Heavenly Letters

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Dear father,

I will move heaven and earth for you

All of the seas and oceans deep will drain in a weeping praise

I shall conquer my fears for you

Fight through the dark and in the entire sadness look up to you and sing

I can love you for all of my days

Even with all the sin and the evil deep within I shall love you this way

I would break through the mountains for you

Crush all the rocks in a large pile of pebbles just to get near your presence

I could travel the unknown for you

Journey deep in places unseen just to make you proud my lord

                                                Love, a child

Dear child,

I have created the earth for you

All that you see and yearn to witness was made by me for you

I shall help you conquer your fears

Stand with and carry when your load gets heavy

I can send so much love to you

Each of your siblings, all of your family and each of your friends

I would crush through the boundaries for you

With all of my power and all I could do, I want do this for you

I could show you all of the unseen

Questions and unknown answers I will give you my child.

                                                :Love, your Heavenly Father

Written By, Melody Wilson ©2011

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