Chapter 7

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"Mir Islands Project − so this is the reason you agreed to get married?"

"Yes." Leon replied shortly.

Leon and Viola were sitting in the study. After the ceremony ended, they were driven back to Leon's home where they would be living their lives together from now.

"I think I've heard about this before." Viola searched through her memory.

"That makes things easier."

Leon passed her a folder. "I just need you to sign these."

Viola opened the leather case. There were two separate documents. One was a Land Purchase Agreement with the government of Mir and the other, a Land Leasing Agreement with Uni Infinitus.

After a quick skim, Viola put down the folder. She lifted her head up and looked at Leon with confused eyes.

"So, you are purchasing an island under my name, using my right as a Mir citizen – and I will lease the land solely to your company for a period of 1000 years."

"You are correct."

Viola gave it a thought for a while. "Does your father know about this? That you agreed to this marriage because of this project?" Leon did not answer. Viola felt pity for Ian.

She continued, "Mir... is my hometown. Can you promise me you won't do anything bad to it?"

"You have my word."

"Okay, I agree." Viola signed the contracts. If she, in a way, could be useful to the Oliver family, she would do it.

Viola returned the documents to Leon. "Why now?"

Leon did not reply. He got up from his seat and walked to his desk.

"Why didn't you ask me to sign the agreement earlier? What if I refuse to sign after we got married?"

Leon took an envelope out from a drawer and walked back to where Viola was sitting.

"I have my ways to make you sign it." Leon took out another leather-bound folder from the envelope and gave it to Viola.

"There is more?" Viola asked.

"This, is our co-living agreement." Leon explained.

"A co-living what?" Viola was puzzled. She looked at him with questioning eyes. Leon ignored her.

She flipped open the document she was holding and tried to read the content word by word. There were only three sentences.

1.       Both parties will not interfere with each other's private life.

(Hmm... I think I can do this.)

2.       Both parties will not do anything that could bring shame to the family.

(This sounds alright.)

3.       Both parties will not be engaging in any marital activities if not required.

(What does this even mean?)

Viola stared at the paper for a long time before turning to Leon and asked "Can I add something?"

"Let's hear it."

Viola bit her lower lip. "If... if one day, I find you mistreating me and my father, I... I will be allowed to break the contract with your company and dissolve our marriage." She could feel her voice shaking and her eyes teary. She had vowed to herself that she would no longer give anyone a chance to harm her family like Walter.

Leon found a hint of sadness in her eyes. She learned her lesson, he thought.

He then shook his head. "You should read carefully before you put your name in anything next time."


Leon produced the contract she signed a few minutes ago. The last line read

'A penalty fee of One Hundred Billion Bells if land owner terminates the lease earlier than the term stated in the Land Leasing Agreement.'

Viola's eyes widened.

"It means, should you choose to run off one day, the island will not follow − unless you can pay the penalty." He added.

Leon took back the contract and locked it away.

Viola curled her fingers tightly and bit her lower lip. She realized she would never win against the powerful Oliver family.

Leon sensed her uneasiness. "I promised your dad I will take good care of you. Be rest assured that I will not treat you badly."

"People change." Viola looked away. Her face looked hurt.

Leon sighed. He picked up a ballpoint from his desk and took a seat beside her.

"Fine. We will add one more rule."

He scribbled a few words below the third clause and shoved the paper back to Viola.

Viola read the newly added sentence. The words felt more sincere written in Leon's beautiful handwriting.

4. Both parties will respect and treat each other well and are not allowed to deliberately hurt the other party in any form.

"What happens if you break it?"

"You are allowed to file a divorce, sue me for compensation, and I'll probably lose half of my wealth according to the law." Leon shrugged his shoulder.

"Write that down too." Viola demanded.

"As you wish." Leon scribbled more words on the paper.

When he was done, Viola studied the agreement one more time − satisfied, she signed her name at the bottom.

"Here, your turn." Viola pushed the paper back to Leon.

Leon paused for a while. "You know..."

"What?" Viola gave him a quizzical look.

"Nothing. Just keep in mind that this works both ways." Leon smiled as he signed.

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