(10) The Human Mate

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For the rest of the night I was continuously looking over my shoulder at Six, knowing that her threat was not to be taken lightly. The deadly blonde, if given the opportunity, would kill me in a heartbeat. Even though I was petrified of the woman I could understand her hatred towards me. If I had fought the woman over the leadership of the pack and won then she probably wouldn’t have it out for me, but since Colt had just unfairly come in and claimed me their leader she now felt jibbed.

I watched Six carefully as she poured another draft beer, her blonde curls bounced gracefully with her every movement, and her warm laugh carried across the bar. When she turned to drop off the drink she caught my stare. Her smile grew into what appeared to be genuine but the malice and rage in her eyes gave her away. I sneered at the woman to keep up my dominate front but on the inside I was shaking with fear.

All of this could have been avoided if Colt had just fought Six fairly and become Alpha himself but no instead he had to go and do something completely unsuspecting. Proclaiming me as Alpha was a stupid move…a very stupid move. Not only did I have Kirk to worry about now but now I also had Six and knowing that she had killed six other Alphas didn’t exactly calm my nerves. So now my life was being threatened again all because of this infuriating man.

I turned my head away from Six slowly, as a growl worked its way up my throat, to glare at the man sitting beside me. He took no notice in my change of mood instead he brought his bottle to his lips and took another swing. When he went to set the bottle back down on the table my growl had already intensified.

“Don’t cause a scene Allie.” He rumbled out a low warning and I instantly stopped.

Realizing that now wasn’t the best time to question him about his actions I let out sigh to help calm me back down. I was about to ask him a question but then thought that it might not be a good idea if other heard it. So I scooted my seat over to him a little and sat up until chest bumped his shoulder. He stiffened instantly against me and glared over at me out of the corner of his eye.

“What are you doing?” He grumbled.

I blinked up at him innocently before smiling. “Whispering in your ear?”

He looked appalled at the notion. “What for?”

Already I could feel a frown forming on my face. He whispered things in my ear all the time and had even whispered into Six’s. Was it really that strange for me to whisper back at him? A little unsettled at the thought I fidgeted in my seat. “Because I have something to tell you and I don’t want anyone else to hear it.”

The frown lines on his brow deepened. “What is it?”

I couldn’t stop the giggle that worked its way up my chest. “If you let me whisper it to you then I’ll tell you.”

I didn’t even think it was possible but his frown grew even grimmer. “Is it important?”

Was it important? I took my bottom lip between my teeth as I thought about it before nodding my head. “Yeah, I think so.”

“Can it wait?”

“Colt,” I whined, “Will you just let me whisper it too you?”

He rolled his eyes dramatically before bringing the bottle back up to his lips and tossing back the rest of the brown liquid. “Alright,”

I beamed up the biggest smile I could before leaning in and whispering my question. The skin beneath his shirt grew warmer as I inched my warm closer and for some reason my heart started to race. When I was close enough to him to whisper my question I started to feel nervous. I didn’t know why I felt that way though because my question was simple enough but still my stomach was in a mushed up mess.

Hesitantly at first I opened my mouth and finally spoke. “Can we leave now?”

Embarrassed that I had whispered the question too loudly I quickly settled back down in my seat and played with the edge of my-his shirt. I could feel him move beside me and for some reason my embarrassment grew even more. His long strong arm rested against the back of my chair as he slowly turned towards me. Unable to keep my eyes averted I sneaked a peek up at him between the strands of my long brown hair. One dark eyebrow was raised and his mouth formed a firm line.

“Was that really worth whispering?” He questioned.

I tugged my hair out of the way and turned my lifted up my chin. “Since I’m the pack’s new Alpha and I was asking you for permission I’d have to say yes it was.”

He watched me for a moment longer before shaking his head. “Why do you want to leave?”

I fidgeted in my seat again. “Because I have a lot of things to ask you about.”

“Like what?”

I sneered up at the man. “Things that I can’t ask you here.”

He sighed before running one of his hard calloused hands through his dark hair. “Fine we’ll leave but only after you’ve met Jackie.”

The chair screeched out from under him as he stood up. I watched him curiously as he pulled out a brown pocket and then dropped a few scraps of green paper down on the table. Before he could pull me away from the table I leaned over and looked that the papers. They had these really weird designs of them and a face in the middle of the circle. I moved forwards a little bit more and sniffed the paper. Automatically after that I jerked my head back and covered my delicate nose.

“What is that?” I questioned halfheartedly.

He reached down and grabbed ahold of my wrist then tugged me up out of the chair. “It’s money.”

I glared back at the paper with disgust. “It smells nasty.”

“That’s because it has been in a lot of different places.”

I could feel his warm hard hand slide down towards mine and without even thinking about it I laced our fingers together. His frown deepened slightly when he looked down at our joined hands. Instinctively I lowered my chin down towards my chest but tightened my grip on his hand. Admittedly I was only holding onto it because I didn’t want to get separated and left helpless in the crowd of wolves with Six stalking around, but another part of me had done it just because I liked the feeling of us touching.

I could hear my heartbeat racing in my ears when he rubbed his thumb along my figures. Small sparks lit a tingly trail up my arm and settled into my chest making it grow warm and heavy. Then he tugged my arm gently and started to guide me through the over packed bar in search of this Jackie person. Normally I would have been curious about who this Jackie guy was and why it was so important that I meet him but for some odd reason I couldn’t keep my mind off of Colt.

I gazed up from our joined hands and slowly followed the tone muscle line of his arm. Each perfectly sculpted tendon moved and tightened deliciously as we walked and suddenly I was overcome with the urge to run my fingers up it. I trembled at the mere thought of doing something so bold and instead tried to feel content with just holding his hand. Slowly I wondered my goggling stare up to his shoulder and back muscles. How could such a man…werewolf have such perfectly square shoulders? The muscle there was a bit broader than on his arms but they had just as much built. His dark shaggy locks didn’t touch the back of his collar but it did well in hiding how defined his neck was. I felt a slow growl rumble up in my chest. He probably had the kind of neck that woman wanted to wrap their arms around.

An image of Six’s doing just that flashed in my mind and suddenly I became anger all over again. How could he just let her do that? How could he just stand there while she had literally thrown herself against him? The pent up wrath I had sitting in the core of my chest started to fester. I was at the point of boiling over when I ran smack into Colt’s back.

The small impact had surprised me more than hurt me but I still yelped out. Colt didn’t even bother to check to see if I was okay he just untangled his hand from mine and took a few steps forward.

“Colt!” My head snapped over to the direction of the voice and my back instantly stiffened. It hadn’t even registered in my mind that the voice had belonged to a woman until she had thrown herself against Colt’s chest and wrapped her long pale arms around his neck. My seething rage started to boil into a snarl until Colt did something that he hadn’t done when Six had jumped on him. He linked his hands onto her lower back and lifted her up off of the floor to give her two dramatic spins. What made it even worse was that he was smiling the entire time.

A sharp stabbing pain hit the inside of my chest. The anger I had felt moments ago morphed into something sorrowfully painful, suddenly all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and whine. Her high pitched laughter rang through the bar like a musical note. I flinched that the sound as if it was a blow and started to take a step back. Colt set Jackie back on the ground and then waited until her feet were firmly planted before turning around to face me.

I froze mid step at his expression. His once cold eyes was now sparkling a brilliant green and his ever familiar frown was replaced with a breathtaking smile. Another ping of pain shot straight towards my heart even though the man looked absolutely heavenly. As if he somehow sensed my distress his smile dimmed into a concerned frown. He took a step towards me and I quickly to a step back.

His brows dropped down dangerously as anger quickly flooded his eyes. “Allie…”

A cold chill ran up my spine at the sound of my name. He had used it in a warning-nonsense tone and frankly that scared me more than if he had just flat out yelled.

“Did I hear you say Allie?” The woman poked her head out from behind Colt with a warm smile dazzling her flawless face. Her eyes lit up when she spotted me and automatically she ran for me. I could feel my eye grow wide as the woman embraced me with her small frame. “Oh I am so happy to finally meet you!”

I was about to start gasping for breath when woman released me and took a small step back. My hand rose up to grasp my fast beating heart as I stared at the strange werewolf. She was defiantly a foreign looking wolf with her black eyes and slender face but that only help enhance her exotic beauty. Almost breathlessly I repeated, “…meet me?”

She nodded her head enthusiastically. “Oh yes Linc has been talking about you ever since he met you this morning. Seeing as how you’ve just become our pack’s Alpha though I can see why.”

“…what?” I questioned slowly.

The woman laughed hardily, “Linc... you know Lincoln Fletcher Darwin,”

Perplexed at why she was mention him I added. “The guy who left his boots in Colt’s apartment?”

The woman eyebrow shot up before she looked over her shoulder at Colt. “He left his boots there again?”

Colt crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged his shoulders in reply.

She sighed dramatically before turning her attention back on me and smiling. “Well that’s my husband for you.”

“Your husband?”

The woman expression turned into one of surprise before she smacked her palm against her forehead. “Oh geez where are my manners. My name is Jacquelyn Fletcher but my friends call me Jackie, I’m Linc’s wife.”

I jerked back from her in surprise. The woman frowned at my reaction and took a hesitant step forward but stopped when I shook my head at her. “But Linc’s a human,” She cocked her head to the side and stared at me with a question expression. “and you’re a wolf.”

“Oh not this crap again.” Jackie’s smile returned before she rolled her eyes at me while laughing. “Linc is my mate and before you ask, yes werewolves can mate with humans and no, he doesn’t know that werewolves exist.” She perched her long delicate arms onto her hips as the mind blowing information she had just given me stared to settle in my brain.

My parents had taught me that werewolves could only be mated with other wolves because humans were unable to feel the depth of being a true mate, but here Jackie was telling me that she was mated to a human. Did that mean that what little knowledge I knew about humans was wrong? And another thing, why didn’t Linc know about the existents of werewolves?

I looked back at Jackie and asked her that exact same question. At first the woman looked surprised that I would need to ask such a thing and even looked back at Colt to see if he felt that same. Colt didn’t say a word and instead he kept his cold green eyes right on me.

Jackie coughed awkwardly before smoothing out her short black dress. “Well humans aren’t allowed to know that werewolves exist because of what happened back in the dark days. Back when humans knew that we existed they had hunted us down and burn us alive, selling our skulls and pelts as talisman and good luck charms. It wasn’t until our species was on the verge of extinction that the humans finally stopped hunting us. As time passed our kind repopulated but we are only known to the humans as legends.”

Pity for the gorgeous woman built up in my chest, because of all of that Jackie would never be able to share herself completely with her mate. Seeing as how I was still unmated I could only imagine how truly awful it was to keep such a large part of yourself hidden from the person you were destine to be with.

As if she could feel the pity I felt for her she gave me a sorrowful smile before bowing her head respectively to me. “It was an honor to meet you Alpha but if you will excuse me I hear some tequila calling my name.” she turned back towards Colt. She grabbed ahold of his forearm to help lifted herself onto her tiptoes and then she planted a friendly kiss on his cheek. “Try not to be such a strange Colt,”

Colt nodded down to her just to satisfy her. She smiled up at him before turning around and heading straight for the bar. Colt and I both watched her take a seat up at the bar and bury her face into her hands to silently weep. A sudden need to run over to the woman and comfort her filled every part of my body. I started to make my way over to her but stopped when Colt grabbed ahold of my shoulders. I couldn’t even look over my shoulder at him because I couldn’t take my eyes off of the once lively woman.

“Leave her alone Allie,” Colt voice was deep but it help no bit of sorrow for his friends mate.

I watched Jackie’s back heave in another silent sob as she sat up at the bar alone. How could he ask me to leave such a sorrowful creature alone? “Colt-

He spun me around to face him. His eyes were as hard as stone and his voice held that dominant tone to it as he lowered his face down towards mine. “If you try to comfort her now you will only make her feel worse. I know that you feel bad about making her upset but there is nothing that anybody can do to ease her pain.”

I turned to look over my shoulder at the woman whose sobs were no longer silent. My heart literally broke in two at the sight of such a joyous woman breaking down with no one there to comfort her. Colt reached up to take hold of my chin and turned me to face him. “Come on Allie, it’s time to go back home.”

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