The Fight Within

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The fight Within

Close my eyes and feel what is around.

Write without knowing what should be told. 

Can I feel all that has their hold?

Is it easily seen?

Can the things which hide be found only in darkness.

It creeps up behind. 

Without a notion or warning. 

Light banishes darkness. 

Yet in the dark I will never be afraid. 

For to many things exist therein which should not be feared. 

The stars could not glisten.

The sun and moon could not shine. 

Without darkness I would not know the light. 

In the light is good, within the darkness are fears.

One can never tame that which is unknown. 

For the brave souls who fight to conquer the within.

I commend.

Whisper to the inner self.

Do not be afraid.

Written By, Melody Wilson © 2011

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