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If Aizawa was being honest, he was slightly concerned. Nezu hadn't told him about this new course he'd apparently been planning since enrolling Daisuke. Naomasa sure as hell didn't read the fine print and apologized profusely over the phone, only to get hung up on and blocked within seconds.

His concern only grew through the following week leading up to the deadline for his teaching plan. Though, knowing Nezu he'd probably accept whatever half-assed plan Daisuke managed to draw up. But with the all-nighters Daisuke seemed to be pulling, along with the drastic consumption of caffeine, Nezu would be getting anything but a half-assed teaching plan.

Aizawa tried to ask or even peek at what Daisuke was planning. After all, his time as a villain was founded on perfect timing and planning. But the boy would simply grin, the mischievous glint returning in his eyes. Or maybe that was the light reflecting off the boy's glasses. He wasn't sure. He did make sure to let Naomasa know Daisuke was only taking text from him and might or might not get a reply.

From the past years Daisuke had been living with Aizawa, he'd noted just how much of a planner the boy seemed to be. Aizawa had just assumed it was due to the fact he wasn't allowed to leave the apartment for long periods of time and was desperate to find something to do. He'd watched as the boy had gone from organizing his new room-- once having attained the necessary furniture-- to cleaning out the kitchen cabinets, rearranging the living room, bookshelf, and even going as far as taking care of all the chores. At one point Hizashi had jokingly asked who was taking care of who.

Tsukauchi once asked Aizawa-- out of curiosity-- if it was possible Daisuke would change his mind on becoming a hero. Then, it was a hard no. Now, maybe. It was still leaning towards 'no,' however much Tsukauchi wanted Daisuke to join law enforcement, it probably wouldn't happen if Daisuke had a choice.

So as Aizawa once again came home late (more like early in the morning) from his patrol, he couldn't help but silently support Daisuke as he tried to listen in on the boy's rambling. A couple of hero staff would have to listen to Daisuke's plan before Nezu approves it. Not even the number one hero met up to the standards of teaching they would be placing Daisuke under. It was a lot of pressure Aizawa was sure Daisuke didn't want to go through. Daisuke had already complained about simply being a tutor on the first day of school. So he could only imagine what it would be like once Daisuke was standing in front of the class with 5 teaching heroes on his first day.


Daisuke was going to teach baby heroes how to be better heroes.

He had to remind himself constantly when reviewing everything and explaining it to his cactus that sat on his dresser while pacing around his room in the middle of the night. He read over every section he'd written in different voices just so he could catch mistakes or re-word a couple sentences if they gave off any 'villain-y' vibes. During classes, he wouldn't even be paying attention and solely focus on his own thing. He had ideas popping into his head faster than he could write them. Having ideas was one thing, planning for them was another. And he was glad he already knew how he wanted to handle his class.

His class. His.

Sure he would probably get criticized but what profession didn't get criticized. The worst they would probably tell him was that he was brainwashing the students. But the hero class has already proven to him they were a group of hard headed kids.

Daisuke was going to make sure he knocked them down a peg or 20. His class would be anything but easy. He was going to challenge these kids in a way he was also taught.

* * *

"Excuse me!"

"You're excused." Dasiuke grunted while taking a sip of his coffee.

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