Chapter 30

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Jesse got on stage and the crowd drew closer to the stage as soon as he started performing with the rest of his band. Lillian smiled, looked up at the clouds and thanked God for the miracle.


Lillian turned around to find a smiling Mindy making her way towards her.


Lillian shook her head, the smile still plastered on her face.
"I don't know."

God came through but she had no idea how he let a five-year-old pull this off.

"Well then, let's just enjoy it." Mindy said with a smile.


Across the field, Lillian turned and caught Jax's gaze. He was staring right at her with a hint of a smile on his lips. Her smile softened and as soon as he took his first step making his way towards her, her heart thumped in her chest and with every step that drew him closer to her, she was finding it harder to get oxygen into her lungs.

Jax stopped just an arm's length away from her and Lillian had to tilt her head to look into his eyes.

Lillian shrugged.

"Are you going to dance with me or what?"

Lillian chuckled.
"You have a funny way of asking."

Jax said nothing but extended his hand, palm facing up. Lillian looked down at his hand and back up at his face before she reached out and softly placed her hand in his.

Jax and Lillian could have sworn an electric current passed through them at that moment as they stood there for a second letting what was happening sink in.

Lillian followed behind Jax as he led her in the midst of the crowd that was dancing to Jesse's song.

Jax stopped and turned around to face Lillian. He spun her around making her smile before pulling her into his arms. Placing his other hand on her waist and keeping her close, Lillian swallowed, her chest rising and falling as she exhaled with a sigh. She kept her gaze over his shoulder while Jax kept his eyes on her face, watching her.

Lillian's other hand was trembling on Jax's other shoulder and he smiled.

"Are you ok?"

Lillian nodded.
"I'm fine."

Jax's smile slowly disappeared, he couldn't seem to stop watching her.
"Lily," Jax called her name softly.


"Look at me."

Lillian felt her heart skip a beat before she slowly lifted her gaze and looked into his piercing ocean blue eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Lillian's chest rose and fell continuously. She was finding it really hard to breathe and she had no idea why, or maybe she did but didn't want to admit it.
"You're making me nervous."

The corner of Jax's mouth quirked up just a little bit. He was holding back a smile.
"Why is that?"

"I...I don't know."

Lillian's head was spinning, she thought she would faint if she didn't shut her eyes and so she did. She dropped her gaze and gently placed her head under Jax's chin.

Jax felt his heart jump in his chest when she did and he slowly slid his hand from her waist to the small of her back, and he felt her sigh into his chest and he placed his chin on the top of her head while they just swayed with the music faded in the background.

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