(28) The Terror

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“Your dad?” Colt asked disbelievingly. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”

Linc gave a nonchalant shrug. “You can believe it or not that’s your choice but it’s the truth.”

I gave a sigh before running a hand through my hair. Colt wasn’t the type of guy that would just accept something this huge automatically; even if it was coming from a close friend he was going to need a lot of convincing. Personally I didn’t want to waste time over a bunch of nonsense so I skipped straight to the point.

“For argument’s sake then let’s just say that we believe that you are the son of some almighty god.” I took a small step towards Linc with my hand on my hip. “Can’t you just trust us when we say that we won’t tell anyone about Gods and skip this whole bodyguard business?”

“I already told you that it’s not how we work.” Linc appeared to be bored by having to explain it again. “I might be trust you guys but my dad doesn’t and he is the one giving the orders around here.”

I lifted my hand up and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Okay fine then waste your time stalking us I really don’t care but can you at least tell me what a God is exactly because I’m in the dark on all of this.”

“I wouldn’t mind hearing a few things about it too.” Colt added with a serious frown. “Be nice to know what our new nanny is capable of.”

Linc’s lip tightened into a firm line as he thought about something. “Well I guess that would be fine since you guys already know Gods exist.”

“Great.” I smiled and gestured over to the couch. “Should we make ourselves comfortable?”

Linc nodded and we all walked over to the couch and then made ourselves comfortable. Colt and I took the couch while Linc sat on the edge of the coffee table. I assumed it was because he wanted to be facing us when we talked.

I felt Colt’s arm wrap around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. A light blush rose up to my cheeks when the side of my body was pressed against his rock hard one. I felt the shocks and warm flashes spread throughout my body as I awkwardly settled myself against him. It wasn’t like Colt to be this…affectionate, especially in front of others and it left me feeling a little bit lost as to how I should react.

From the corner of my eye I glanced over at Colt to see his expression was still his serious but his eyes held a mischievous glint to them. Colt knew that he was making me feel uncomfortable in front of Linc and even dared to enjoy it. My mood changed as I thought, Well two can play at this game.

Taking his little tease a step forward I rotated my hips slightly until my chest was pressed against his side. I managed to mask my emotions at my devious ploy and pressed my body even closer to his. When his arm tightened around me I couldn’t help the corner of my lips twitch upwards.

“So tell me,” I said with a serious and calm tone. “What are Gods like?”

Linc leaned over until his elbows were on his knees and then clasped his hands together. “All Gods vary, whether it is by their appearances, status, or power there is no one trait that we all share unless you include being immortal.”

“So you’ll never die?” Colt spoke in a serious manner causing Linc to pause.

Something flashed across his face and he lowered his head slightly down. “There are certain incident’s where we have been stripped from our immortality but it’s not very common so yes, I will never die.”

“What about Jackie?” I asked curiously.

Linc’s fingers tightened around each other until his knuckles turned white. “One day she will die and leave me here alone with nothing but painfully memories.”

I felt a pain in my chest. “What about your child? Will it be immortal as well?”

Linc shook his head from side to side. “The child will only be a half god. It might have special powers or abilities but it will die like a human.”

“That’s awful.” I touched my hand over my mouth at the horrible truth about being immortal. To one day have to watch the people that you love more than anything else in the world leave you behind…the pain of it all was unimaginable.

Linc lifted up his hand. “It’s the price of being a god.” His voice fell quiet for a moment as he recollected himself. With a large plastered smile he looked back up at me. “At least I’ll be able to watch my grandkids grow up.”

Colt nodded sadly beside me. “Yeah,”

Linc pretended as if he hadn’t notice Colt’s expression or tone in his voice. “Well besides my eternity of sadness there are a few perks to being a god like my powers.”

Despite Linc’s best effort to change the subject I still couldn’t shake the pity that I felt for him. I had thought that everything was going to be perfect between him and Jackie when they discovered each other’s secrets but it would seem as if fate had robbed them of that a second time. It pained me to even think about the cursed life that Linc was bond but I tried to keep it in. Linc wouldn’t like it if I pried my fingers into his open wounds so I let the conversation drop.

I coughed lightly as I awkwardly contributed to the new conversation. “Those sparks, when you shot lightening out of your hands to heal Jackie, was that your power? Healing?”

He smiled at me gently and I could tell it was because I had followed his change in subject. He nodded over to me. “Close but not quite.” He brought his left hand up and snapped his fingers together. Blue bolts surged around his hand, zapping randomly from the center of his palm and out towards his fingertips. “I command lightning.”

My eyes were glued to the sparking blue bolts as they jumped around his hands. Little cracks sounded as each strand flickered against his skin. The sight was both beautiful and frightening. “But you healed Jackie,” My throat had gone a little tight so I gave a quick cough to clear it. “You can’t do that with lightening…can you?”

He snapped his hand closed, forcing the blue lightening to disappear. “Normally that would be a no but for a God who specializes in it anything is possible. You see Allie a lot of things carry a sort of current or give off their own electricity the human body is no different. The human brain has these things called synapse and they carry all kinds of messages. They determine everything a person says or does from the moment they are born… to the moment of death. I’m able to tap into that small source of power and control it as I see fit, whether it be hurrying up the healing process or forcing you to say something.”

“You mean you can control someone? Just like that?” Colt asked beside me.

Linc gave a little shrug of his shoulders. “Just like that.”

“Are you sure that you’re a God Linc or a devil?” Colt asked coldly.

Linc only laughed at his friend and smacked his hand against his knee. “You’re implying that all Gods are good aren’t you Colt? Ha that’s funny especially when I never gave you a reason to think that.” His smile fell from his face and he brought his hands together. “I might not be some perfect deity, there are things that I have done…lives that I have ruined but that doesn’t make me evil. Compared to others I am the closes thing that you’re going to get too good. In a shorter note just be happy that I am on your side.”

Linc placed his hands on his knees and slowly lifted himself up from the table. He gave a nod to both me and Colt before turning to leave.

“You’re leaving?” I shot up from my seat in the couch and took a step towards Linc.

His eyes met mine and he gave a little smile. “Sorry babe I would love to play with you a little bit longer but I have a date with a very pregnant lady.”

“Oh.” I sighed and looked back over at Colt. Things between Linc and him had been off ever since the bar had burned down. I knew that Linc still held a grudge over Colt for almost letting his wife die but Colt was only doing what he was supposed to do. The mess was very complicated and truthfully I was tired of it.

I looked back at my mate with a glare. “I think Colt has a few things that he wishes to discuss with you in private.”

“I do?” Colt’s eyes widened at my sudden anger and his gaze was flickering between me and Linc. “I do.”

I plastered a smile on my face and clapped my hands together. “Great then I’ll give you guys a little time alone.”

Linc looked just as confused as my mate but smiled nonetheless. I slapped my hand against his shoulder as I passed and quickly made my way to the door. Before opening it I looked over to the boys, each one was staring down at the ground in a moment of awkwardness and I could tell that this conversation was going to take a while to start let alone finish. With a sigh I decided that maybe it was best for me to go take a little walk around the block or something.

I opened up the door and left without a second look back. Those two needed to rekindle their bro-mance or else I was literally going to tare one of their throats open. My simple plan of walking out of the building and taking a nice stroll around the block wasn’t as easy as if sounded. As soon as I exited out of my apartment the pack swarmed around me.

Each pack member had questions about what had caused the Lou Pine to burn down. I tried to answer them but each time I cut myself off. I couldn’t tell the pack that the Blackpaws had burned down the bar in an attempt to try and kill me because then they would ask me about why the other pack had a grudge against me. It didn’t feel right to me to tell the pack that there was a war coming and that it was all because of me.

When I thought about it like that I just couldn’t handle it. The thought of going to war with this pack didn’t sit right with me. Some of them could die, families would be lost, and it would all be because of some incident that had happened between Colt and Kirk. An incident that I didn’t even know about. Suddenly I just felt like I needed to know what that incident was, what could cause two friends to turn on one another, what could cause the banishment of their previous Alpha Colt, and what about Hailey? Were they all tied in together somewhere?

I don’t know how or when it had happened but somehow I had managed to get away from the pack. I ran out of the door of the building running for something but having to no clue as to what it was. I was looking for something, some kind of piece of the puzzle and I knew that one person held that piece and that they would be more than willing to tell me but I also knew that that person was dangerous.

I wondered around the city, brushing passed human and huffing down the sidewalk as if someone was after me. I had no reason for running around like this except for the reason that it just felt needed. As if some horrible nightmare had caught up to me I felt a cold presence behind me. My back stiffened as a shiver ran down the length of it. My body just seemed to freeze in place as I turned my head and truly saw a nightmare.

“Where do you think you’re going Allie?” Black revengeful eyes stared back at me as a wolfish smile broke across his face. “Don’t you remember out little deal? You mate Colt and your life is mine.”

I tripped over my own feet and stumbled to the floor. “Kirk…”

He let out a wicked laugh as he knelt down to my level. “That’s right sweetheart. I’m so glad that you haven’t forgotten about me.”

“But this is…this is my territory. You can’t be here.” I stuttered out.

He threw his head back and laughed. “Did you really think that a few guards could keep me out?”

I thought about the pack members that I had assigned to watch over the border of my territory. “What did you do to them!” I seethed. “If you hurt them-

He let out another laugh. “You’ve come to care for the pack haven’t you? You forget my sweet Allie, you only took over that pack so that you could hide behind them. There’s no reason for you to get all sentimental about their deaths now, blood was bound to be spilt anyway.”

“You killed them?” I mumbled horrified.

His smile grew as he leaned forward and touched a finger to my chin. “Don’t worry love, what I plan on doing with you is going to be much worse.”

My blood boiled in my veins as I stared up at the veil man. “You bastard!” I flung myself at him but another pair of hands dug into my forearms from behind me. I snarled as I tried desperately to free myself from the person behind me.

“Now, now darling there’s no need for you to get upset there’ll be plenty of time for that later.” He smiled devilishly down at me before glancing up at the person behind me. “Now Six, remember what I told you earlier, you can’t hurt her just yet.”

I felt my eyes grow wide. Did he just say Six? Slowly I stopped struggling and looked over my shoulder at the very familiar she-wolf. Six’s white teeth gleamed as she smirked down at me.

“Oh did I forget to mention that Six here has been on my side since the very beginning?” Kirk’s voice taunted. “It’s a shame that you didn’t see this coming.”

And then before I could utter a single word a bag was thrown over my head. The image of Six smiling down at me was imprinted into my mind and true terror soon followed.

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