Starting The Investigation

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Nev Schulman

"Kamie and I just arrived at the airport, headed to California to help Gianna out." I said to the camera as it faces me and Kamie.

We go through TSA and head to our gate and wait for our flight to be called.

"So Kamie." I said, pointing the camera to her.

"So Nev." She replies.

"What are your predictions on Matt, before we dive in?" I asked her as I point the camera to the both of us now.

"I want to believe he's who he says he is, whoever this guy is, for Gianna's sake because she is such a sweet girl and I would hate to see her hurt." She says.

"I feel like he's not real, just based on him telling her that he's a model. There's not one episode that we had that ended well when the guy says he's a model. I'm just saying."

"You're right there, but I'm just keeping positive energy in this and hope for the best. If he's not the guy, I just hope whoevers on the other end, Gianna would still be up for it you know."

"Yeah I get what you mean." I said. I heard on the intercom that they're announcing our flight. So Kamie and I got up from our seat and wait in line to enter the plane, filming the whole way.


Santa Barbara, California

Kamie Crawford

I grabbed the camera and turned it on to start filming.

"We just landed and now are headed to the mall where Gianna works to meet her." I said as Nev's driving.

We get to the mall and Nev parks the car. As we walk around, trying to find her work place.

"She said she works at Bath and Body Works from 9:00a-4:00p and then Old Navy from 4:30p-closing. And right now it's 1:25p so that means she's working at Bath and Body works so let's head there, if we can find it." I said to the camera as Nev and I are looking for the store, lost at this point.

We stop to look at the mall's map and go into the direction the stores in and finally made it. I point the camera into the store and people are starting to stare at us.

"Let's try and find Gianna." Nev said, but I got distracted by the sale that I grabbed a shopping bag and started putting things inside, while still filming.

"Finding everything okay?" One of the workers asked me. I turned and to my luck, its Gianna.

"Oh my goodness, Gianna hi. Yes, everything is terrific. I'm going crazy over this sale right now." I said to her.

"Oh my god! Kamie hi! I can't believe you're here." She said.

"Nev is here somewhere, he was actually looking for you. I mean me too, but I got distracted by the sale." I said looking throughout the store searching for him, but no luck.

"I told you. You came at the right time too because we found more stuff in our storage area and we just put them out so you practically have first dibs." She said as she showed me the area of the new stock and I sift through everything.

"And our sale candles are over there, since I remember you saying you need new ones." She pointed in the direction of the candles and I speed walk over there.


Gianna Brinley

I'm currently on my break and I'm sitting at a table outside of my job with Nev and Kamie as we talk about my situation.

"So take us back to the day you met Matt." Nev said as he faces the camera at me and I began to explain.

"So, it was 3 years ago. My friend Heather was over my house and I was turning 30 that year so she wanted me to like put myself out there since all I do is work and I didn't wanna go to the club and drink and go home with a stranger so she convinced me, well forced me to make a profile on two beats and talk to someone on there. I mean it's still a stranger, but at least I'm not taking them home you know." I said and they nodded, understanding as I continued the story.

"I pulled the website up on my computer and Heather helped me set up my profile. There was questions that I had to answer like 'what do you like to do on your free time' or 'what's the most important thing in your life,' stuff like that. Some of my answers were not me.-"

"What do you mean by that?" Nev asked.

"I mean that when I was answering the questions, Heather said my answers were too bland and that I need to spice it up because no one is gonna wanna talk to me with the answers I put so she changed some of them."

"Oh, okay."

"Yeah. So when I completed my profile, the website I guess you can say 'matched' me with some chat rooms based on my profile. I clicked on a random chat room and saw that someone left a message in there already?"

"And it was Matt?" Kamie said and I nodded my head.

"He said, to all my book lovers out there would love to talk to you with a smiley face at the end. So I decided to be poetic and quote my favorite poem from Edgar Allen Poe."

"What poem?" Nev said.

"Annabel Lee." I replied.

"That's a good one. And that's how you and Matt started talking?" Kamie said.

"Yeah, after that we would talk about our love for literature and I didn't feel the need to talk to anyone else on the site because I thought no one could compare to him."

"You said that you have no photos of him, do you have a voicemail so we can hear his voice?" Nev asked and I nodded my head and pulled up the last voicemail he left me.

"Wow, he sounds pretty sexy." Kamie said and we all laughed.

"How many times have you asked him to meet up?"

"Too many to count. In the beginning, I didn't pay no mind to his excuses because I understand where he was coming from because I work two jobs and it takes up all my time because I work 7-8 hours times 2, so pretty much 14-16 hours out of 24 I'm working and the rest of the hours in the day I'm home getting ready for bed. And with being a model, I'm assuming that takes up your time too, but there were times that he said he was in California and he would be up for meeting up, but then he would flake last minute. There were times where I felt someone was watching me." I said to them.

"Like you would wait and he wouldn't show up, he would actually be there too without you knowing. Since you don't know how he looks?" Nev said and I nodded my head.

"If he actually did that, its messed up." Kamie told me.

I looked at my watch and realized that I have to get back to work, I let Nev and Kamie know.

"Okay, when you get the chance, after work or tomorrow, send us an email on everything you know and have on Matt and we'll start looking for him." Nev said and I hugged both of them.

"I really appreciate you guys doing this for me." I said to them before heading back into work.

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