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It took Daisuke 2 days of recovery and another to stop coughing every time he spoke for too long. The result of using the LOV leader's voice for a few hours.

He should probably learn Butler Misty's voice instead, maybe the Nomu would also react and follow orders with that one.

As the testing progressed through the rest of the day, the scientists were insistent on loosening the Nomu's restraints. Daisuke, had he actually been able to yell at them, didn't have to do a thing as Tsukauchi made sure to set things straight.

"There's no way he's going back in there without it being restrained! If you bring it up one more time we're leaving! He's been considerate enough to even be offering his help!"

Daisuke sat back and let the rest of them resolve it amongst themselves, yelling. He was still experiencing tremors but they were light this time around.

It was unfortunate for the doctors Daisuke decided to have a coughing fit due to choking on his saliva in an attempt to restore its usual wetness. Which was not something he'd thought he'd ever actually think about.

The detective forcefully smiled at the team. That was his cue. Quickly escorting Daisuke out the security room and into the halls. A guard followed behind them because 'standard procedure.'

Daisuke stared out the window as Tsukauchi drove them through the bridge leaving the vicinity of Tartarus.

"We got to leave early!" Tsukauchi cheered, laughing rather obnoxiously as he drove. The sun had set and they'd only spent half the time in Tartarus this time around compared to the last.

"Oh, by the way," Tsukauchi pointed to the back seat, "the updated file for Stain."

Daisuke looked back and reached for a file, placed above one of the folded blankets they'd prepared for him in advance.

"I went ahead and added your findings on Stain. About him hanging back at the scene of the crime."

Daisuke flipped through the pages, skimming over the old and reading the new. He nodded in approval. Only to frown at the recently new victim added to the list.

"Aizawa mentioned you said something about seeing a dead body in the alley." Naomasa began.

Daisuke nodded.

"Well, they weren't dead." the detective informed him.

Daisuke shrugged as though saying 'same thing.'

"He made it to the hospital on time. Though they're paralyzed from the waist down." Tsukauchi continued. Turning into the street leading into the city.

Looking at the new information, Daisuke's eyes widened in surprise. He held up the file to Tsukauchi and pointed at the name, eyebrows raised in 'are you sure?'

Tsukauchi glanced at it, "Oh, well, he's been in and out of consciousness. But I'm sure he'll pull through."

Daisuke frowned.

Ingenium- Iida Tensei.

Iida Tenya's older brother.

Daisuke would need to talk to Aizawa about him. Probably would have been best if they held the kid back, or at the very least made sure he was fine.

He shrugged, a bit too late for that now. Everyone was at work study now.

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