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The sun seemed to be extra bright the following morning. It almost made Aizawa feel bad for the extra lessons group. Distance screams of Koda high above them reflecting the five struggling to stay awake by mid-day wasn't enough to snap the group out of an exhausted trance.

"Hey, extra lesson's group! Don't stop!" his capture weapon pulled Kirishima to stand straight.

"Yes, sir!" The poor red-headed teen struggled to stay standing.

Their heads had been bobbing to the side, front and back each moment they closed their tired eyes.

"Sorry..." Ashido mumbled, her fist clenched tightly to fight but her stance as wobbly as a boiled penne being forced upright. "I'm kinda sleepy..."

Sero wobbled along, "I didn't think... yesterday's extra lessons...would go until 2am."

"And we started at 7am..." Sato grumbled in solidarity.

Aizawa narrowed his eyes, "I told you it'll be tough. You're not just trying to improve your Quirks." although they weren't suffering as much as previous first years. "Above all, you need to work on the weaknesses that were exposed during the final exams!"

The five students tensed. Iida's screaming from overheating engines zooming past them.

"Think carefully about why you're more tired than your classmates before you move." Aizawa scolded, finally removing Kirishima from his capture weapon's hold only for him to collapse over once more.

"Yes, sir..." their shoulders slumped with their necks gladly snapping forward for some type of relief.

Aizawa glazed back to see Ragdoll and just behind her a portable bathroom for Aoyama and Uraraka struggling to keep a small rock floating past 2 minutes.

"You two should, too. Uraraka! Aoyama!" Aizawa snapped. "You didn't fail, but you were close.If 30 points meant passing, you were given about 35."

"We barely made it...!" the float on the rock staggered a few inches lower.

"How unexpected." Aoyama just about hurled himself.

Daisuke was able to improve their stamina and quirk endurance. But they needed to be pushed past the threshold continuously to grow their quirks as well.

"Don't lose focus. All of you, move faster!" Aizawa shouted at those who could hear him, "No matter what you're doing, you should always be aware of where you came from. That's what it means to improve. Always keep in mind why you're sweating, and why you keep getting nagged."

Aizawa was sure if Daisuke was here he'd do more than just help train the students and terrorize them at every minute.

"That reminds me, Aizawa-sensei, it's already the third day..." the number one problem child stumbled over to him.

"What did I just say? Don't walk over here like that." Aizawa knew what was about to be asked.

"Is All Might– I mean, are the other teachers coming?" Midoriya asked.

Aizawa refrained from rolling his eyes by closing them in irritation, "Like I said before the training camp, in order to keep the villains from finding out where we were, we kept the number of people to the absolute minimum."

"That's why you got a training camp with the four of us!" Ragdoll cheered from above.

Aizawa looked back at Midoriya, "And especially since we believe All Might is one of the villains' targets, we can't have him here. For better or for worse, that's what happens, since he stands out so much...Hmph."

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