Chapter 36

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It was a few days later and Lillian sat in front of her laptop early that morning, a pencil being twirled between her fingers as she tried to figure out where to go and how to go about the next plot of the story.

Jax had just told her a very important detail in his life he hadn't shared with anyone else a few days ago and she'd been battling with herself unsure if she should add that to her story or not. She was certain it would remain in her head if she didn't write it so she sighed and then started to type.

She just needed to get it out of her head now and she'd figure out a way to go around what Jax told her later on for the original story. Now, she just typed away every last detail of Jax's story and added a third person's point of view to what she typed. She knew for certain that when she was done with the book, she would get Jax's approval to get it published and if he didn't give her his permission, she would either get rid of the entire story and ask him to point out the parts he didn't want to have in the story. The final decision would be his, not her, not Deidre's.

With that thought, Lillian let loose and gave what she wrote everything in her, even though she knew it was just a draft for what would go into the actual story.

Jax stepped out of his bathroom rubbing his wet hair with a towel. It was later in the afternoon and he'd just stepped in less than half an hour ago after completing another project in his workshop.

Otto lifted his head and looked at him for a moment before dropping it on his front legs. Jax shook his head and went to his closet to get some fresh clean clothes to put on. He tossed his wet towel in the laundry basket and put on his clothes. As his shirt went over his head and onto his body, his eyes shifted to the top of his closet. He stood there and for the first time, he felt his hands itching to take it out.

Jax reached for his guitar case and took it off the shelf. The dust piled on the top of the case didn't surprise him. He hadn't touched it since he moved to Burlington and today, for some reason, he wanted to.

Jax set the case down on the floor and unclasped it before opening it. He let out a breath at the sight of his guitar. He was reluctant to take it out but after a moment, he reached for it and pulled it out of the case. His heart raced in his chest as he straightened staring at his guitar.

Lillian parked her car outside Jax's place. She was surprised and worried when he hadn't shown up for lunch like he did every day. She decided to stop by and see if everything was alright before she went back to the cabin.

Stepping out of her car, she noticed his truck was there, which means he was around and hadn't gone out to deliver another project; that had been her first thought when he hadn't shown up.

Lillian made her way toward the entrance and pushed the door open. She stepped into his place and shut the door behind her.

"Jax?" She called out his name but no response and there was no Otto to welcome her as well.

That was when she heard it. The soft, pleasant and pleasing to the ears acoustic sound of a guitar. Lillian followed the sound and soon stood at the entrance of the patio where she saw Jax sitting on the stairs leading to the ocean. Otto was next to him, sitting quietly and enjoying the music.

Then Jax started to sing and Lillian's heart expanded in her chest as she let out a breath.

To say he was good would be an understatement.

His voice went perfectly with the acoustic guitar and if she closed her eyes, she knew she would be transported to a place so serene, she wouldn't have to go anywhere else to look for it. All she would need was for Jax to sing to her and that would be it.

Lillian, without meaning to, stepped out into the patio. The music drew her like a moth to a flame and that was when Otto acknowledged her presence, he got up and went to her. Lillian sat down on the patio seat and scratched Otto's ears with her ears glued to Jax's amazing voice.

It was a couple of minutes later that Jax strummed the last chord and Lillian smiled. She saw his shoulders lift and fall which followed a sigh.
"That was beautiful," Lillian said after a moment of silence.

Jax's head snapped at her so fast she was afraid she gave him whiplash. His eyes were a clear indication that he had no idea she was there.
"How long have you been sitting there?"

"Hmm, through the entire song." She got up making Otto whimper at abandoning him.

Jax stood and placed the guitar against the railing, keeping it in place. He walked towards her.

"I mightn't have known what an incredible singer you were, but I do now."

Jax stopped right in front of her and looked deep into her eyes, searching for truth behind her words. Lillian noticed he was struggling to say something about his music, so she changed the topic.

"You didn't show up for lunch, I thought I'd check to see if you were ok."

Jax smiled,
"I'm fine." He pulled her into his arms and they stay that way, "I caught up."

"I saw. And heard." Lillian leaned her head back to look at him, "I think I fell in love with you over again when I heard you."

Jax let out a soft breath and leaned in to give her a kiss.
"You have a way with words."

Lillian placed her head back on his chest and smiled.

Of course, she did. It was her job.
She thought.

She couldn't wait for Jax to find out about her book, or their book. She was both excited and nervous all at once for when she would give him the complete manuscript to read.

Jax had forgotten how playing his guitar and singing felt. When he'd given it up, he thought it had been for good but after that music session he just had, he wasn't sure anymore. The truth was he'd missed it and he was worried getting back to it would be dishonouring his grams because he'd missed his last moment with her because of his music. He was confused but if anything, he knew he needed to pray about it.

They both stood there wrapped up in each other's arms, letting a breath out, the ocean breeze swooping in and stealing it. 

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