Chapter 65

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"No... baby? What do you mean no baby?" Ian asked in disbelief.

"It means what it means." Leon replied.

Things were finally settling down. The delivery men had left and the maids had all returned to their posts. Nadia came in for a while to serve them tea and left afterwards.

Ian turned to Viola. "Is it true? Tell me he is wrong." His eyes were begging.

Viola felt bad but she nodded. "It's true, Dad." She smiled weakly.

"But I heard... you finally confessed to each other and you, Leon! You took a leave from the company for honeymoon! A honeymoon you said!!" Ian insisted.

Leon did not know how his father knew about all those things but he was not in the mood to ask about that. "A honeymoon doesn't mean having a child at the end of the holiday."

"You shouldn't have come back before then." Ian frowned.

Leon shook his head helplessly. "Well, what do you expect? we only do it onc..."

"Leon!!" Viola quickly covered his mouth. She turned to Ian. "Don't mind him, Dad."

Leon licked her hand from inside. She jumped and quickly pulled her hand away – her eyes glared at him. What the hell are you doing!! She shouted in silence. Leon sneered and shrugged his shoulders.

"I thought I can finally hold your children... I thought I can finally be a grandpa..." His merry mood had totally disappeared.

"It's not that it's impossible." Leon took Viola's hand and kissed it. "Right, Viola?" She wanted to hit him but held back out of respect for her father-in-law. She wished he would stop embarrassing her in front of others every time.

She got up from her seat. "I... I'll check with Nadia about our lunch. It should be ready anytime soon." She smiled awkwardly and quickly left the room.


"Leon, about Sarah..." Ian spoke after the father and son were left alone.

Leon put his tea cup on the table. "What about her?"

"I heard she came to find Viola?"

Leon nodded. "Made quite a scene here too. She told you?"

This time, his father nodded. "The other night she suddenly called me saying how she came here to find you but you drove her out and how she despised Viola. I called Nadia afterwards and found out... she did something inappropriate to your wife."

Leon was silent. Ian let out a long sigh.

"What's wrong?" Leon asked.

"I was angry at her." Ian replied softly.

Leon looked at his father with his mouth hanging. "You? Angry at a woman?"

Ian smiled. "I know what you think." He closed his eyes. "You may not remember about this but, back when your mother was still around, we actually argued quite a lot. About petty things."

Leon was surprised. "You did?"

Ian nodded. "I'm always the first to say sorry though. I cannot stand her ignoring me for a whole day." He laughed.

"Dad..." Leon could see the loneliness in his father's eyes.

"Sarah is like my own daughter. She reminded me of your mom. Spoiled rotten by her parents." Ian rubbed his neck. "That's why I felt bad now. I think I said pretty harsh words to her."

"Because of what she did to Viola?" Leon asked.

"That was the last straw." Ian murmured. "I was angry because she involved the company in her game. You know her family has shares in Uni Infinitus, don't you?" Leon nodded.

"I never suspected her but... recently I found out how she had tried to spread fear to our other investors so they would pull out their investments in Mir Islands Project. She planned to ask her father to cover the lost sum when we lost them and use that... to control you."

Leon was silent.

"I know she only did that because she wants you to turn to her." Ian sighed again. "And we did manage to keep the investors in the end. Thanks to your hard work in persuading them."

"She was trying to get back at me, I guess." Leon laughed.

"For?" Ian cocked his head to the side.

"Four years ago, I asked her to call off our engagement."

"You did??" Ian was confused. "But why? I thought you agreed on it?"

Leon shook his head. "It's... a long story. There was this one party I attended where I got so drunk I hardly remember what I did that night. What I remembered was Sarah was sleeping next to me when I woke up in the hotel. She said we had sex and all that. I could not remember anything but she demanded that I took the responsibility and we got engaged."

"What?!!! You've never told me about this before." Ian was shocked at the revelation.

"I don't really care about the engagement anyway. I thought I would just go along with her until she got bored and leave for someone else." Leon picked up his tea cup and sipped his tea again.

Ian almost fainted. He always thought that the feelings between his son and Sarah were mutual.

"And then, during the night we got engaged..." He continued. "She went drinking with her friends and when I went to pick her up, she blabbered out how she lied about me sleeping with her. I was dead asleep that night and did not touch her at all."

"She what??" Ian could not believe what he just heard. The little Sarah he was fond of so much fabricated such lies.

"I confronted her after that and she admitted. I gave her a chance to call off the engagement herself or I would do it. She eventually took it and left the country." Leon concluded his explanation.

"I... need some time to digest all these..."

Leon laughed. "It's all over and I don't think she'll come back again. I'm married and I don't intend to go back on my vow." He played with his wedding ring.

Ian smiled and patted his son's back. "You know... I think the best thing I've done for you as a father, was saving George and Viola back then." And then his expression changed. He hit his son's head.

"Ouch! What was that for, Dad?" Leon rubbed his head.

"Don't act like you don't know! When I was investigating the Mir Islands Projects the other day, I found out that you were actually using Viola to acquire the land?"

"What was so bad about that? We were just borrowing her name. We didn't ask for anything unreasonable from her. And whose fault do you think it was to begin with? If only you went to meet the Governor as told..." Leon protested.

"Humph! I am grateful that I am not in a way associated with that bastard." Ian was fuming. "That family was the worst!"

Leon looked at his father. He thought it was best not to mention that his daughter-in-law was a BFF to that bastard's daughter.

"I feel bad every time I look at Viola in the eyes now. She must have thought I want her in our family because of this project." Ian sighed.

"She knew about this from the start and didn't mind. She said she owed you for saving her family and is grateful about this chance." Leon comforted his father.

"Liar." Ian eyed him suspiciously.

"Whatever you say." Leon shrugged his shoulders.

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