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"Welcome to Foundational Study of Villains. Or as I will be calling it. 'CAT & MOUSE'." Daisuke gave them a close-eyed smile.

"For Tuesday's 7th and Friday's 2nd period classes we will be indoors. Wednesday's 3rd and 4th periods will consist of physical training." Daisuke explained. "Because it's Friday, today is just an introductory class and a brief rundown of what to expect. I'll start lessons on Tuesday and introduce you to your first villain--"

"You're bringing in real villains?!" Mineta cried out.

"No. Stupid and unreasonable question." Daisuke cheerfully replied.

"Tuesdays will consist of analyzing and profiling a villain." Daisuke went to grab the chalk and began writing. "I will give you information about villains from the past. Their name, age, quirk-- everything that was known before their capture."

He turned back to face the class. "You'll be randomly assigned to groups of 5 every week. You'll work together in creating a plan to capture the villain. Then on Wednesday, you'll each have a chance to test out that plan on the training grounds, which will also be chosen at random unless specified otherwise."

"And Friday's?" Hagakure asked.

Daisuke pushed his glasses up. "Well, on Tuesdays we analyze the villain and make a plan. Wednesdays we put the plan in motion. So Fridays will consist of a quick review on Wednesdays training followed by more information after the villains capture and/or encounters with heroes."

"Why do we need to know about what happened after?" Ojiro genuinely asked.

Daisuke paused before replying.

"Because sometimes there is more to the story than the public is told. You all decided to become heroes for a reason. I don't necessarily care what your reason for it is, but you should know that not all actions heroes do are the best choice at that moment. Some turn out for the worse."

An ominous feeling settled into the class.

"But don't worry about that for now." Daisuke sighed.

"I'll teach you how to handle it when the time comes."


Daisuke would consider today's introductions a success. Aizawa seemed pleased as well. Or at least that's what Daisuke was picking up by the way he was acting. Now all that was needed were the signatures of the parents or guardians. With supervision (because he was still on watch) Naomasa allowed Daisuke to briefly take a look at the students' backgrounds, more specifically their parents' backgrounds. It helped in wording things so the chances of them signing the damn permission slip were more favorable.

Even if he had the majority of his lessons planned and ready to go with classwork, he had no idea how he would actually teach it. Figuring out how to word things on paper was entirely different from standing in front of a class and talking. There was a chance he would gloss over things just because he already knew the material and that wouldn't help him nor the students in the long run.

Daisuke thought about having a presentation like class where he spoke on the events leading up to a villain's demise but then thought back to his note taking skills when he did 'try' in class (in a very loose sense.) He then thought of hands-on experience, which led to him constructing a very board game-like simulation. Not every villain got there by going down the same path but there were similar enough for the purpose of the activity.

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