(4) The Last Meal

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Cold. My eyes blinked open groggily to stare at the vacant half of the bed. For a moment I just looked at the empty pillow beside me as if someone was magically going to appear there. I yawned loudly before rubbing my cheek deeper into the pillow and then frowned. Something was off about this pillow. I raised myself up onto my elbows and looked back at it. The pillow looked no different than the one beside it but when I laid my head back down on it again it still felt wrong. The pillow I remembered falling asleep on was firmer than this one and defiantly warmer. I inhaled the scent of it before pulling away from it again. The scent was off too, it was supposed to smell more like pinecones and earth….like Colt.

I jerked up into a sitting position, quickly becoming alert after sniffing and surveying the entire room. Where’s Colt? I wondered when my search had come up dry. Instinctively I reached out an arm and felt the empty side of the bed; it was cold, telling me that he had left some time ago. Even though I had known him now for less than two days, he didn’t seem like the kind of guy that would just up and leave in the middle of the night without warning me first.

Maybe he was still in the apartment.

Slightly less anxious now I let out a deep sigh of relief before untangling myself from the sheets and sliding off of the bed. The toes on my feet sank into the cool dark carpet and I could help but shiver at the feel of it. The sensation was nothing like the floor of the forest making it odd yet strangely comfortable. Without even sparing an extra glance at the bed or anything else in the room I went straight for the door. My first priority was to find out where Colt had gone not snoop around his territory.

The smell just about knocked me back when I opened the door. I had never smelt something so magnificent before in my life and already I could feel the drool pooling in my mouth. I took a long luxurious sniff and my stomach literally started growling. The wolf inside of me reared its head as I went in search of the source of this wonderful odor.

I wandered aimlessly into the kitchen, following the smell, when I spotted Colt. He had his back turned towards me as he maneuvered around the kitchen grabbing one thing before setting down another. I couldn’t help but watch him as he reached for something else. The muscles in his arms and back were magnificently displayed under his tight black short sleeve shirt.

A hot liquid spread through the bottom of my stomach as I watched the muscles and tendons coil and stretch. He spun around with two plates in his hands and set them down on the table. The food however no longer held my interest instead I was staring at his chest. The shirt hugged every inch of his perfectly chiseled chest and helped define the outlines of his abs. That warm liquid that was in my stomach literally started to spark and then explode inside of me. I didn’t exactly understand what these sudden feelings meant but whatever they were I liked them.

“Allie.” My eyes shot up from his chest and stopped straight at his gorgeous green eyes. Underneath his cold hard stare I could feel the heat rising to my face until I was sure I was glowing red.

Had he caught me drooling over him? I tried to look for my answer in his eyes but found absolutely nothing useful and then he smirked at me. My lungs stopped working and the air in my throat got caught at the sight of that smirk. It was the first one I had ever seen on someone else and to see it on him made it seem like a privilege; almost as if he rarely smiled at all. Of course I didn’t find the next thing that popped inside of my head relatively pleasant. That smirk meant that he had seen me goggling at him.

I took in my bottom lip and bit down hard as I down casted my gaze. Damn that gorgeous hunk of a man for getting to me like this. My stomach was already in knots and I could feel the perspiration on my hands. When had I become such a hormonal human?

“Allie.” Hesitantly at first I slowly raised my eyes back up to his. The smirk was now gone and in its place was the simple frown that I had come to know as his regular look. “Hurry up before the food gets cold.”

I blinked a few times before I noticed that he was already sitting down at the table with a steaming plate of amazing smelling food. Without even thinking about it I rushed over to the seat on the opposite side and looked down at the food. There were two white circle things with smaller yellow circles in the center of each of them, followed by four meat looking things that reminded me of intestines, and two pieces of some oddly formed glossy brown squares. Truth was that I hadn’t the slightest clue what any of this food was but it smelled amazing.

I looked up to see Colt stab one of the meat links before shoving it into his mouth and then stabbing another one. I stared sadly back down at my own plate when I realized that I would have to wait to eat it. It was an animal custom that went back far before any of us could remember. Where there had been a shortage of food and the weaker animals would have to wait to eat from the kill until after the stronger one had gotten their fill. Even though I had never been part of a pack before I knew that I had to wait until Colt was done eating before I could even touch the food.

“You know Allie, I woke up early this morning to make breakfast.” I looked up at him to see him glaring at me with a piece of the weird square thing near his mouth. “I had no food in the fridge so I had to go out into the pouring rain and walk all the way down to the store. The clerk was an asshole and kept telling me that he didn’t want my kind in his store so I had to walk another couple of blocks down in the rain to a different store. After I bought the food a couple of teenage humans tried to mug me. So the moral of this story would be, eat your damn food.”

With that being said he shoved the brown square into his mouth and then started attacking the rest. I couldn’t help but smile at him after the story. He would be the kind of wolf to break a simple tradition because of a bad morning. After watching him for a couple more seconds I looked down at the food on my plate. I hadn’t the slightest clue what to attack first but I thought maybe sticking to something that looked similar to what I normally ate would be a good start. I picked up the fork next to the plate and stabbed the brown meat link just as Colt had done a few moments ago. When I bit into it I almost fell off of the chair. The warm thick juices of the tender meat squirted into my mouth nearly burning my tongue, but the flavor that came with it was amazing.

Without another thought I attacked the rest of the meat links and then held one up with the fork and pointed it in Colt’s direction “What is this thing?” I asked curiously.

He raised an eyebrow to me. “It’s a sausage link.”

I looked back down at the magnificent piece of meat before stuffing it into my mouth. “I like this sausage meat.” I was disappointed to see that all of the sausages were gone from my plate but then I looked at the other food with both curiosity and wonder. Next I went after the strange brown square things. After I took a large bit of it and automatically spat it out.

“What is this thing?” I showed him the deformed square with a disgusted look on my face.

His eyebrows were drawn together as he stared at the thing and me. “It’s a piece of bread.”

I dropped the bread back onto my plate and glared at it. “Whatever animal this ‘bread’ thing is I don’t like it.”

I picked up the fork and poked the yellow and white circles. “What are these things?”

“Those are eggs.”

I looked back up at him. “Eggs? From what?”

He set his fork down on the plate and leaned back in his chair with his arms folded over his chest. Something next to his temple twitched as he stared at me. “It came from a chicken Allie.”

I looked back down at the egg before I scooped it up on my fork and shoved its dripping contents into my mouth. The taste wasn’t as bad as I thought it would have been and it was actually quite delicious. I was about to scoop up the other one but Colt’s voice stopped me.

“Are you telling me that you’ve never had any of this before?” His expression was the same as always –drawn, hard, cold- but this time there was something else in his eyes, something that I couldn’t put my finger on.

I shook my head from side to side and got slapped by my own hair. I frowned at the feeling and then just decided to say no instead. “No, I haven’t.”

There was a strange pause between us and for a moment I thought that it meant that he was finished talking to me. I picked back up the egg and shoved it into my mouth. It wasn’t as warm as the last one had been but it was still tasty. As soon as I swallowed it Colt shot up from his chair. I jumped a little at his quick and sudden movement which earned a glare from him. I lowered my chin down until I was staring at my lap and then I mumbled out an apology.

He didn’t even acknowledge me as he reached over and picked up my plate then walked over to sink. I watched him turn on the water from the corner of my eye and then he started to wash the dishes. He didn’t say a single word to me as he went on with the small choir and the longer he stayed quiet the more nervous I became. He was mad about something that I had said but for the life of me I didn’t know what it was. The food that I had just eaten sat in my stomach like a lead weight when he finished the dishes and turned those green eyes on me.

His mouth was drawn into a firm line as he wiped his hands off on a towel. “What pack do you belong to Allie?”

The tone he had in his voice made me want to drop down onto the floor and show him my belly. Since it would be weird to do that in my human skin I simply lowered my eyes back down to my lap. “I don’t have a pack.”

There was another awkward pause before I heard him set down the towel and started to walk over to me. “You mean that you got kick out of your pack or left it?”

I shook my head at him. “No, I’ve never been part of one to begin with.”

I flinched when his hand dropped down to my shoulder. I was pretty sure that that had pissed him off because he growled out his next question. “So this is your first time in the human world?”

My back stiffened at the question. My parents had told me something’s about the human world and I had watched it once from the border of the forest but I had never actually ventured into this strange world before. “Yes, this is my first time here but my parents told me about it.”

His hand tightened on my shoulder. “What about your parents?”

I followed his hand up to his eyes. “What about them?”

“Where are they Allie?”


He let out a frustrated growl as he dropped his hand from my shoulder and ran it through his shaggy hair. I didn’t understand why my parents being gone would make him upset and when I asked him about it he just let out another growl.

“Listen Allie, Kirk’s pack is pretty big and even though I’m strong there is no way I would be able to take all of them on at once.”

I could feel that lead ball in the pit of my stomach drop even further. I knew what he was getting at, he was saying that I was too much of a problem for him to handle and that he wanted me to leave. My throat tightened when he slid his finger along the line of my jaw. I looked up at his jade eyes with a whimper.

“You know what we’re going to have to do right?”

I nodded my head slowly trying desperately to hold back the tears that were clogging up my throat. I should have known that I wouldn’t be able to stay with him long but I had prayed that maybe this time things would have been different. Maybe with Colt I could finally be part of something and no longer have to be alone. I mean he had given me a name, a place to stay, and even fed me. Not to mention the fact that he had saved my life already multiple times. I had no right to ask for anything else but still I wanted more from him. I wanted to be by his side, I wanted to talk with him, I wanted more time but none of that was going to happen now. He wanted me gone.

“Allie,” My stiffened my back as I steeled myself for that one dooming sentence, “we need to make our own pack.”


Thank you all for reading!!! I'm sorry for any misspelled or missused words, if any really stuck out to you please message me and I shall fix it. Don't forget to comment so that I know how much you love it or something :) Thank again for reading and I will have the next chapter out on Sunday!!

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