Chapter 4

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Lillian's light brown gaze snapped up to meet his ocean blue ones and he immediately regretted the words he had said.

"It was an accident." She said softly.

"I got that part."

Lillian's gaze fluttered as she pushed down the slight anger that was bubbling up at his accusing tone.
"He came out of nowhere."

"Are you sure it wasn't you who did?"

Lillian opened her mouth to say something but Dave beat her to it.
"Jax, a moment."

Jax's gaze stayed on her for a moment too long before he turned to Dave who asked him to step out for a moment.

At that moment, Lillian closed her eyes and tried to calm herself as she scratched furiously at her thumb which had started to peel.

"What's going on?" Dave asked Jax when they were outside the room as Jax glanced at Lillian before looking at Dave.

"Nothing's going on."

"Try again. You're going off at her for no reason."

"She ran into my dog, Dave."

"You and I both know it was an accident and I know that wouldn't hit a nerve if it was anyone else." Dave who had known him in the five years he'd been in Vermont didn't exactly know the whole story as to why he moved there.

Jax looked back inside at Otto and then at her.

"She's new in town and has had enough surprises for one night. Don't drive her away before she's even had a moment to settle down."

Jax's gaze fell to her hands and noticed what she was doing before he lifted his gaze back up to her face.
He sighed and turned to Dave.
"You're right. I'm just...stressed after today."

"Otto is right there and he'll be better in a few weeks. You don't have to worry about him running off again anytime soon."

Jax nodded and went back into the room assuming his former location. He ran his hand over Otto.
"I'm sorry."

Lillian looked up at him, surprised.

"You must have had a long night and I didn't mean to snap."

Lillian blinked at him surprised at the man who spoke to her wondering if it was the same man who'd spoken to her a while ago.
"I-It's ok." She stuttered. "I'm sorry about your dog."

Her fingers had stopped scratching and her hands fell to her sides. She looked down at Otto.
"So sorry, Otto." She patted Otto and her hand brushed Jax's before she pulled it away.

"You'll have to bring him in once a week for a check-up and if things seem to get worse, I'm a phone call away," Dave told Jax before he stepped outside.

"Excuse me," Lillian said before she left the room, after Dave. "How much do I owe for your services?"

Dave smiled.
"Consider it a welcome gift."

"Are you sure? 'Cause I made you stay longer than you would've."

"I'm sure." He smiled. "Welcome to Burlington."

She gave him a small smile.
"Thank you."

Lillian stepped outside as Dave helped Jax get Otto into his truck before Jax got into the Driver's seat.

"I'm really sorry again," Lillian said as Jax shut the door to his truck.

Jax gave her a curt nod before he drove off. Lillian watched his van drive off before turning to Dave.
"I'm really sorry for keeping you so long."

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