Chapter 52

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Viola took a moment to calm herself before entering the bedroom. As she stepped inside, she saw Leon was still in bed, sitting.

Leon looked up and saw her. He noticed her crying face and regretted what he had done.

"You are awake..." Viola tried to hide her distress but failed miserably. Her tears came down uncontrollably upon seeing Leon. "Sorry, I don't mean to..."

Leon's heart ached. What was he thinking to make her cry like that...

"Come here." Leon called. His hand patted the bed. Viola hesitated for a second before walking to the bed.

Leon put his hand on her head. "Don't cry." But his plea was met with a more heartbreaking cry. He put his arms around her, resting his chin on her head. "I'm sorry for scaring you." He patted her head. Her body was still shaking. He wished he had not done that. When he saw Viola leaving the room this morning, he desperately wanted to stop her but did not know what to do. He went as far as to fake his blackout to draw her attention. Now, he regretted his decision. He did not expect it would scare her like this. His act might have reminded her how her mom passed out and never regained consciousness until her death. I am the worst... Leonard Oliver had to resort to such a low trick just to hold her.

"Did Dr. Gale say anything? I know he said nothing is wrong with your body but..." Viola asked after she had calmed down. "This isn't right. Fainting all of a sudden... Are you sure you are okay? Should we go to the hospital again? No, let's do..."

Leon cleared his throat. "There is nothing wrong with my body. I was just tired..." Something tickled his heart as he told the white lie.

"Are you sure?" Viola's big emerald green eyes met his. Eyes that charmed him when he first saw her. Ugh... Leon covered his eyes with his hand in frustration. He cursed himself. What was he thinking at a time like this? He actually wanted to attack her now.

Leon leaned back to the headboard and closed his eyes.

"Do you want to rest? I can come back later" Viola stopped then added in a softer voice. "... if you don't mind." She arranged pillows on his back for him.

Leon pulled Viola down and pinned her to the bed, let her lie beside him.

"Hey!" Viola yelled at him.

They were now facing each other, his hand stroking her face.

"What... what do you want?" She asked. She lowered her gaze to hide her embarrassment. Her cheeks flushed.

"Look at me."


He noticed a few loose strands of hair was covering her face. He pushed them to the side and tucked them to the back of her ear. He then bent his head and kissed her forehead.

"Wha... what are you doing??"

Leon grinned. "Didn't you do this to me too before?"

Viola's face turned red. "Well, I don't remember!" She grumbled. This guy always had to have the final say.

Leon chuckled. "You hate me now?"

"... No."

"So you love me?"

"How does it come to that?"

Leon patted her face and sighed. He rose to sit, staring at the photos lined up on the table across the bed, lost in thought. Viola got up and watched him.

"Was it hard for you to stay by my side?" Leon suddenly asked. His eyes seemed lonely.

Viola was not sure what he meant. Was he talking about what she just said about coming back later or was it about them living separately now? She followed his gaze and finally understood. Out of the four most important people in his life, three including her, left him.

"Leon..." She took his hand into hers.

Leon turned his head and gave her a sad smile. "I'm fine."

Both of them did not say anything for a while.

"Why did you do that?" Viola finally spoke. Her voice trembled slightly. "Why did you help me to the point you put your company at risk?"

Leon did not understand what Viola was referring to. "What are you talking about?"

"That day... I overheard your conversation with Lady Sarah. That you insisted to look for Eugene for me... even though you know it will affect the Mir Islands Project." Viola recalled the day she went to his office to celebrate his birthday.

Leon fell silent. So she knew...

"I was really happy you did it for me – that you cared... but at the same time, I cannot forgive myself. I am scared to think that you will do something like that again in the future... protecting me but suffering alone behind while I continue to foolishly go on living without knowing anything..."

Leon could feel Viola's grip on his hand tighter.

"Is that why you left?" He asked.

Viola slowly nodded.

"But... it looks like I was wrong." Viola smiled at Leon with teary eyes. "Because... even after I left... I still cause you pain..." Tears rolling down her cheeks. Viola could not hold her tears. She broke down and cried. "I'm sorry, Leon. I'm really sorry."

Leon lifted her face and kissed her lips.

"I don't mind you causing me trouble." Leon said with a smile.


He rested his head on her shoulder. "Just don't leave me here alone anymore. Don't go anywhere without me."

His pleading tone weakened her wall. She put her arms behind his neck and stroked his hair. "I miss you, Leon."


"You really should go out sometime." Viola said as she studied Leon's pale complexion. "You'll get sick easily if you just stay indoor all the time." It was in the evening and Viola had agreed to stay in the house for the night.

Leon gave it a thought. "Should we go to Mir? Come to think about it, we haven't had our honeymoon. We can visit your father too. And we can just rent a house like what you did last time." Leon suggested.

Viola blushed at the mention of honeymoon. They were divorced before they even had the chance to enjoy their honeymoon. Her expression was gloomy.

"You don't want to? We can change the destination if you want."

Viola shook her head. "No, I want to go there! I think I still have the contact of the house owner..." Viola paused. "...How did you know about that house?" Viola asked. She did not remember mentioning it to him, nor to Tom.

Leon fell silent.

Viola had a bad feeling. "You... don't tell me you still have people tailing me???"

Leon scratched his eyebrow. "Well... I can't just leave you on your own."

"You are the one who is stalking people!!!"

"Stalking? You are exaggerating. It's for your safety."


He ignored her and smiled at himself. He had gained his happiness back. Now... there is only one thing left that he had not told her...

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