Chapter 43

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Deidre arrived at Burlington at four that evening. She was tired and relieved when she found Mindy's. She pulled near the curb and got out of her car and headed inside; she was starving.

The bell rang as she walked inside, eyes turned as she headed inside and sat at an empty table. It was a moment before Mindy came up to take her order.

"What can I get you?"

Deidre looked up at Mindy from where she sat and smiled to herself.

Oh, this was Mindy.
She could tell from the way Lillian described her.

As Mindy took her order, recognition set in.
"You look familiar," Mindy said narrowing her eyes at Deidre,

"Oh, I doubt it." Deidre said with a smile, "I've been to Burlington once before, but that was two years ago."

Mindy smiled,
"You came in here and sat by that window over there."

Deidre glanced to where Mindy pointed and was surprised she remembered something from that long back when she got regular customers.

"You came after your aunt passed."


Mindy shrugged with a smile.
"I'll get your order."

Deidre sat there with a smile and in wonder.

Lillian was right, this town was really special.
She hadn't even been around for twenty-four hours and she could see that.

Mindy came back with her food a few minutes later and Deidre relaxed and enjoyed her meal and she couldn't help but think Lillian was right, again.

Emily walked a while later as the diner began to empty. She sat at the counter and waited for Mindy to bring her a plate before she started talking about the news she got.

Deidre finished her meal and made her way towards the counter to pay.

"So, Lillian's coming back?" Mindy asked Emily with a smile,

"She probably won't stay."

Deidre frowned,
"I'm sorry for interrupting," Deidre stood beside Emily, "Did you just say Lillian's coming here?"

Emily and Mindy glanced at each other and back at Deidre who was smiling, clearly happy about the news.

"You know Lillian?" Emily asked,

"She's my friend," Deidre said, "More like a sister, actually."

"Oh my goodness, I can't believe I didn't piece it together," Mindy said, "Lillian always talked about you, she stayed at your aunt's cabin."

"Yea." Deidre said with a smile, "She talked about you guys too, I mean the whole town really."

Emily and Mindy smiled, happy about that little piece of information.

"I'm Emily," Emily extended her hand, "Mindy's daughter."

Deidre, again, smiled to herself.

Davis' Emily.

"It's really nice to meet you," Deidre said,

"So, how long do you plan on staying?" Mindy asked, "We've got a lot of this town to show."

Deidre smiled at the welcoming committee.
"I'm actually just here for one night," Deidre said, "I came for Jackson."

"Jackson?" Emily and Mindy asked, surprised.

"Yea, I have something important to discuss with him."

Mindy and Emily nodded.

"Well, his place is actually on the way to yours. You'll find it just easily."

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