(25) The Mating

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Warning there is sexual content in this chapter! You've been Warned!!


It was strange to wake up, my brain was fuzzy and my neck felt as if it was going to snap if I tried to lift up my incredibly heavy head. At first I couldn’t place where it was that I was at because everything was just a blur. The constantly moving things made my stomach pitch uneasily and a groan spilled out of my lips. Was I still in the street? I wondered vaguely, trying to focus my eyes on something solid. In the end it all just gave me more of a headache so I closed my eyes and tried another tactic.

Taking in a deep breath through my nose helped me calm down as well as help me determine where it was I was at. A comforting sort of feeling washed over me when I recognize where it was that I was at. The heavy woodsy smell with a hint of musk and rain could only mean one thing. I was back at home with Colt. Once I realized that it was like a tight seal had opened in my mind; I felt the thick warm blankets on the bed that I had slept in countless times before, through the cracked window I felt the light breeze and heard the big city noise of whistles and cars, but what I didn’t feel or sense made me open back up my eyes in worry.

Where was Colt?

My body’s desire to see and be near its mate finally worked to my advantage for when I gazed upon the room for a second time it was clear. There was a darkness to it that could only mean that it was nightfall outside and the cold air surrounding me lacked my mate’s warmth. Needing to be with him I forced my weak body up off of the bed, wincing while I did so. The fact that I still felt pain from my wounds proved just how serious they had been, but when I looked at my arms and hands I saw only faint bruises and scabs. My legs dropped off the side of the bed in a dead like motion and I slowly lowered myself to the floor.

I held a cautious hand to the throb in my side while I moved across the carpeted floor. My body was so drained and weak that I couldn’t even lift my feet up off of the ground as I moved towards the door. Normally I would have scoffed at how weak and disgracefully I was being but at the moment I simply didn’t care. I just wanted Colt.

I struggled to get my weak body over to the door and when I finally did I felt a little relieved, but when I raised a hand up to turn the knob it started to turn by itself. I jumped back when it cracked open because I wasn’t sure who was on the other side. The bedroom and hall gave off little light so the figure standing before me was masked in shadows, but judging from their broad rough outline, I knew exactly who it was.

My throat felt dry while water began to build up in my eyes. “C-Colt.” I managed to whimper out before I threw myself into his firm chest. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I cried out his name over and over again.

His arms slid across my shoulder and lower back as he held me to him. His scent and warmth flooded my senses making my need to be held by him become even more intense. I felt his lips press against the top of my head gently before he took a deep sniff of my scent. His heavily scared hands rubbed against my skin in a comforting manner as he held me tightly. He gave me no words of comfort or even made a sound while we stood in the door, he just let me cry.

I don’t know how long we stood there like that, but when my tears dried and my throat was hoarse from all my cries he gently lifted me into his arms and carried me back to the bed. I felt the warmth of the soft covers being wrapped around me but I didn’t much care for it because all I wanted to be wrapped in was Colt. Feeling afraid that he might leave after he tucked me in I made sure to keep my arms firmly wrapped around his neck, but Colt never planned on leaving.

He followed me down to the bed, yanking the sheets over himself as well before pulling me close. I let out a sigh of relief as I snuggled my head under his chin and let my hands rest between our chests. I breathed in his hot musky scent and gradually felt all of my stress and worry wash away. Colt’s hand roam up from the length of my back, into my hair, and along the side of my face in a lazily motion that warmed the pit of my stomach.

“How are you holding up?” He asked warmly as the tips of his fingers danced my bottom lip.

I pulled away from him slightly so that I could look into his gorgeous green eyes. “I’ll be fine.” I managed to say weakly. “As long as you stay by my side.”

The sheets made a soft noise as Colt moved closer to me. I wasn’t sure what it was that he was doing since it was so dark in the room.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I felt his hot breath kiss the side of my cheek a moment before his lips did. As soon as they connected to my skin my body lit up. I could feel my blood rushing to my face and chest as my stomach erupted into something sinfully hot. Slowly, painfully, his warm breath trailed over and hovered just above my lips. The need to kiss his was so great that my entire body was trembling. I needed to feel those lips against my just as much as I needed to my heart to beat in my chest.

My wolf half was going crazy with need. Need to be completed, to be tamed, to be mated, but I couldn’t let that happen. I had to hold this thirst for him at bay because it was the only thing keeping me safe from Kirk. It was the only thing holding him back.

I let out a whimper as I forced my head to its side, exposing my neck to him even more. His hot breath scalded me, and the feel of his mouth against my flesh made me shiver. When his lips parted and his sharpened teeth closed delicately over the tendon that ran from neck to shoulder, my shivering turned into a shudder, and my whimper turned to moans. His rough tongue rasped against my soft skin, and he groaned.

“Never leaving your side again.” He growled, his hard hand touched my cheek and forced upright. There was no moment for me to think before I felt his hot lips pressing down against my own. I hardly even felt the contact because something inside of me just snapped. In that one single kiss everything was made clear. Every feeling and touch I felt was enhanced until my head was pounding with on word.


We were mated together now. Completely mated. Bound to one another. We were one. The need to touch him, the need to be with him was so massive that it had white hot flames pumping through my veins. I knew that my mate felt the same desire as I did because he was growling against my lips, and his short nails were digging into my skin.

He snarled as he ripped his lips away from mine and the animal that had overtaken me hadn’t liked that one bit. I growled out at him and my hands flew around his neck, trying to force him back down, but he held firm. His golden eyes flashed in the darkness letting my wolf know the he wanted her just as much as she did him. It calmed us both a little but didn’t diminish the raw lust coursing through us.

He loomed over me as his lips torn back into a growl. “Always by your side.”

I was to filled with desire and need to know what it was that he was saying. In the back of my mind I knew that I wanted to ask him about why he had chosen now to mate with me and why we were no longer waiting. In this moment now though, I didn’t give a damn. I just wanted to be claimed.

My body had a mind of its own then as my hand reached up and to tangle in his hair, angling his head for my convince but before I could lifted my head up to steal a kiss he swooped down and claimed my mouth.

A moan shudder up through my throat and Colt stole the sound and swallowed it with a growl. He was nibbling, and tugging and sucking on my lips until they opened wider. His tongue plunged in and took her. He thrust it deep, over and over, in and out, in a primal rhythm.

It drove me crazy, the way he seemed determined to taste every inch of my mouth without allowing me to do the same. Whimpering my displeasure, I waited until he pushed his tongue back in, then tangled mine with his and sucked. His flavor surprised me. I hadn’t thought that it would be this rick and dark. Needing to taste more of it I abandoned my grip on his hair and wrapped both arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer.

Not being able to feel his warm skin against me made me growl. My clothes felt heavy and restricting against me and I whimpered into his mouth, hoping that he would understand. Growling, either a threat or a promise, he wedged his foot between mine and forced my legs apart. His knee came up high between them until it shoved the end of her long shirt up.

His rough hand was quick to tug the shirt up even higher, exposing my soft stomach and the beginning of my white laced bra. Instead of being pleased with it he only growled more and jerked his head away from my lips. I went to chase after him, to yank him back into place, but he quickly pinned me with his other hand.

I roared out my frustration and watched as a greedy smirk broke across his lips. His golden eyes drifted down the length of my body along with his free hand, making me squirm with desire. Colt let out a thick laugh that was somewhere between a growl and human. Then the noise was replaced with the sound of ribbing fabric. The constricting clothes were shredded with his sharp claws and I shivered at the feel of the cool air brushing against my exposed skin.

The cold didn’t last long though and it was all replaced with his caress. His rough calloused hands rubbed against the new pieces of skin as if he was savoring it all. A moan escaped from my lips at the pure torture of it and I could see his amusement in his golden eyes.

“Colt,” I whimpered at him, begging him to let me touch him but he would have none of that. With a growl he used his sharpened claws to tear of his own clothes before leaning forward and claiming my mouth once again. I felt the heat from him pouring into me and filling me on the inside just as I felt his bare, scarred body pressing against mine.

Sharpened canine teeth scrapped against my lips and tongue, letting me know what was about to come. I shivered against him even though I was far passed the point of being cold. Colt pulled away from my mouth and stared into my eyes. I knew that he could see my desire for him growing inside of me but I was sure that he wouldn’t notice that I was scared as well. The way those golden orbs simmered in the darkness told me otherwise, and he leaned down gentle to press a kiss to my lips. He stayed there for a moment just lightly kissing me and then without warning he flipped me.

The motion was so quick and unexpected that it caused me to yelp. Before I could move or even figure out what was happening he wrapped a toned arm around my waist and lifted me up to my hands and knees. I felt his hard hot skin pressing up against me as he positioned himself. I knew what was going to happen next and I was scared but the wolf inside of me only felt need, she only felt the pleasure. Pleasure won against fear.

With a moan I moved my long hair to the side, exposing my neck to my mate and pressed my bottom firmly against him. He didn’t keep me waiting. There was a loud roar of approval before his teeth sank deep into the spot where shoulder meets neck, and his cock penetrated my tight entrance.

I cried out from the sharp pain and my arms gave out in front of me. Colt didn’t loosen his bit on my neck as he followed me down to the bed. My legs would have given out too if it hadn’t been for his claws latching onto my hips and keeping me in place. I let out another scream of pain as he dug his teeth in deeper to my skin, making sure that the Mark was deep enough to scar.

I could feel the blood dripping down my neck and it was just as warm as my tears on my cheeks. The pain in that moment was great, so great that it drowned out any pleasure I had been feeling until I was shaking from pain. It felt like an eternity had passed until Colt finally peeled his sharp fangs out of my skin.

His rough warm tongue licked at the wound and I felt his hard body soften on top of mine. When the blood had stopped dripping down my sink he nuzzled his nose against my cheek and licked away the tears. I let out another whimper as I pressed the side of my face to his. I knew that The Mark was done and over with but The Mating was just getting started.

He kissed me gentle on the cheek and then nudged the side of me face, trying to get me to turn to him. I did as he asked and was rewarded with a tender kiss. The kiss was long and gentle, asking for nothing other than for me not to turn away. We stayed like that until my tears were dried and only then did he touch his tongue to my lips, begging for entrance. I gave it to him willingly and ever so slowly pleasure melted back into my body.

We kissed passionately until I was unable to catch my breath and the need for him to move inside of me was all I could think about. He growled again, the sound even more animalistic then before.


His length pulled out of me for the briefest of moments before thrusting back in. His thick length tunneled endlessly into me, forcing the muscles to stretch wide to accommodate him. Sensations overwhelmed me and I could decide if I liked it or not. In that moment, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he was inside of me, thrusting hard and deep until he ground to a halt, nudging roughly at my cervix. He pounded into me hard and fast and I struggled to catch my breath.

The tension built inside of me until I was sobbing for release. Colt bent his knees for more leverage and managed to thrust even deeper inside of me. I cried out in pure pleasure of the feeling of another hot inch pulsing inside of me. I couldn’t think of anything that had felt so savage or amazingly good as this. With the new position he thrust high and hard inside of me and it was as my whole world dissolved in and endless, pulsing climax. My body clamped around him as I screamed out in pure ecstasy.

Colt thrust into me again and roared. Finger gripping muscles clenching, he crushed me between the bed and his hard body while he emptied himself in me. I melted around my mate, clinging to any piece of him I could get my hands on. My breathing was so raspy and dry that I could feel the back of my throat crack. My muscles felt like melted Jell-o, and they trembled underneath him. If not for the big bed under me and his hard body on top, I was sure that on would have trickled down to the floor and stayed there for at least a week.

Colt stirred above me and I wondered where the hell he found the strength. He heaved a rough sigh and buried his face into the crook of my neck, his tongue lapping the salt from my skin in slow lazy strokes. Wanting just to rest against him I nudged my nose to his side and moaned. He gently kissed the spot that he had been occupied with and rolled off of me. He landed onto the mattress with a thump and pulled me over to him.

Tangling my legs with his I shifted my body until I was lying on him instead of the bed. The heat from our mating still warmed our bodies so the need for a blanket wasn’t dire, but still Colt reached down for it and covered me in it.

A smile spread across my face and I nestled it into the crook of his neck. Questions about why he had suddenly wanted to mate with me clouded my head but I was way too happy and tried to question him now. I tightened my grip on my mate and whispered,


He gave a sort husky laugh and then kissed the top of my head. “Always.”

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Say what!!!!!!! yeah that's right it took me a long ass time to right that because one I wasn't sure if i wanted to do a sex scene and two...never really wrote one before. Well i hope that we all enjoyed that.

So what do you all think? They are finally mated?? What could possibly happen after a moment like that? and furthermore has anyone wondered what Jackie's baby is now? half Werewolf and half god? God they are going to have a hard time raising that kid haha

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