Chapter 51

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"Fifty... wait, how many zeroes..." Viola reread the document.

"It's fifty million five hundred and twenty-three thousand Bells. They are for the hospital bills, the company's financial loss caused by my absence for two weeks and compensation for damage to my psychological well-being." Leon explained. Viola had zero idea what the last one was.

Viola's face turned pale. How many years does she have to work to pay that off??

"You are the one who added that clause in our co-living agreement."


"And I haven't reported you for stalking me."

"Stalk... stalking???" Viola was aghast. She did lie to the hospital about their relation and begged Tom for providing her with information without Leon knowing. But to call it stalking...

"But... it's not entirely my fault!"

Leon knitted his brows.

"Whatever. I won't force you to pay if you don't want to. I couldn't care less about it." Leon crossed his arms. A sullen expression on his face. "I don't know why you even bothered coming back here."

Viola knew Leon was still angry at her. She gathered the documents on the table and got up from her seat. It would be better to visit him again another time, she thought. He had just recovered and she did not wish to agitate him.

"Where are you going?" Leon grabbed her hand.

"Go home, I mean hotel..." Viola scratched her head. "I'm not running away or anything." Her eyes lowered to the folder she was holding.

It might not be a lot of money for a Leonard Oliver but he knew the sum was not a small amount for her.

"I don't know how yet but I will pay." Viola replied nervously. "I should leave now. I'll come..."

Leon clenched her wrist tighter. His expression was grim. Viola winced in pain. "Leon, it hurts."

"You said you are going to pay this? How? Like how you did before?" Leon was irritated at her indifferent attitude toward him. How dare she act all businesslike with me?

"What do you mean? Let go." Viola cried.

Leon laughed. "Should I help you find another rich husband and settle this debt for you?"

"What...?" Viola's mind went blank. It felt like her heart was crushed to pieces.

Leon was stumped at his own words too. He did not know why he said that. He was just angry. He did not mean to...

There was a moment of silence between them.

"So this is how you always think of me?" Viola fought back her tears. Her body was trembling in frustration. She still could not believe what she just heard.

Leon did not answer. A feeling of guilt grew inside him. He slowly let go of her hand.

Taking Leon's silence as an affirmation, Viola walked to the door with heavy heart. She did not want to be alone with him now.

Leon walked past her and blocked her way. "I don't understand... Shouldn't I be the one who is angry about this situation? Why are you upset now? That day you suddenly wanted a divorce. You left without saying anything! And now you suddenly appeared like nothing happened? You just come and go as you please! You think I won't be angry after what you did? What the hell do you think I am?" Leon raised his voice.

Viola clenched her teeth. "You are right! You have every reason to be angry with me! I am a bad person! I left you after everything you've done for me! I left you when your company is in trouble! I shouldn't have come here! We shouldn't have met! We shouldn't..." Her voice was quivering. Tears were forming up in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away.

"Let's not meet again in the future... I promise I'll never appear in front of you again."

Leon could see her determination to leave him. He knew if he let her go now, she would never come back again. He had to hold her here. "We are not done here."

"I'm done. I have nothing to say anymore." She slipped past Leon and went for the door.

"Viola!" Leon shouted.

Viola ignored him and pushed the door open. And that was when she heard a loud thud coming from behind her.

Before she knew it, she was running back to Leon, who was lying on the floor, unconscious.


"What do you want me to say, Mr. Oliver?" Dr. Gale was sitting by the bedside. He put back his equipment to his large medical bag, getting ready to leave the Oliver's mansion.

Leon said nothing. He scratched his eyebrow, thinking how he should answer.

Dr. Gale sighed. "There are patients waiting for me at the hospital, you know? I have no time for your lovers' quarrel." He teased him.

"Sorry about that." Leon apologized.

"I'll call her in." Dr. Gale got up from his seat. "I don't know what happened between both of you but, don't be too hard on her okay?"

He nodded at the doctor. Guilt flooded inside him.

Outside, Viola was accompanied by Nadia and the twins. "He called for you, Madam." Dr. Gale smiled warmly at Viola. The young lady looked at him with frightened eyes, unable to say anything. Her face was drenched with tears. He pitied her and somewhat disappointed by Leon's conduct. What had gotten into him? He is usually very level-headed.

"Don't worry. There is nothing wrong with his body." The doctor assured Viola. A look of relief crossed her face. She thanked the doctor and quickly went inside the room.

Nadia and the twins sighed in relief and walked with the doctor to the car. On their way to the front door, they passed by a tired assistant sitting at the bottom of the staircase, looking like he just had a heart attack.

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