Island Of Dreams

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Island Of Dreams

The morning was at ease yet the Ocean was swift

The ship we were boarded on left in winds

All of our lives at stake

How much fright were we to take

Water was rushing from top to bottom

Rain whipping at our faces

A giant appeared and I could not believe

My eyes would not see

The wave was like a wall

Shutting us out of everything we new

He and I holding on for dear life

Nothing but an inflatable raft and safety vests as our guide

As the Seas decreased we realized nothing was in reach

All of everything that was went off in the breeze

After a few days our hope began to fall

Only prayers were left as our call

Night break grew and the stars flew

In the distance we seen our lives change

An island of dreams in range

When the sand touched my feet

The little prayer as a seed grew into a real life scene

On our island of dreams time we did not need

Never had I seen a place so plentiful

We built our shelter now a home from scratch

Through day and night, rain or shine its our safety

The stream flowing through our island we drink

A small waterfall is were we bathe

As the years past the yearning for civilization decreased

This is our Eden, our home, our peace

The only place that we can truly be from hatred and greed

Our love eventually bloomed into a flower lit tree

Our minds, souls and bodies forever intertwined

Everlasting love eternally shines

You see the fear in the beginning of this adventure was only that

The beginning

What was a closed door turned out to be an unthinkably real

Yet hidden window that opened

Our life begins as we step into our own world

A golden adventure and a journey to pursue

Written By: Melody Wilson ©2009

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