Chapter 42

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Deidre held Lillian's manuscript for the umpteenth time after reading it a couple of days after Lillian arrived in New York. Asides from the cold Lillian caught which had knocked her down, the other thing that had her locked up in her apartment since she got back was matters of the heart.

Deidre loved the story Lillian had written, it was one of Lillian's best works, but what did she know, she thought all Lillian's recent works were better than the last. But the end had been tragic and it broke Deidre's heart for Lillian's character and Lillian herself to know she was going through all of that hurt internally.

When Lillian had sent Deidre the manuscript, she'd made her promise not to send it for publishing approval. Deidre of course wanted to do that but she also wanted Lillian to be on the same page with her. And most of all, she wanted Lillian's character and Lillian to have a happy ending.

Deidre glanced at her watch and sighed.

She would get there before dark if she left right away.
She thought.

Deidre got up as she put the manuscript in her bag. She grabbed her phone and car keys then walked right out of her office.

"Maggie, please reschedule all my calls and meetings. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon." Deidre told her assistant.

"Is everything alright?"

"It will be." Deidre said and headed out of the building and into her car.

She stopped home to grab a few things for the one night she would be spending there, then put in the GPS coordinates and called her husband as she made the six-hour drive down there.

Lillian sighed and shut the book she was reading. Not only was she suffering, but so was the female character in the book she was reading.

Why do women take a lot of hurt and pain and then still stick around?

It had taken her every ounce of her to chase after Jax and beg for him to hear her out but his verdict was made, and she was not foolish to stick around and take any more of that hurt.

But the thing is, it's so much easier to look into someone's life or hear someone's story and judge them for taking so much crap from their partner when they deserve so much. But when it comes down to us, our life, we do the exact same thing and it feels justified because we're the ones living it.

We know what we've been through and how much we've put into that relationship that giving up is never an option.

Love truly twists everything you believe is true and then attacks you with it.

It's up to you to figure out if it's something you want to fight for or run from. If you stay and fight, it would either work out in the end or cut you to pieces and leave you eternally scarred. If you run from it, you'll either save yourself from a lifetime of hurt or truly miss out on a lifetime of love.

Lillian laughed.
What a mess.

To fight or not to fight.
That's always the question, isn't it?

She had fought as hard as she could without letting herself relive her childhood nightmare all over again. She was still trying to deal with that and she wasn't ready to add more to it.

So overall, she was proud of herself for getting out when she had. She was happy to miss out on a lifetime of love it would spare her the hurt that came with it.

Her phone rang, breaking her train of thought.

"Hey, I have to cancel lunch today, I have some urgent work to attend to," Deidre said when she answered the call.

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