(23) The Burning Building

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I slammed the door shut without a moment’s hesitation and quickly started racking my brain for a way to survive this. Judging by the way Jackie was screaming while clutching her stomach I knew that she was going to be too hysterical to help at all. I wanted to scream at her for going crazy at a time like this but I knew that it would just waste my own time and judging by the thickening smell of smoke, I didn’t have much of it. Before I even realized what I was doing I ran over to the sink and turned on the faucet, splashing the cold water over my face helped to get my brain working.

I was standing there repeating the motion over and over again when it hit me. Turning to my hysterical friend, I managed to get down to her level and shake the crap out of her. “Jackie, I need you to pull yourself together.” When she didn’t reply I shook her even harder before snapping. “Snap out of it damn it. We are not going to die here.”

She looked up at me with tears still streaming down her face but she had managed to calm her sobs. “We’re not?”

A sense of duty began to build up inside of me from looking at her. Here she was, a pregnant woman in danger and without her mate, completely helpless and me being her Alpha had to step up and make sure that she got out of here alive. “No we’re not.” I stated sternly.

She nodded her head weakly at me before taking a deep breath. “Okay.”

“Good.” I nodded. “Now I need you to tell me if you can shift or not while you’re pregnant.”

Her eyes grew wide as she started up at me. “Yeah I can shift,” She spoke hesitantly. “but we can’t run out of the building as wolves. There is that big rule about revealing ourselves and my husband is out there.”

“Screw the damn rule for once. I’m more concerned about getting out of here alive aren’t you?” I growled frustrated at her.

She looked as if she was going to start crying again but she ended up holding back her tears. “But what about Linc.”

“Do you want to see him again?” I yelled.

She nodded her head. “Of course.”

“Well then stop asking questions and do what I’m telling you to do.” I barked back at her before rushing back over to the faucet.

Jackie seemed shocked by my change in attitude but she didn’t comment on it. Instead she pulled herself up off of the kitchen floor and followed me over to the sink. “What exactly do you have planned?”

With a deadly serious expression I told her. “I’m going to need you to shift.”

Luckily she didn’t question me this time and instead started to strip her clothes off of her. When she was done she leaned slightly forward and was completely shifted into a wolf in the blink of an eye. Standing over Jackie’s discarded clothes was a gorgeous black wolf. She was would have been completely black if it had not been for her white paws, but other than that she had a thick fur coat and a small build. I silently praised her ancestors for passing down such traits. The thick coat would make it harder for her to get burnt and the small build meant that she would be able to move fast.

I ushered her over to the sink and as soon as she close enough I started to splash the cold water on her fur. She let out a yelp at the unsuspecting attack but managed not to move away. I continued splashing water on her until she was dripping, then I kneeled down in front of her and grabbed the sides of her face with my hands.

“You’re going to stay right by my side no matter what, do you understand?” I tried to keep the worry and fear out of my voice the best I could but I knew that some of it sneaked through.

She nodded her head at me and I sighed. After standing up to my full height I quickly discarded my own clothes and then turned to the door. My hand hovered over the hot knob for a moment and I gave one last look over my shoulder at Jackie. She walked a little closer to me and nudged her nose against my calf, as if telling me to hurry it up already.

“Stay close.” I warned before touching my hand to the knob. The knob had grown even hotter from the last time I had touched it and the new heat made me yelp but I didn’t let go. I turned the bloody bastard and swung the damn thing open. My shift wasn’t as graceful as Jackie’s had been. She had done it so quickly and efficiently that it made mine look like a bad joke. Knowing that time was of the essence I focused everything on just shifting. The pain of the forced quick change had me screaming and the snap of my bones only added fuel. My cries luckily started to mutate into howls and I could feel my finger shrink back into paws. I knew that the change was over once I was able to blink my eyes open and stare at the two brown paws that had replaced my hands.

As soon as I was able to do that I didn’t even waste my time with the whole water thing. It was too high up for my wolf to reach and I didn’t have time for it. Instead I ran towards the hungry flames with Jackie on my tail. I could hear the sizzling of the fire as it burned the paint on the walls as well as the cracking of glass. My first instinct was to go through the front door but as soon as my eyes caught sight of where it had been I felt the pit of my stomach drop. Beams from the ceiling had fallen down in front of the door, blocking our exit with high flames and heavy smoke.

I could faintly hear Jackie whining behind me as she nudged my back leg again, telling me that we had to move. I felt the thick smoky air burning my eyes and the flames that were flickering near me seared my dry fur. If we didn’t get out of here soon I was sure that the top floor was going to collapse on top of us. I scanned the burning building quickly and looked for another exit. My eyes caught sight of a half broken window and I suddenly felt as if I was being given a sign. I howled loudly before running towards the window. My tail was brushing against Jackie the entire time we ran so I knew that she was behind me.

We dodged burning beams and shards of glass as best we could but I felt one shard in particular embed itself into the protective pad on my right paw. If we had more time I could have stopped and pulled it out with my teeth but I could tell by the creaking of the ceiling that we were well out of time. We reached the broken window and for a second I just stared at it. The top half of it was broken leaving the bottom half jagged and possibly deadly. I looked back at Jackie and immediately thought of her getting cut in the stomach. It would definitely hurt the baby if that were to happen. So with a frustrated growl I turned back to face the window and purposely jumped straight into the bottom half of the glass.

Since I didn’t have Jackie’s thick coat, I felt every single shard as it sliced into my skin. My back felt as if someone was digging a pitchfork into it and then dragging it downwards. Both my front legs and my back felt the same sensation only it wasn’t as painfully intense. As soon as I felt my front paws touch the ground I instinctively moved my shoulders into a turn and used the momentum from my back legs to swing my whole body around until I was facing the burning building.

The movement had caused the shard of glass that was stuck in my paw to go even deeper. I let out a yelp of pain and jerked my paw off of the ground so that I wouldn’t add any more pressure to it. I could already feel the sting on my back and legs from the glass. A soft warm liquid started shifting through my fur and I could tell from the irony smell that it was blood. I wanted to collapse on the floor and cry out from the sheer pain my body was in but I could break down, not while Jackie was still inside.

“Allie!” My ears perked up at my name and I turned my head to see Colt running towards me. My heart starting fluttering around inside of my chest once my eyes met with his. I hadn’t seen anybody inside of the burning building when I had scoped it out so I had assumed that he had made it out but there had been that linger feeling of dread in the back of my mind, wondering if he was safe. Seeing him made me want to shift back into a human right then and there so that I could wrap my arms around his neck and cry, but I knew that it would be a bad move in my current condition.

His eyes were wide with concern and his mouth was drawn in a firm line. When he reached me he fell to his knees and starting looking me over. I could see the horror and rage fill his eyes at the sight of my damaged body. I knew that I wasn’t in great shape but when his face lost a little bit of color because of it I knew that it was even worse.

“Oh Allie,” His eyes found mine again as he raised his hands up towards my body, wanting to touch me but also not wanting to hurt me more in the process. They settled on either sides of my muzzle and he hesitantly leaned forward to rest his forehead against mine. “I thought you were out. I thought you were safe. When I called your name you didn’t answer and I thought….Allie I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.”

I rubbed my head against his and whined silently against. I wanted to tell him so much that it wasn’t his fault, to hold onto him until the fear in his eyes went away, but I couldn’t do any of that in this form. I felt my eyes wonder over to the broken window. Where the hell was Jackie?

An ear popping crack broke from inside of the building and I assumed that it was from another beam. When it was quickly followed by rumbling nose I felt my heart stop inside of my chest. Was that the ceiling coming down? The rumbling continued and suddenly I found myself pulling away from Colt and howling at the window. I was about to attempt to jump back through it when Colt wrapped his arms protectively around me.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” He yelled at me. I whimpered loudly as I tried to yank my body out from his grasp. He only tightened his grip on me. “What the hell are you trying to do Allie?”

I turned my head to look at him before snapping it back to the building howling again. With a deep from his eyes wondered back and forth between me and the building. I thought that he was about to understand me when suddenly he looked back at me and yelled. “I don’t care what your reasoning is for wanted to go back in there but it’s not going to happen.”

I whined loudly at him but he just shook his head at me. Knowing that every second I wasted was another second Jackie might be dying I quickly growled at him before bending forward and sinking my teeth into his forearm. The taste of blood seeped into my mouth and Colt’s steady stream of curing soon followed. As soon as he released me and jerked his arm away from me I was able to run towards the building. I could hear Colt screaming from behind me as I scrunched my front legs forward, ready to jump.

A black wolf leapt out of the flaming window just as I was about to leap. She rammed into me head first and we both feel to the ground whining and yelping. My body was shaking it was in so much pain and having Jackie’s larger body on top of me wasn’t making it any better. I barked up at her for her to get off of me and that was when I saw it. The huge claw marks on her shoulder. I moved out from under her as carefully as I could before shoving my face closer to the wound. Where the hell had that come from?

Jackie was breathing heavily as she weakly opened her eyes to look at me. I whined even louder so that she could hear it over the falling building and bent my head forward to lick the edge of the wound. She yelped out in pain and I instantly jerked my head away from her.

“Is that Jackie?” I looked up to see him standing above us. His eyes were narrowed as he stared at her gaping wound. I tried to pleading him to help her but all that came out of my mouth were whines. He knelt down beside her and placed a hand to her shoulder, just above where the wound started. I could see the look in his eyes as he picked back up his blood covered hand and looked back at me, it was if he was saying that there was nothing we could do.

I cried even louder at him and nudged my nose against a part of her body. Please Colt, help her!

He looked back down at his old friend and started rubbing her from her head down to her shoulder. “I’m sorry Jackie,”

“Did you just say Jackie?” I snapped my head over to the side to see Linc rushing over. His eyes met with mine and instantly his worried expression turned into a frown. He looked from me to his wife and then back to Colt before asking. “What’s up with these beat up dogs? Where is my wife at Colt?”

Jackie whined beside me and I turned to see her eyes focused on Linc. There was a drop in my stomach at the overwhelming sadness that filled her eyes. She believed that she was going to die, as a wolf in front of Linc and he wasn’t even going to know it.

“I don’t know.” Colt spoke through clenched teeth at Linc before turning his attention back to Jackie.

“You said her name though didn’t you? You said Jackie right?” He asked worriedly as he took a few step closer to us.

Colt paused for a moment in rubbing Jackie before sighing. “I found a collar on the dog and ironically its name is Jackie. I’m sorry that I don’t know where your wife is Linc.”

“I’m really started to get worried about her, you know?” Colt nodded his head at Linc before Linc raised his hand up and scratched the back of his head. “I called her cell eight times already and she still hasn’t picked up.”

“I’m sure you’ll find her.” Colt murmured harshly causing Linc to star suspiciously at him but he kept him mouth shut and simply nodded to him.

“Yeah,” He spoke dully. “Well I’d better get going then.” He looked back at me and then to Jackie and just as he was about to turn to leave Jackie whined again. Linc paused for a moment at her whine and looked back at her again and this time he really looked at her. I didn’t know what was running through his mind at that moment but suddenly Linc was walking over to us.

He stared into Jackie’s eyes as he hovered above her and for a moment that was all he did. I could feel Jackie’s blood soaking the ground and I instantly stared nudging Colt, begging him to do something. When I looked back up at Linc I found that he was staring at me. His eyes were pinched together as if he was trying to see something far away then suddenly his eyes became wide. “Allie?”

I yelped loudly up at him and then turned my body towards him so that I could nudge his leg. He jerked his leg away as soon as I touched it. I looked up at him with pleading eyes before turning to Jackie and nudging her neck. She whined weakly at me before turning her attention back on Linc. Something inside of him must have clicked at that moment because the next thing I knew he was kneeling down beside me.

His eyes were wide with fear as he muttered quietly, “Jackie.” I could see Colt attention snap away from Jackie and up to him at the sound of her name and then he began frowning at Linc.

Jackie however stared at him for a moment and then she weakly shifted her head from one side of the floor and pressed her nose against his knee before whining softly. Linc’s eyes grew wide with shock and fear as he leaned forward to grabbed ahold of her head.

“Jackie! My Jackie!” He yelled horrified and started looking at the wound on her side.

“Whoa now Linc, you’ve got it all wro-

Linc punched Colt in the side of the face before screaming. “My werewolf wife is lying here bleeding to death and you were just going to let me walk away!” He pulled his fist back and slammed it into Colt’s face again. “You asshole! What the fuck would you have said to me if she would have died because of this huh?”

Colt just rubbed the side of his face and stared at Linc. When Linc was tired of waiting for him to answer he turned his attention back to Jackie. Linc was running his hands through Jackie’s fur examining her still bleeding wound when Colt finally spoke up. “She’s a werewolf and we’re not supposed to let humans find out about us. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to lie to you but I couldn’t….I couldn’t tell you.”

Linc didn’t even bother to lift his eye up to Colt, he just brought both hands to the wound on her side and started pressing down until Jackie was howling in pain. “Yeah, well I ain’t exactly human.” A flash of white lightning started to crackle from his hands and Jackie’s howls of pain became louder. All of a sudden her cries stopped and her head fell lifelessly to the pavement. Linc pulled his hands away from her after a few more seconds and the large deep wound that had once been there was gone.

Linc’s breathing was labored as he stared at Jackie’s furry face. He ran his hand over her head and smiled slightly at the feeling. After a moment he leaned forward and whispered one word in her ear. “Change.”

Jackie’s body twisted and warped until she was back in her human form. She was bare for hardly a second before a pair of clothes materialized onto her body. Linc then leaned forward and picked her up off the ground and then turned his back to the both of us.

Colt’s eyes were wide as he stared at Linc. “What the hell are you?”

Linc stopped walking and looked over his shoulder at the two of us before saying. “Think of me as a God.”


BA-BAM! Yeah that's right that just happened. I know there are a lot of typos and I will fix there hopefully monday but i was already a day behind on posting this and i knew that you all have been waiting so hahah hope you enjoyed!! This chapter was going to be longer but again i wasnt going to wait.

Alone Until I Met You (Completed)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara