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With the ever growing events happening back-to-back in the U.S. I feel the need to make things clear.

• Abortion is a HUMAN RIGHT

• Having clean air, water and food is a HUMAN RIGHT

Anyone who disagrees can go ahead and fuck off because how dare you tell others what to do with their bodies!

I am absolutely livid and furious the two other branches of the government haven't pushed back as the people who've taught use about the CHECKS AND BALANCES said they would.

I'm fortunate enough to be living in a blue state where it will continue to fight and protect the human rights for the people who have given nothing but their all to the U.S. as a country.

I am someone who never imagined having a child to take care of and I haven't once considered it but...

I saw a tiktok a while back about mourning the child they will never get to meet. The list of names sitting on their notes app. The comments writing small farewells to someone they will never meet, hoping maybe in another life they will.

And for a moment, I thought maybe I had wanted one. Maybe not quite a baby,  but just a child to help guide them through the world as no one had been able to do so for me. In hopes they wouldn't be so lost as I am at this age. Maybe I wanted to watch someone find and become themselves and be there to lend a hand and support them as much as possible.

This dream was probably not meant for someone like me.

My heart goes out to those who had been considering and were forced to reconsider.

Every time I see people saying they're going to leave (even if in a jokingly way) it irritates me.

This isn't a trend.

Don't do what you did with the Ukrainian war and turn it into something to gain likes and attention from.

(I get it. We all want attention due to the lack of it from our childhoods but come on./ j/srs)

The States have an unfortunately immense amount of influence globally. This will, in some way shape or form affect everyone.

I don't want to go into a rant. I won't say what you've all heard on repeat these last couple of days.

It's tiring.

Exhausting even.

It even feels like too much of a chore for me to continue fighting for something so basic old white men cannot possibly brings themselves to understand.

At least these over expired powder milks can't suddenly turn to others and pretend to have created a new type of philosophy. (You cannot convince me otherwise this isn't what happened in Ancient Greece.)

May I suggest looking into female philosophers instead.

Anyways. That's my stance on things.

I'll continue to hope and fight for things to get better and hope this is all just falling apart because it was time for some sort of sick surprise remodeling from the U.S. government.

I'll continue to write and update since many such as myself seek some sort of escapism. I'll gladly provide that for you all and myself.

Just. Please, please, please... Take care of each other. Take care of yourselves.

Listen to the POC women who have been yelling for decades into the void. Listen to their rage. Their fears. Their mistrust. 

No one simply develops those emotions without a reason.

I hope you all read up on proper protesting advice.

Take deep breaths. Drink plenty of water. Eat something.

Take care of your basic needs first. Fighting for our human rights is tiring so we need to make sure to see the light at the end of the tunnel and not just a check point.

Until then, I hope to see you all next chapter.

See ya :)

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