(8) The Blonde Werewolf in Lou Pine's Bar

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I took a deep breath and looked ahead, the morning light played against the dark shabby bar, like a ghostly shadow bobbing in and out of an alley way. In the foggy light Lou Pine’s Bar and Grill resembled most of the other buildings that we had passed, causal and inviting, but once a dark figure moved within the bar its true face was unmasked. That one haunting shadow revealed so much in just an instant. The nightmarish bangs echoed through the air followed by screeching howls and inhuman gurgles.

The smell of blood stained the air and filled my stomach until I was ill. Clinging to the smell of freshly spilled blood was something that I had never come a crossed before, its hard stench burned my nostrils and back of my throat, until I was coughing for fresh air. The burning sensation that tickled my nose brought a watery sheen of unshed tears to my eyes.

What was that awful smell?

Every instinct I had, both human and animal, were screaming at me to get as far away from this place as possible. Instinctively I went to take a step back from this hell hole only to slam my back against a hard wall. A slow hot whisper heated the tip of my ear.

“Get a move on Allie.”

My body jerked away from the hard wall and quickly I spun around on my heels in pure terror. My eyes met with a pair of glass cold green ones. Blood was rushing through my head at such an incredible speed that became static, blocking out everything around me except for those deadly green eyes. Completely consumed by fear I did the most irrational thing possible. I turned tail and ran.

My foot hadn’t even planted itself firmly on the ground before a hard hand grabbed ahold of my shoulders from behind and yanked me back against the hard ‘wall’. I yelped at the crack of my back slamming into his built chest and immediately started to struggle.

“Damn it Allie, we don’t have all damn day. Hurry up and get ahold of yourself.” The dominant voice behind me grumbled into my acute ear.

I fought against his tightening grip as hard as I could but didn’t gain an inch. “Let me go. Please let me go!” I screamed hysterically.

My heart rammed into my ribs so hard that could barely contain the terror that was growing with each rapid heartbeat. I was suddenly being forcefully spun around and found myself staring right back into those blinding green eyes. His steel breaking grip on my shoulders wavered slightly letting the bite that his fingers had inflected breathe. I shivered at the small tingles of pain and tried my best to hold back a whimper. Slowly those cold green eyes formed into something familiar. My heart rate sky rocketed when recognition hit.

“C-Colt,” My voice had a watery hitch in it as I stared into those warming green eyes. Suddenly I felt ashamed for being so terrified and weak in front of him. With him around I should have been confident that nothing could harm me and yet I had been petrified by the mere sight of the bar. Some part of my chest ached for the pain that I had done to his pride.

His calloused thumb caressed my clothed shoulder, rubbing soothing circles into my clammy skin, and settling my wrecked nerves. His warm but stern voice washed over me like a hot warm and suddenly I was trembling for a completely different reason. “What’s come over you Allie?”

I stared up into his warm green eyes for a moment longer as I deciphered through my mixed emotions. I took a deep shaky breath before shaking my head. “Nothing, it’s nothing.”

His expression turned grim at my obvious lie and a growl rumbled through him. “I can smell your fear Allie, you’re petrified so don’t tell me it’s nothing.”

I shook my head again only this time it wasn’t a sign for ‘no’ but rather me shaking the remaining fear out of my system. Colt growled at my mistaken sign and took a threatening step closer to me. “Listen Allie, we can’t back out of this just because you’re scared.”

“I know.”

“Well than pull yourself together.” He snapped in my face before he spun me back around. “I don’t have all day to mess around with you.”

I cringed at the pain his harsh words inflicted on my heart but I knew that he was right. I had wasted enough time standing out here in the street, panicking over a stupid bar and now it was really time to get things rolling. Before I looked up at the bar again I took a deep cleansing breath in hope to get rid of any remaining fear but when I opened up my eyes it was like walking right back into a horror film. The dark shadows, the rusted smell of blood, and the skin peeling screams had me terrified all over again.

Just when I thought I was going to be taken over by fear again something stopped me. Colt’s strong dependent hand touched the small of my back, making the patch of skin grow hot underneath it. My stomach was doing little flips inside of me and suddenly the fear melted away. His fingers slowly spread out making my skin burn under his ouch. Something in his touch was reassuring to me that he wasn’t going to leave my side even for a moment. He was comforting me in the only way he knew how to… through my animal senses.

My wolf whined when he gave me a gentle push towards the bar and then dropped his hand away. Confidence however was flowing through my veins now and for the first time in my existence I felt strong, lethal, and dominant. As if to prove to everyone else just how wickedly strong I was, my chin notched itself up into an elegant pose and my back straightened. Without another word from Colt I strutted myself over to the entrance of the bar with his boots clicking against the pavement.

A few other wolves were leaning up against the side of the building when I was closing in on it. Their heads snapped over to my direction as I started to pass them, their eyes flashing yellow, and their grins growing wolfishly sharp as I passed. I crinkled my nose as I took a quick sniff of them and frowned. They smelt of human booze and something smoky but behind that was their dominant odor; which wasn’t that impressive compared to Colt’s but then again I didn’t imagine a lot of people’s were . I shrugged my shoulder in reply and started to walk over to them. Our goal was to create a pack so I suppose I shouldn’t be that picking.

Colt growled low behind me putting a slight hitch in my step. “Not them.”

Without even questioning him I turned my attention back on the large wooden bar doors. I had no clue as to what kind of wood they were made from. I suppose it didn’t really matter, I thought right before I kicked them in. The bulky doors swung open with a bang from my kick and every wolf in the bar was looking right at me as I entered.

A shiver ran down my back from their heated gazes but I kept my head held high knowing that if I showed any sign of weakness I would be done for. Colt’s warm presences tickled my back silently telling me to keep moving. I swallowed dryly before taking another step into the bar.

Yellow eyes flashed as they moved from me and then up to where I assumed Colt was. One by one their eyes slowly turned away and conversation picked back up. I let out a sigh of relief before stepping over to where a large amount of people were gathered up by a long high table. I was almost at the bar when I realized that a pair of silver eyes was still watching me. Instantly I became defensive and could already feel the back of my throat rumble in a low growl.

The eyes sneered back at right before the woman that they belong to got up from her seat and started walking over to me. Her long blonde hair was wild with ringlets and waves that bonce with every step she took. Her face was slender and her nose was pointed making her look delicate but those cold silver eyes showed that she was anything but. She, like the rest of the wolves in the bar, was covered in skin tight black leather and sported a pair of black biker boots. The woman couldn’t be much taller than I was but she had more of a build which made her more lethal.

She looked at me for a moment longer, letting her frown settle in and then dragged her eyes up to Colt. Instantly the woman changed, her hard frown turned into a smile and her shoulder lifted into a high musical laugh. Before I even realized it she was running past me and throwing herself against Colt. I spun around on my heels with my eyes wide in shock.

“Oh Colt you finally came to see me!” She said between giggles of joy before she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and lifted herself on her tip toes. Her painted thin red lips grew into a wolfish grin right before she smashed her lips against his.

The growl that had been working its way up my throat froze at the sight of her lips against his. She slowly tilted her head back, taking him into a deeper kiss and then moaned at the feeling. The pot of rage that had been simmering in my stomach boiled over when she moaned. My lips peeled back into a snarl right before a loud growl erupted from my chest.

How dare this woman jump on Colt like that! How dare she kiss him! As if the woman hadn’t even heard my threatening growl she pulled away from Colt with a smile plastered on her thin lips.

One of her hands untangled themselves from the back of his neck and buried itself in his hair. She giggled at the feel of it between her fingers and then slowly ran it down the scar on the side of his cheek. “You’re going to have to tell me all about your new scar Colt.” She spoke in a seductive voice.

The wolf inside of me howled at the injustice of it all. I wanted rip her stomach lining open and spill her entrails all over the grimy bar floor. I could practically feel her blood already wetting my murderous hands. As if the woman finally remembered my presences she turned her head over to me. Her grey eyes flashed back to their human blue ones before a slow smile of triumph spread across her face.

“You shouldn’t let little Omegas follow you around Colt. It’s cruel to lead them on into thinking that they are part of the pack.” Something inside of my chest snapped painfully at her words. I could feel my snarl drop down into a firm frown as I thought, Omega…I wasn’t an Omega. Was I?

The woman’s smile grew as if she had accomplished some task and then she turned to look back at a very pissed of Colt. His own growl roared through the building making the roof shake above us and his eyes flashed a molten gold color. The woman hopped away from him as if she had just gotten burned.

Colt took a threatening step after the woman, his lips still pulled back into a fearsome snarl. “Allie is not an Omega!”

I could feel my chest grow warm at his words and suddenly I was shaking with heat. The woman however blinked up at him for a second before she sneered over at me. “She sure looks like one to me.”

My lips peeled back into my own snarl and I took a step towards the blonde. She cocked her brow at my silent challenge and then slowly took a step towards me with a small smile forming back on her lips. Colt’s growl made us both jump and we snapped our head back in his direction.

He glowered over at the small blonde woman and she cautiously straightened herself up while keeping a steady eye on him. Colt took another step towards her growling, “Don’t insult her again.”

The woman defiantly cocked her brow at him. “Why not?”

Colt didn’t even hesitate to answer her, “I won’t tolerate you disrespecting my Alpha,”

Both the woman and I grew wide eyed at his response. The woman slowly turned her head back towards my direction with a shocked expression on her face. “She’s your Alpha?”

I stared back into the woman’s blue eyes just before they swirled back into her wolfish silver ones. Colt’s warm dominate voice washed over my skin as he slowly spoke again. “Yes, Six, she’s my Alpha.”

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hahahaha what they hell right?? I bet that you all weren't expecting this to happen lol yeah i know im evil :) Who's is this blonde girl named Six? Why the hell did she kiss Colt? And why is Colt telling her that Allie is his Alpha? Find out in the next chapter :D

I'm sorry for any misspelled words and nicks in the story if it is a big deal please message me about it or comment it specifically and i shall fix it XD thank you for all of the wonderful comments and votes

Alone Until I Met You (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن