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Daisuke didn't hate All Might.

"All right, zygotes! Today we'll be doing 1-on-1 training!"

What he really didn't like was the way the number one hero deeply lacked in training the poor class. This would be the fifth if not the seventh time he's paired up the class to have them fight until there was a clear winner. For some, it was good training, but that left out the few who might have not received any proper combat skills.

Using one's quirk outside of school grounds was pretty much forbidden, so unless they had the money to pay with a private teacher or found a secluded area to train there really wasn't much they could do before U.A.

"Miyamoto-san!" All Might and the class turned to look at him. He was holding an umbrella with a water bottle on his other hand.

"What." Daisuke replied, snapping out of his thoughts.

"Would you perhaps like to assign the groups?" All Night asked, keeping his signature smile.

The class perked up at the possibility of him assigning groups. From their point of view, Daisuke had yet to do anything outside of class that wasn't just a lecture. His lectures were great and the immense amount of tips for improvement given to them from their folders the other day only had them admire the ex-villain.

"What are they doing again? I wasn't paying attention." Daisuke monotonously asked, carelessly walking up beside the number one hero.

"We're working on 1-on-1 training." All might grinned giving him a thumbs up.

"Oh." Daisuke replied before letting out a yawn. "Then let's do..." he reached over to the number one hero and swiped the clipboard from his hands.

"Aoyama & Uraraka. Instead of fighting, work on insurance. Ashido, join in with them and practice your aim with acid."

"Yes, sir!" Ashido cheered, latching onto Uraraka's arm.

"Asui and Ojiro, I want you to chase and fight each other without touching the ground or water. Learn how to take a leap of faith." Asui and Ojiro looked at each other in confusion, it wasn't often they were grouped together.

"Iida, Sato, and Kirishima.'' The three boys straighten their posture. "Build up a bit more endurance and resistance. Iida, take turns on pushing the two, then use them as weights. Your spaceman looking suit is particularly heavy so it'll help if you can at least carry two civilians when you're in costume."


"Kaminari go work on memorizing how it feels to release enough voltage as a taser. I don't want one of the students I'm teaching to go off killing people accidentally. Also CPR training might be added to your list." Daisuke sighed.

"That's it?" Kaminari asked, pouting slightly.

"Don't worry you'll get more intense training after we work on 1-on-1." Daisuke waved him off.

"Koda, I know you're quiet and all but if you don't talk your vocal cords are going to hurt when you do. Giving orders and specifying orders is a necessary skill." Daisuke pointed out.

Koda nervously nodded awaiting his orders for training.

"Which is why Jiro, Shoji, and Bakugo will be heading to training Ground C. Work on accurate fast pace communication. For today this will take place outside while I get the necessary equipment to hold it indoors."

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