Chapter 58

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"We are finally here!" Viola stretched her arms as the plane she was boarding touched down in Mir. She took the time to enjoy the warm sunlight and the cool summer breeze. Mir's summer always came early and stayed long during the year. Pretty much like the gloomy winter in Bellfield, Viola thought.

"Careful with your steps." Leon reminded her. He was helping with the luggage.

Both had planned to stay in Mir for a week for their long due, almost forgotten honeymoon. Today was the first day of their holiday. No work, no fussy assistant, no worried helpers, no dramatic father. Just the two of them. Or so they thought.

Ten minutes after they landed, both were caught engrossed with their phone. "Send it to me, Tom. I'll look into it." Leon said to the phone as he dragged his luggage past the checkpoint. Viola followed behind, her finger scrolling the screen, trying to find out where they could rent a car.


"Nora called me the other day. I promised her I'll drop by her place when we are in Mir." Viola said as they got into the car.

Leon, who was sitting behind the wheel nodded. "Sure."

Nora and Walter had come back to Mir since their son arrived a month ago. Viola could not wait to see him again. As the car moved forward, Viola could see the familiar city where she grew up. She had not come back since moving to Bellfield almost a year ago. Well, to be fair, she DID come back to the tropical country last time but not to the capital of Mir Islands, fearing she would bump into her father. Her eyes showed excitement as the sparkling beach came to view. Leon just smiled and continued driving.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Leon asked after 20 minutes of driving.

"It should be around here. The landlord said so." Viola checked the map sent by the owner who also owned the villa Viola rented weeks ago. After getting lost for another 20 minutes, they finally arrived at their destination.

"I can understand when you got lost in Bellfield but how can you in your hometown?" Leon looked at Viola with doubtful eyes.

"Like I said before, we should have just stayed at my old house." Viola snapped at him.

"We don't want to disturb your father."

"He won't feel disturbed. He is living alone now so he can always use our company." Viola helped getting the luggage out of the trunk.

"I mean at night."

Viola almost threw her bag at him. He laughed and walked into the building in front of him.

Shameless guy!!!

"What do you think?" Viola asked when both were inside the house.

Leon looked around the tiny wooden house and nodded in approval. "It's acceptable."

After storing their bags inside the bedroom, Viola was prepared to go out again. Suddenly Leon put his arms around her waist from behind. Viola was startled.

"Where are you going?" Leon rested his head on her shoulder and kissed her neck. Warmth raced up to her face.

"Hold... hold it!!! What are you doing in the middle of the day??" Viola panicked. She pulled herself away from Leon.

"I thought we are on our honeymoon?" He stretched his arms out.

"But... " Viola rubbed her neck. Was he the same cold, indifferent man who did not show any interest in her when they first met? Lately, he just acts like a hungry wolf! What is wrong with him?

Leon could not suppress the urge to laugh and his laughter broke out. "AHAHAHAHA. I'm just joking."

Viola wanted to strangle him. "Whatever. Do as you like! I'm going out!"

Leon pulled her back. A wide smile on his handsome face. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Don't be mad. It was not entirely a joke, though."

Viola's eyes narrowed.

"We'll continue later." He said and planted a kiss on her lips.

"So, have you been here before? In Mir?" Viola asked, excited to show her husband the land she was born and brought up in.

Leon considered how to answer her questions as his last two trips to Mir involved her but did not think there was a need to share that information. "A few times, in the past."

"Really? Where did you go?" Viola asked again.

"There were just short trips... business trips." It was true in a way.

"I see..." Viola mumbled as she turned the pages of the guide book she just purchased. Growing up in Mir, she was never really into sightseeing places in her hometown – not that there were many places to see. Mir was a small city after all.

"Any ideas where we are going?" Leon asked as he turned their car back to the main road.

"Hmm... Ahh! This? The Sea Park? How about that? I used to go there a lot when I was younger." Viola pointed at a photo on the guide book. "This brings back memories. I haven't been there for years." Her green eyes sparkled as she admired the printed images.

Leon stroked her hair. "As long as you are happy." He smiled and pressed on the accelerator.

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