Chapter 45

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Jackson made it to New York at two in the afternoon the following day. The afternoon sun warmed him up as he parked his truck outside the building that look similar to the picture Deidre had sent him. He leaned into the steering wheel peering out of the windshield and looking at the building as he turned the engine off.

He got out of his truck and walked into the building then headed straight for the elevator following everything Deidre had sent him via iMessage. He stepped out of the elevator and walked past a couple of doors checking the number on them until he got to hers.

His heart skipped a beat as he stopped in front of her door. He took a moment to breathe before he finally reached up and rang the bell. His heart was pounding in his chest as he waited nervously for her to open the door, but nothing. He rang the bell again, and again until someone peered out the door next to hers.

"She's not in." The nosy neighbour said,

"Do you know when she'll be back?"

The old lady shrugged,
"She left pretty early, looked like she was preparing for a long drive. I don't think she'll be back anytime soon."

Long drive?
Jax thought.

"Thank you." Jax said and turned around to walk away,

"What's your name? I can tell her you dropped by."

Jax turned and smiled at the woman,
"That won't be necessary. Have a good day, ma'am."


Jax heard as he walked down the corridor and back towards the elevator. He dialled Deidre's number on the way down.

"You're there, aren't you?"

"I am but she isn't home." Jax said,

"Oh." Deidre said, "That's a good thing."

"That I missed her?"

"No, that she's finally getting out of her apartment, she's been couped in there for the past few weeks.:

Jax clenched his jaw.
"Do you know when she'll be back?" He asked, "Her neighbour says she looked like she was preparing for a long drive."

"One thing I've learnt is Mrs. Garner's always right." Deidre said, "She never mentioned anything to me though."

"Anyway, can you find out?"

"I'm already on it." Deidre said, "Go to the café across the street, I'll meet you there in a few minutes."

In Burlington, Lillian pulled up in front of the clinic and got out of her car. She inhaled the cool fresh Burlington air as she made her way up to the clinic.

"Anyone here?" She asked as she walked inside, the door shutting behind her.

Emily came out of one of the rooms and immediately saw her.
"You're here!" She squealed and went to hug her.

Lillian smiled,
"I'm here." She said,

"I thought you were coming tomorrow."

"Is that Lillian?" Davis called from the back, "Is she here?"

"She is." Emily answered,

"Yea, I woke up at an ungodly hour and my thoughts were all over the place." She said, "I knew a drive would help, so here I am."

"It's so good to see you." Emily hugged her again, "Mum has been looking forward to seeing you again."

"So has everyone in town." Davis came out of the back and joined them, "It's good to see you, Lillian."

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