(31) The End

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                                                 ***Must read until the end!!!***

I beat my fist against Colt’s cold chest as hard as I could while screaming his name, but no matter how loud I yelled it or how hard I hit him, his eyes remained closed. Tears were streaming down my checks as I fell on top of his chest and wept into him. My mate was dead. To know that I would never again hear the sound of his raspy voice, feel the hard touch of his warm caress, or smell his woodsy clover like scent tore me apart. My heart literally felt as if it had been ground down while still beating inside of my chest and then ferociously eaten by some cold creature of despair.

I don’t know how long I stayed there weeping into his unbeating chest; I had no way of knowing. Everything around me had faded into nothing, any sounds that had been made were lost in my cries, because nothing mattered to me anymore. My mate was gone, taken, killed, murdered. The fate that we had shared of being together for the rest of our lives was ripped away as if it was nothing more than a loose end on a giant quilt.

I lifted my head up from his chest and touched a hand to his perfectly chiseled cheek. My body willed for his eyes to open one last time, it called to his soul, to his heart, but still they would not open even though I already knew that I would never see the way his green eyes sparkled when he looked at me. I rubbed my shaking fingers against his cheek, like I had done countless times before and felt the long jagged scar underneath it.

I whimpered at the feel of that scar under my palm. It was the same scar that Colt had gotten when he had protected me from Kirk, on the day that he had saved my life, shown me the light to my loneness in the woods. To be reminded of that moment and knowing that it had not been that long ago made me feel cheated. Our fate our love had only just started to grow but now it was over, finished, just like that.

My body shook with more hate and despair before I fell back against him and cried some more. I cried until my tears ran out and my voice went hoarse. My body felt weak and beaten but my soul only felt sadness.

“It’s time to go Allie,” I turned my head until my cheek was firmly pressed down against Colt’s chest and looked up. Jackie’s eyes were red and her cheeks were puffy while she kneeled down beside me, her arms resting against my back like a light hug. I didn’t know for sure how long she had been kneeling beside me but something told me that it had been awhile.

My gaze traveled up to the dark shadow beside her. The dark shadows that played under his eyes and his gaunt face were meaningless to me. It wasn’t until I looked more closely at his dull brown eyes that I finally recognized Linc. His face was pale and sober of any emotions. His eyes that were fixated on Colt, was the only thing that gave away any sort of emotion. In those deep brown eyes were the feelings of failure from being incapable of saving his best friends life.

I lifted myself up off of my mate inch by inch and reach out to Linc. My fingers touched the tips of his and he automatically yanked his hand away from me and looked down at the floor. I felt a sad smile turn my lips as I reached for him again and when he tried jerking away again I simply tighten my grip. His eyes were murky as his stared back at me and I could see the shame and depression there.

“I don’t blame you,” I hoarsely spoke. “You tried.”

His hand tightened around mine. “I let him slip away. His soul slipped away from me and no matter how much I fixed his body….he didn’t come back.”

I felt the back of my throat grow wet as I nodded weakly up at him. “I know Linc, I know but it’s not your fault.”

He shook his head at me. “I have all of this power and still I wasn’t strong enough….I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Allie.”

Tears gathered in my eyes once more but I held them back this time and shook our hands lightly. “There was nothing you could have done Linc. Colt-” My voice broke at speaking his name out loud so I drew in a quick breath and started again. “Colt knew the risks for coming for me, knew that there was a chance he was going to die in this fight. Every werewolf knows that they could die at any moment and he was prepared.”

He shook his head more vigorously at me and opened his mouth to speak but a groan cut him off. My attention snapped over to the body that was shifting on the floor near my chains. I felt my nostrils flare with hatred and my fangs crave the taste of its blood. In a second I was next to him, pushing his neck into the wall behind him and cutting off his air. The feel of his blood pulsing through the vein in his neck infuriated me even more. Knowing that my mate’s killer was still alive while he was lying on the floor cold and lifeless made my clawed fingers twitch.

With just one snap I could end him. I could take his life, like he had taken my mates. My grip was tightening around him, aching to do it but then I saw his dead black eyes. Not once out of all of our encounters had any form of real emotion played in those eyes until now. He looked pleased and happy but not with the fact that he had finally ended it all no, the look in his eyes was something greater than that. It was as if he was happy with the way things had turned out. I tightened my grip on his neck even more and snarled down at him. I waited for him to squirm or try and fight back but he just let his eyes close accepting of his fate.

With a sick feeling in my stomach I let my hand fall away from his neck before picking myself up. Linc must have healed me at some point because my wounds weren’t bothering me or restricting me anymore. With ease I walked back over to Colt and kneeled down beside him.

“What are you doing?” A rough yet worn voice boomed from behind me.

I leaned closer to my mate and lanced my fingers with his. My thumb roamed over his unfeeling hand in a tender like motion. Kirk grunted and groaned as he tried to move away from the wall that he was propped up against. “Are you stupid? That’s just an empty corpse. Your mate is dead I killed him with my bare hands. Doesn’t that make you pissed? Don’t you want revenge?”

I tightened my grip around Colt’s hand and gazed up at his face. His eyes lids were closed shut as if he was resting, his lips were partly open, and his pale complexion made him look more sickly than dead. This image of him was branded into my mind.

With a shaky breath I looked away from my love and towards the man who had killed him. Hatred brewed up inside of me from merely looking at him but I held myself back from doing anything. “You can taunt me all you want Kirk but no matter what you say or do I will not be the one to end your pathetic life.”

His features paled even more but his gaze was heated with rage. “Why not?” He snarled. “You foolish stupid cunt! If you let me live I’ll take everything away from you!”

“You already have.” I turned my head away from him and looked at Colt. “My mate is dead and my friends are more than capable of taking care of themselves. There is nothing else that you can do to me, nothing more for you to steal away.”

“I’ll take your life!” He shouted out. “I’ll kill you too.”

A cold laugh ripped through my lips. “No you won’t.” I pushed a few lose strands of hair out of my face. “You’ve had your fill of bloodshed and pain, that’s why you want me to kill you isn’t it? You’re tired of living this lonely life away from Hailey and because you have granted me the same fate as you have had you think that I’ll do your binding, but I’m sorry to tell you that I won’t follow in your footsteps.”


I looked over at him. “You lived your life with a heart filled with rage and vengeance. And though I despise you for killing my mate I will not kill you, because I know that living will cause you more pain. Now that your wrath and blood thirst have been quenched you will feel what I feel, a painful and lonely existence.”

The blood drained from his face as he stared at me completely horrified with what I had said. My own bloodlust lessened a little once I had decided his fate. At first I wanted to bath in his blood but when I saw his carefree expression I knew that if I killed him I would be no better than him and that sickened me.

Slowly I picked myself up from my ground and looked over at Jackie and Linc. There expressions were pale as well but I could only assume that it was because of shock. I made my way over to the pair and grasped Jackie’s hands between my own. “I am so grateful to have had a friend like you Jackie, and though I wish I could stay and watch you blessed life bloom I think that it would be better for me if I returned to the forest.”

Jackie tightened our bond. “No,” Her head shook as she took a step closer to me. “No you can’t leave Allie, it’s not what Colt would have wanted. He wouldn’t want you to be alone like that!”

“I know but I can’t stay. I can’t live in a place that’s surrounded with memories of him.”

“Please,” She begged with tearful eyes. “Please don’t do this.”

I took a step closer to her and pulled her into a hug. She wept into my shoulder and I tightened my arms around her. “I’m sorry but I have too.”

I looked over at Linc whose gaze was glued to mine and I mustered up the best smile I could give. “You’d better take care of her Linc,”

His lips drew into a thin line before he curtly nodded to me. “I will.”

I was about to nod back but then thought of something else. “One more thing Linc.”


“I need you to make sure that Kirk lives as long as I do.”

One of his dark brows fell. “Allie?”

“He should suffer just as long as me.” I replied and pulled away from Jackie. I took a stern step towards the God and notched my chin up to meet his gaze dead on. “Promise me.”

His brown eyes strayed away from me for a moment as he seized up the wounded and broken wolf. Linc set his jaw with a snap before looking back at me. “I promise.”

“Thank you.” I reached over and tapped my hand to his shoulder. “For everything that you’ve done for me Linc.”

Linc’s gaze fell to the ground. “If only I could have done more for you-

“You did the best you could.”

His long shaggy brown hair pelted the side of his face as he shook his head at me. “It wasn’t enough though. If only I had used something else.”

I felt myself frown at him. “Like what?”

                                                    Linc’s Point of View

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