Introduction & Opening Poem

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Welcome to my book of poetry Titled "Poetry of Mae". All of the poems you find in this book is mine and is under copyright. All poetry here can be found on my website, along with many other's, at the following link... I would love to hear your thoughts and comments! Remember all poems are submited each as new chapters for easier reading. Thank you for taking the time out to view my writing.

With Love, SecretMae


Opening Poem Titled:

Poetry Of Mae

Writing is an unseen art

With words so gently enscripted from the heart

Sometimes caught between thoughts

A mind must free the inner voice

Through moments wrapped with despair 

Sometimes only a white page can mend the tear

Through times of love and happy ease

A page can smile and set the feeling free

Writing engraves the soul within

Words last through time and memories hold

Now I tell you my dear reader

Poetry of Mae is my endeavour

Opening not only the page

With this book you look into my cage

As was said above about engraving the soul

Just like in a book...

There lays the inner fold

Written By: Melody WIlson ©2011

Poetry Of MaeWhere stories live. Discover now