let me continue." I replied to her.

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